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[blocks in formation]
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Hall, Capt., on sailors' homes, 53, 129,

205, 322, 602.

Com. reward to, 447.
Harbour Grace, 405.
Harbour island, 452.
Harbours of refuge, 434.

Harwich harbour, progress, 434.
Hawes, Capt., testimonial to, 55.
Helston island light, proposed, 251.
Helpman, Lieut., on Sharks bay, 383.
Henderson bank, 103.
Hermus river, 238.

Hewit, Capt., on Redcar, 278.
Hind, Mr., on sun's eclipse, 481.
Holmes, Mr., ill treated, 305.
Hooghly pilot station, 493.
Hope, Admiral, on grog, 279.
Horsburghs charts, 231.
Hoy sound lights, 327, 494.
Humboldt, remark on, 291.
Humboldt's writings, 362.
Hurl Gate channel, 612.
Hurricane in Atlantic, 301.
management of, 35.
of Pacific, 610.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Leontine breakers, 103.
Letter of approval, 590.
Lewis's lighthouse, 253.
Levenside, seizure of, 484.
Liberia, commerce, 145.

-success of, 503.
Life-boats at liverpool, 164.
American, 488.
committee, 660.
axioms, 665.
remarks on, 660.

Life car, American, 93.
Light, Cape Pasaro, 276.
on cape St Mary, 437.
required, 452.

of Giedserodde, 437.
steamers, 642.

Lighthouse boards, 250.

economy, 248, 333.
cost of Gordon's, 254.

Lightning, effects of, 115.

Lights colonial, number of, 250.

of steamers, 591.

Lievely bay, 171.

Liverpool life-boats, 164.

Logan, Mr., on Eastern Asia, 19. 86,

[blocks in formation]

Loseby's chronometers, 675.

Lovett, Capt., on loss of Ardaseer, 445.
Luconia, wrong in charts, 449.

M'Clintock, Lieut., expedition, 545.
M'Clure, Capt., proceeding, 159.

directions to, 161.
latest accounts of, 161.

M'Dougal, Mr., on regulations for sail-
ing vessels, 49.

expedition of, 546.

M'Neale, Lieut,, made prisoner, 307.
Mackellar reef, Dampier strait, 42.
Magdalena, launch of, 446.
Mail statistics, 372.

Malom rock, light on, 382.
Malcolm, G. S., death of, 547.

Admiral, Sir Charles, 385.
Man, isle, light off, 493.
Manson, Mr., expedition of, 540.

March, Capt., on discipline, 427.

on passage from Singa-

pore to Shamghai, 449.
Mariners' compass, 617.

Marshall, Mr., expedition of, 541.
Martin, Capt., on tides, 191.


on Cæsar's expedition,

Mary Wright, loss of, 195, 231.
Massachusetts humane society, 439.
Masters and mates examination. 37,


passed, 45.

Mates certificates, 332.

Matson, Mr., adventures of, 242.
Capt., on Panda, 656.

Com., promotion of, 658.

made prisoner, 306.

Capt., story of, 307.

Maury, Lieut., on sub volcano, 165.
on whale fisheries, 443.

charts, 220.

on Loseby's chronometers, 675.

Mazagan bay, Africa, 217.

Mecham, Lieut., expedition, 546.

Menam river, bar, 564.

Menimen town, 239.

Merchant seamen entry in navy, 104.

Mercantile navy list, 616.

Meridian distances, 633.

Metres and fathoms, table of, 44.

Mexican, story of, 197.

Milford haven rock, 613.

Mind, conditions of, 86.
Mine Head, light, 328.

Minns, Mr., bottle paper, 437.

Minerva, American ships saved, 653.

Mooltan's hurricane, 35.

Mooney, Lieut, on Tabasco, 81, 134.

Morte Stone buoy, 276.

[blocks in formation]

Ocean soundings, 102, 165, 275, 433.
Ogle castle, cause of loss, 193.
Oil, comparative prices, 253.
Oleron, original laws of, 46.
Omar Ali, sultan, 464, 525.
Ommaney, Capt., reports, 544.
expedition, 546.
Orders to Captain Austin, 554.
Capt. Penny, 551.
Ordnance survey, Scotch, 473.
Oregon bark, rescue by, 220.
Orion testimonial, 55.
Orontes river, 59.

Osborn, Lieut,, expedition, 546.
Oxholm shoal, 380.

Pacha steamer, loss of, 597.
Pacific, north, hurricane-in, 272.
hurricanes, 610.
islands, 388.

nautical sketch, 225.
sketch of, 311.

Packet station, Atlantic, 257.
steamers, 99.

Packnam river, bar, 564.
longitude, 568.
long. of, 633.

Palawan, eastern side, 1.
first settled, 2.
traffic of, 2.
government of, 4.
no anchorage, 5.

Palm oil captains, 305.

[blocks in formation]

Pasaro, light, cape, 276.
Passengers regulation, 638.
Passages, Atlantic, 280.
to Bonny, 458.
mail, 372..

quick, 447, 391.

Passing vessels, rules, 591.
vessels laws, 643.

Pattimar, escape of, 222.
Peaked island, 451.

Pedro, Don, capture of, 247.
Penalties, application, 647.
Penny, Capt, return of, 535,

his report, 537, 547.
orders to, 551.

Pensions of widows, 106.
Peterson, Mr., devotion of, 538.
Peytons and Indians, 263.
Phoka Veechia, 237.
Phocea town, &c., 238.

Piddington on hurricanes, 35.
Pilot stations, False point, 493.
Pim, Lieut., departure, 673.
Pinnacle island, 452.

Piracy in the Mediterranean, 677.
Pirate slaver, 196, 304, 650.

story of, 242.

Pitcairn island, refreshments at, 331.
Pope Innocent, on tobacco, 79.

- Urban on tobacco, 79.

Porgas bank. 104, 155.
Porcupine as food, 298.
Porto Grande, harbour, 361.

Portland breakwater, progress, 331.
harbour, 436.

Portsmouth sailors' home, 130, 378.
Posidium city, 57.

Powell, Com., wounded, 679.
Precious and inferior metals, 113.
Prince Albert, departure, 385.
track, 169.

Privateer, Russian journal, 115.
Proudfoot, Capt., on Cargados, 236.
Pullen, Com., proceedings, 218.
Capt., note on, 578.
Pyke. Lieut., misfortune of, 306.

Quick passage, 391, 447.

Rainy season, at Bonny, 454.
Raleigh, Sir W., tobacco, 78.
Recife cape, light, 329.
Records deposited at, 549.

Redcar harbour, Hewett on, 143, 278.
Reed rocks, Pacific, 43.

Regulations for seamen, 149.
Renard, loss of, 496.

Rennie, G., Falkland island, 508.

Rescue at sea, 220.

Resolute, rock Baffin bay, 43.
proceedings, 544.

Riff pirates, 679.

Retirement in the navy, 73.

Reynolds, Capt., on hurricane, 381.
Rhio strait, 563.

Rides round Smyrna, 183.

Robinson, H., Admiral, cruize of, 254.

[blocks in formation]




salvages, 509.

treasure hunt,

Capt., selected for Labrador,

on steam to America,

Rocks and Shoals.

Acheron, cruize of hills, 281.
Aparime river, 284.
Avarua harbour, 284.
Asim Bay, 277.
Cooper bay, 282.

Foveaux st., New Zeland, 283.
Gaspar strait, unknown, 278.
Gorters rock, Java strait, 277.
Great Kikora, height of, 281.
Jacobs river, 284.

Lone Womans' island, 286.
Morte stone buoy, 276.
Needles, Bell buoy at, 43.
New river, 284.

New Zealand hill, South Ache.
ron on, 281..



Otago, coal at, 282.

Pegasus bay, New Zeland, 282.
Port William, N. Zealand, 285.
Preservation harbour, 286.
Ruspuke island, New Zealand,

Saunders cape, New Zealand,

[blocks in formation]

strike, 148.

Sailing vessels regulations, 49.
St. John's harbour, 141.

Newfoundland, 261.
St. Martin island, described, 140.
St. Michaels, hints to visitors, 431.
precautions at, 432.

St. Modeste, 356.
St. Paul's bay, Malta, 338.
St. Peter's chair, Smyrna, 123.
St. Thomas island, 304.
Salamander's visit to Formosa, 520
Salvages treasure, 509.

description, 516.
Sandjak Kalessi, 238.
Sandon rocks, 451.
Sandwich bay, 257, 287, 296.
Sandy bay, Labrador, 293.
Scotland, maps of, 473.

ordnance survey, 473.

Screw steamers, advantages of, 92.
Screw steamers, 212.

Sculpture of Pacific islands, 311.
Sea eagles, 191.

Seamen picked up at sea, 53.
management of, 430.

Seaton, Mr., on finding date, 207.
Seleucia harbour, 59.

Seven churches of Asia, 468.
Shadwell, Com., on great circle sailing,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Spurn lights, 490.

Stakes fishing, construction, 222.
Steam advantages of, 557.

navigation to America, 412.
navigation act, 633.

Steamers lights, 591.

Stewart, Capt., expedition, 539.
Stockton, Com., on Africa, 210.
Stoke's Capt., on New Zealand, 282.
Story, Judge, Panda, 651.
Stuart's hurricane, 35.

Mr. J., expedition of, 540.
Suediah, province of, 57.
Submarine volcano, Maury on, 165.
Sulivan, Capt., on Falklands, 507.
Suloo pirates, account, 527.
Sun, eclipse of, 481.
Superstition, African, 460.
Supplies at Dumarran, 4.
Surat, rambles in, 221.

a commodore's station, 223.

Surrogate, naval, 407.

Surveys of steamers, 634.

returns, 639.

Sutherland, Dr., exploration of, 540.
Swan river light, 489.

Swartz, J., on Gorters rock, 277.
Swedish scientific expedition, 447.
Suediah, healthiness, 64.

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Turks island, proposed light, 489.
Tyne, a harbour of refuge, 686.

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[blocks in formation]

lin having gone up, 585.

considered, 668.

Wells, Mr. J. S., on Ajax shoal. 331.
Whale fisheries, where found, 443.

position, 496.

fish islands, 171.
encounter with, 333.

Whalers in Bhering strait, 159.
White's models of ships, 221.
Widows, royal navy, pensions, 106.
William the conqueror, 346.

Wilson, Mr,. on the Falkland islands,


Winter quarters, entering date, 538.
Wolstenholme sound, 543, 556.

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