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AMBLER, J., and Lister. See Lister,


Anchors, Sisco's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 26

Trotman's patent for im-

provements in, 347
Antimony, Richardson's patent for
improvements in obtaining, 357
Applegath's patent for improve-
ments in machinery used for print-
ing, 124

Axles, Onions' patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 120

Baird's, J., and Whitelaw's, patent
for improvements in the method or
process of manufacturing of iron,


Balls, Macintosh's patent for im-
provements in, 354

Bands, Newton's patent for certain
improvements in the manufacture
of, 187

Baskets, Newton's patent for the
manufacture of, 187
Bearings, Onions' patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 120
Beauvalet's, J. E., patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of
iron and steel, 363

Bessemer's, H., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture and re-
fining of sugar, and in machinery
or apparatus used in producing a
vacuum in such manufacture, and
which last improvements are also
otherwise applicable for exhaust-
ing and forcing fluids, 1, 73

Bleaching yarns, Hutton and Mus-
grave's patent for improvements in
apparatus used for, 287

Boilers, Howland's patent for im-
provements for indicating the
height of water in, 289

Boilers, Mare's patent for improve-
ments in, 213

Smith's patent for indicating

the height of water in, 107
Bolts, Onions' patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 120
Boxes, Newton's patent for the manu-
facture of, 187
Brindley's, W., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of flocked
fabrics, and in the manufacture of
buttons, 185

Brydone's, W. M., patent for improve-
ments in apparatus for signal and
other lights for railways, 148
Building with sheet metal, Morewood
and Rogers' patent for improve-
ments in, 292
Buttons, Souter and Worton's patent
for improvements in the manufac-
ture of, 166

Brindley's patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of,

Cameron, J., and Trueman. See True-
man, 239

Candles, wax, Smith's patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of,


Carbonic acid, Graham's patent for
improvements in the manufacture
of, 351

Carpets, Wood's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 116
Castors, Geithner's patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of, 32
Chains, Sisco's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 26
Charcoal, Torr's patent for re-burn-
ing, 147

Chlorine, Pattinson's patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of,


Christophers', John, patent for naval
architecture, 247, 269

Cinders, Kent's patent for improve-
ments in apparatus for sifting, 145
Clayton's, H., patent for improvements
in the manufacture of tubes, pipes,
tiles, and other articles made from
plastic materials, 91

Clearing rivers, &c., Cole and Holt's
patent for improvements in, 245
Coating zinc, Greenstreet's patent for
improvements in, 108

metals, Morewood and
Rogers's patent for improvements
in, 175

metals, Morewood and
Rogers's patent for improvements
in, 216

sheet metals, Morewood
and Rogers's patent for improve-
ments in, 292

Cocks, Underhay's patent for im-
provements in, 298

Cole, W., and Holt's, A., patent for
an improved method of preventing
and removing the deposit of sand,
mud, or silt in tidal rivers, in cer-
tain cases; and also in harbours,
docks, basins, guts, or other chan-
nels communicating with the sea
through tidal rivers, or otherwise,
the same being applicable in cer-
tain cases to other rivers or moving
waters, 245

Coloured yarns, Whytock's patent
for improvements in the manufac-
ture of, 34

Colours, Jack's patent for improve-
ments in machinery for grinding,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Reid's patent for, 309

Filtering water, Thompson's patent
for improvements in, 226
Finlayson, C., Symington, and Reid.
See Symington, 309
Firearms, Giffard's patent for im-
provements in, 295


Macintosh's patent for

improvements in, 354

Poole's patent for im-

provements in, 304
Flocked fabrics, Brindley's patent for
improvements in the manufacture
of, 185

Flues, Symington, Finlayson, and
Reid's patent for improvements in,


Forcing fluids, Bessemer's patent for
improvements in, 1, 73
Froggott's, W., patent for a certain
improvement or improvements in
the process of decorative painting,
which improvement or improve-
ments are applicable to rooms,
halls, carriages, and other purposes
to which decorative painting has
been or may be applied, 243
Furniture, Geithner's patent for im-
provements in the legs of, 32

Gas, Losh's patent for improvements
in purifying, 369

Geithner's, F. B., patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of
castors and legs of furniture, 32
Gervoy's, A., patent for means to
prolong the durability of rails on
railways, 174

Giffard's, J. W. de L., patent for im-
provements in fire-arms and pro-
jectiles, 295

Gloves, Webster's patent for im-
provements in drying, 29
Gold, Longmaid's patent for im-
provements in obtaining, 369
Graham's, J., patent for improve-
ments in treating ores containing
zinc and the products obtained
therefrom, 351

Greenstreet's, F. H., patent for im-
provements in coating and orna-
menting zinc, 108

Grinding pigments, &c., Jack's pa-
tent for improvements in machi-
nery for, 291

Gwynne's, G., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of sugar,


Hancock v. Moulton, 129
Hats, Ellwood's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 23
Heat, Morewood and Rogers' patent
for the means of applying, 216
Heating, Symington, Finlayson, and
Reid's patent for improvements in,


Hesketh's, R., patent for improve-
ments in apparatus for reflecting
lights into rooms and other parts
of buildings and places, 170
Highton's, E., patent for improve-
ments in electric telegraphs, 205
Holt, A., and Cole. See Cole, 245
Hosiery, Webster's patent for im-
provements in drying, 29
Howland's, C., patent for improve-
ments in ascertaining and indicat-
ing the supply of water to steam-
boilers, 289

Hulton, J. S., and Musgrave's, J.,
patent for a certain improvement
or improvements in apparatus used

[blocks in formation]

India-rubber articles, Newton's pa-
tent for improvements in the ma-
nufacture of, 187

Indicating height of water in steam-
boilers, Smith's patent for, 107

supply of water to steam-
boilers, Howland's patent for, 289
Iron, Baird and Whitelaw's patent
for improvements in manufactur-
ing of, 98

Beauvalet's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 363
buildings, Morewood and
Rogers' patent for applying sheet
metal to, 292

ships, Mare's patent for im-
provements in constructing, 213

with other metals, Sisco's pa-
tent for improvements in combin-
ing, 26

Jack's, C., patent for improvements
in machinery for grinding pig-
ments, colours, and other matters,


Kent's, G., patent for certain im-
provements in apparatus for sifting
cinders, 145

Kettles, Wilkes's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 100
Knives, Kent's patent for apparatus
for cleaning, 145
Kurtz's, C. A., patent for an improve-
ment in all preparations of every
description of madder roots and
ground madder in or from what-
ever country the same are pro-
duced; also of munjeet in the root
and stem from whatever country,312

Lace, Statham's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 24
Law Reports of Patent Cases, Han-
cock v. Moulton, 129
Lead, Pattinson's patent for im-
provements in smelting, 371

Richardson's patent for im-
provements in obtaining, 357
Lights for railways, Brydone's pa-
tent for improvements in, 148
Lister, S. C., and Ambler's, G., pa-
tent for improvements in prepar-
ing and combing wool and other
fibrous materials, 222

Longmaid's, W., patent for improve-
ments in obtaining gold, 367

Losh's, W. S., patent for improve- Nyren's disclaimer for improvements
ments in purifying coal gas, 369
in the manufacture of oxalic acid,

[blocks in formation]


tent for improvements in shaping,
coating, and applying sheet metal
to building purposes, 292

Muntz's, G. F., jun., patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of
metal tubes, 345

Munjeet, Kurtz's patent for improve-
ments in the preparation of, 312
Musgrave, J., and Hulton. See Hul..
ton, 287

Napier's, D., patent for improve-
ments in steam-engines, 307
Naval architecture, Christophers'
patent for, 247, 269
Newton's, W., patent for certain im-
provements in the manufacture of
cords, ropes, bands, strong cloths,
quiltings, sacks, and cushions, in
which manufacture caoutchouc
forms an essential ingredient, and
in the application of parts of these
improvements to the manufacture
of pads, stoppers, tubes, boxes,
baskets, coverings, wrappers, and
other articles of utility, 187

Nuts, Onions' patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 120


Onions', W., patent for improvements
in nuts, bolts, &c., &c., 120
Ordnance, Macintosh's patent for im-
provements in, 354
Ornamenting zinc, Greenstreet's
patent for improvements in, 108
Oxalic acid, Nyren's disclaimer for
improvements in the manufacture
of, 195

Oxide of zinc, Graham's patent for
improvements in the manufacture
of, 351

Oxygenating water, M'Bride's patent
for, 141

Pads, Newton's patent for the manu-
facture of, 187

Papier maché, Souter and Worton's
patent for improvements in, 166
Patent Law Amendment Bill, 39

[merged small][ocr errors]


rules and regulations under

the same Act, 260, 263
Patents, lists of, for England, 68,
135, 200, 266, 329, 390

196, 327

Ireland, 132,
Scotland, 134,

198, 327
Pattinson's, H. L., patent for im-
provements in smelting certain
substances containing lead, 371

W. W., patent for im-
provements in the manufacture of
chlorine, 301

Pigments, Jack's patent for improve-
ments in machinery for grinding,


Pipes, Clayton's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 91
Poole's, M., patent for improvements
in firearms, 304

patent for improvements
in apparatus for excluding dust
and other matters from railway
carriages, and for ventilating them,


Preparing thread for weaving, Crou-
telle's patent for improvements in,


Preparing wool, Lister and Ambler's
patent for improvements in, 222
Preserving water, Thompson's patent
for improvements in, 226

Printing on silk and yarns, Reyburn's
patent for improvements in, 313
Printing, Applegath's patent for im-
provements in machinery for, 124
Projectiles, Giffard's patent for im-
provements in, 295

Pumps, Wilkinson's patent for im-
provements in, 213

Rails for railways, means for pro-
longing the durability of, Gervoy's
patent for, 174

Railway springs, Spencer's patent for
improvements in, 236

Reaping machines, Dray's patent for
improvements in, 152
Reflectors, Hesketh's patent for, 170
Reid, J., Symington, and Finlayson
(see Symington), 309
Reyburn's, R., patent for improve-
ments in printing on silk and
other fabrics and yarns, 318

Richardson's, T., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture and
preparation of magnesia and some
of its salts, 180

-, patent for improve-
ments in treating matter contain-
ing lead, tin, antimony, zinc, and
silver; and in obtaining such
metals or products therefrom, 357
Rogers, G., and Morewood. See
Morewood, 175

See Morewood, 216
See Morewood, 292
Ropes, Newton's patent for certain
improvements in the manufacture
of, 187

Rugs, Wood's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of,

[blocks in formation]

Shells, Macintosh's patent for im-
provements in, 354
Ship-building, Christophers' patent
for improvements in, 247, 269
Ships, Mare's patent for improvements
in constructing, 213
Shuttle tongues, Onions' patent for
improvements in the manufacture
of, 120

Siemens's, C. W., patent for certain
improvements in engines to be
worked by steam and other fluids,
and in evaporating liquids, 315
Signal lights, Brydone's patent for
improvements in. 148
Silver, Richardson's patent for im-
provements in obtaining, 357
Sisco's, A. D., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of chains,
and in combining iron with other
metals applicable to such and other
manufactures, 26

Smelting, Pattinson's patent for im-
provements in, 371

Smith's, S., patent for improvements
in indicating the height of water
in steam-boilers, 107

--, Т. М., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of wax
candles, 360

Soap, Thomas's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 348
Souter, J., and Worton's, J., patent
for improvements in papier maché,
and in articles made therefrom,
and in the manufacture of buttons,
studs, and other articles where
metal and glass are combined, 166
Spencer's, G., patent for improve-
ments in the springs of railway
carriages, trucks, and waggons,


Spindles, Onions' patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 121
Springs, Spence's patent for improve-
ments in, 236

Statham's, E., patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of lace
and other fabrics, 24
Steam-boilers, Mare's patent for im-
provements in constructing, 213
- engines, Siemens's patent for
improvements in, 315, 333

-, Napier's patent for

improvements in, 307
Steel, Beauvalet's patent for improve-
ments in the manufacture of, 368
Stoppers, Newton's patent for the
manufacture of, 187

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