| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1846 - 616 lehte
...Court in which the said action shall be commenced, in case the parties shall differ about the same ; and it shall be lawful for the Judge before whom any such action shall be tried, if he shall think fit, to direct the jury to find a verdict subject to the opinion of the Court upon... | |
 | 1851 - 552 lehte
...allowed any costs in respect of any particular not certified by the judge before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...Patent in the declaration mentioned came in question ; THE PATENT-LAW AMENDMENT BILL. and the record, with each certificate, being giren in evidence in... | |
 | Perry Fairfax Nursey - 1851 - 552 lehte
...allowed any costs in respect of any particular not certified by the judge before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...; and it shall be lawful for the judge before whom uny euch action shall be tried to certify on the record that the validity of the Letters Patent in... | |
 | 1851 - 556 lehte
...allowed any coats in respect of any particular not certified by the judge before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant respectively, without regard to the general coats of the cause ; and it shall be lawful for the jud^e before wl.om unv men action shall be nidi... | |
 | 1852 - 570 lehte
...any cost* in respect of any particular unless certified by the judge before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...be lawful for the judge before whom any such action ihall be tried to certify on the record that the validity of the letters patent in the declaration... | |
 | William Newton - 1852 - 522 lehte
...any costs in respect of any particular, unless certified by the judge, before whom the trial was had, to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...cause; and it shall be lawful for the judge, before XLII. In any action in any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Record at Westminster and in Dublin,... | |
 | William Newton, Charles Frederick Partington - 1852 - 526 lehte
...any costs in respect of any particular, unless certified by the judge, before whom the trial was had, to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant respectively, without regard to the genera costs of the cause ; and it shall be lawful for the judge, before whom any such action shall... | |
 | 1853 - 526 lehte
...before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant respectively, withont regard to the general costs of the cause ; and it...be lawful for the judge before whom any such action (hall be tried to certify on the record that the validity of the letters-patent in the declaration... | |
 | John Paxton Norman - 1853 - 324 lehte
...any costs in respect of any particular, unless certified by the judge before whom the trial was had, to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...without regard to the general costs of the cause. 58. By stat. 5 & 6 Wm. 4, cap. 83, s. 6, it is enacted, that in any action brought for infringing the... | |
 | John Gray - 1853 - 668 lehte
...any costs in respect of any particular, unless certified by the Judge before whom the trial was had to have been proved by such plaintiff or defendant...respectively, without regard to the general costs of the cause (a) ; and it shall be lawful for the Judge before whom any such action shall (a) This provision does... | |
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