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Raamatud Books
" ... or exemplification thereof, shall be in and by all things, good, firm, valid, sufficient and effectual in the Law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and... "
The Repertory of patent inventions [formerly The Repertory of arts ... - Page 62
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Statutes at Large ...: (43 v.) ... From Magna charta to 1800

Great Britain - 1775 - 572 lehte
...inrolment or exemplification thereof, ihall.be in and by all things, good, firm; valid, fufficient, and effectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and (hall be taken, conftrued, and adjudged, in the moft favourable and beneficial fenfe for the bed advantage...
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The Medical Works of Dr. Richard Mead

Richard Mead - 1765 - 278 lehte
...inrolment or exemplification thereof, fhall be in and by all things good, firm, valid, fufficient, and effectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and fhall be be taken, conftrued, and adjudged, in the mofl favourable and beneficial fenfe, for the beft...
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The charters of the British colonies in America

America - 1774 - 160 lehte
...inrolment or exemplification thereof, fliall be in arid by all things good, firm, valid, fufficient, and effectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and fliall be taken, conftrued, and adjudged in all our courts, and elfewhere, in the moft favourable and...
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A Treatise on Assurances and Annuities en Lives, with Several Objections ...

Charles Brand - 1775 - 118 lehte
...Enrolment or Exemplifi* cation thereof, fhall be in and by all Things good, * firm, valid, fufficient, and effectual in the Law, ' according to the true Intent and Meaning there* of, notwithftanding the not fully or duly reciting ' the faid recited Letters Patent, or the...
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The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and ..., 2. köide

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1775 - 346 lehte
...exemplification thereof, fhall be in and by all things good, firm, valid, fufficicnt, and eftectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and fhall be taken, conftrued, and adiudged in all our courts, and elfewhere, in the moft favourable and...
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Diplomata et statuta Regalis societatis Londini, pro scientiâ naturali ...

Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1776 - 128 lehte
...the Inrollment or Exemplification thereof, ihail be in and by all things good firm valid fuffkient and effectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof; NOTWITHSTANDING the not rightly naming or deicribing any of the manors lands Tenements rents...
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A Concise History of Knighthood: Containing the Religious and ..., 1. köide

Hugh Clark - 1784 - 394 lehte
...inrolment or exemplification thereof, fhall be, in and by all things, good, firm, valid, fufficient, and effectual in the law, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, any omiflion, imperfection, defect, matter, caufe, or thing, whatfoever, to the contrary thereof...
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Statutes of the Most honourable order of the bath. Repr

Bath Order of the - 1787 - 86 lehte
...Inrollment or "Exemplification thereof, Jhall be, in and by all Things, good, firm, valid, fujicient, and effectual in the Law, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, any OmiJJion, ImperfecJion, Defeff, Matter, Caufe, or Thing, <wbatfoever to the contrary thereof...
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Original Precedents in Conveyancing,: Settled and Approved by the ..., 3. köide

Thomas Walter Williams - 1788 - 528 lehte
...thing, in the like cafes accuftomed, or which Ihall be neceflary for the making thefe prefents valid and effectual in the law according to the true intent and meaning hereof. IN WITNESS, &c. 1 approve of this draught, M. DUANE. QUAERE fubmitted to Mr. Luane, upon the...
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The Town Talk: The Fish Pool, the Plebeian, the Old Whig, the Spinster, &c

Sir Richard Steele - 1789 - 464 lehte
...preffions. And thefe Our letters patents, or " the inrolment thereof, fhall be in all things " good and effectual in the law, according to " the true intent and meaning of the fame, and 'c any thing in thefe prefents contained, or any f' law, ftatute, act, ordinance,...
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