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Yale into correspondence with the Honorable Governor Saltonstall and the Rev. Mr. Pierpont of New Haven, which was the occasion of his generous donations. In the year 1714, he sent forty volumes of books in Mr. Dummer's collection. Last year he sent above three hundred volumes, both which parcels I suppose to be worth one hundred pounds sterling. This summer he sent goods to the value of two hundred pounds sterling at prime cost, besides the king's picture and arms, with some intimations that he would yet add; and accordingly three years after, he sent to the value of one hundred pounds more; both which parcels were sold here for an equivalent to four hundred pounds sterling.

On September 12, 1718, there was a splendid commencement held at New Haven, where were present, besides the trustees, the Honorable Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq., Governor of the colony of Connecticut, the Honorable William Taylor, Esq., as representing Governor Yale, the Honorable Nathan Gold, Esq., Deputy Governor, sundry of the worshipful Assistants, the Judges of the Circuit, a great number of reverend ministers, and a great concourse of spectators.

The trustees, in commemoration of Governor Yale's great generosi ty, called the collegiate school, after his name, Yale College; and entered a memorial thereof upon record, which is as follows:

Generosissimâ, honoratissimi Domini ELIHU YALE Armigeri, donatione, vigilantes Schola Academicæ, in splendido Novi Portûs Connecticutensis oppido constitutæ, Curatores, ædificium collegiale inceptum erectumque perficere capaces redditi, honorem tali tantoque Mæcenati patronoque debitum, animo gratissimo meditantes, memoriamque tanti beneficii in hanc præcipuè coloniam collati, in omne ævum modo optimo perducere studiosi: Nos Vol. I.


Curatores negotii tanti, in commune præsertim hujus provinciæ populi bonum, momenti curâ honorati, omothumadon consentimus, statuimus et ordinamus, nostras ædes academicas patroni munificentissimi nomine appellari, atque YALENSE COLLEGIUM nominari: ut hæc provincia diuturnum viri adeò generosi, qui, tantâ benevolentiâ tantâque nobilitate, in commodum illorum maximum propriamque incolarum, et in præsenti et futuris seculis, utilitatem consuluit, monumentum retineat et conservet.



STEPHANUS BUCKINGHAM. Which I shall translate, for the sake of the English reader.

The Trustees of the Collegiate School, constituted in the splendid town of New Haven, in Connecticut, being enabled by the most generous donation of the Honorable ELIHU YALE, Esq., to finish the college house, already begun and erected, gratefully considering the honor due to such and so great a benefactor and patron, and being desirous, in the best manner, to perpetuate to all ages the memory of so great a benefit, conferred chiefly on this colony: We the trustees, having the honor of being intrusted with an affair of so great importance to the common good of the people, especially of this province, do with one consent agree, determine and ordain, that our college house shall be called by the name of its munificent patron, and shall be named YALE COLLEGE; that this province may keep and preserve a lasting monument of such a generous gentleman, who, by so great a benevolence and generosity, has provided for their greatest good, and the peculiar advantage of the inhab

itants, both in the present and future red a very great estate; was made ages.

On the commencement day morning, this monument both of generosity and gratitude was with solemn pomp read off in the college hall, both in Latin and English; then the procession moved to the meeting house, to attend the public exercises of the day; wherein, besides the oration made by one of the bache lors, the Rev. Mr. John Davenport, one of the trustees, at the desire of the body, made a florid oration, wherein he largely insisted upon and highly extolled the generosity of Governor Yale. Eight candidates received the honor of a degree of Bachelor of Arts; and several more were created Masters. And the Honorable Governor Saltonstall was pleased to grace and crown the whole solemnity with an elegant Latin oration; wherein he congratulated the present happy state of the College, in being fixed at New Haven, and enriched with so many noble benefactions; and particularly celebrated the great generosity of Governor Yale, with much respect and honor.

After this the trustees sent a very complaisant letter of thanks to Governor Yale, and gave him a particular account of all the transactions at the commencement.

Governor Yale, the great benefactor to this College, died July 8th, 1721.

He descended from an ancient and wealthy family in Wales, who for many generations possessed the manor of Plas Grannow, and several other messuages, near the city of Wrexham, of the yearly value of five hundred pounds. Thomas Yale, Esq., the Governor's father, for the sake of religion, came over to America with the first settlers of New Haven, in the year 1638. Here the Governor was born, April 5, 1648. He went to England at the age of about ten years; to the East Indies at about thirty, where he lived near twenty years; acqui

Governor of Fort St. George; married an Indian lady of fortune, the relict of Governor Hinmers, his predecessor; by whom he had three daughters, viz. Katharine, who was afterwards married to Dudley North, Esq., commonly called Lord North; Ann, who was married to the Lord James Cavendish, uncle to the Duke of Devonshire; and Ursula, who died unmarried. After his return to London, he was chosen Governor of the East India Company, and made the donations before mentioned. And it is said, that a little before his death, he wrote his will, wherein he gave five hundred pounds more; but afterwards, thinking it was best to execute that part of his will in his lifetime, he packed up goods to that value, ready to be sent; but before they were shipped, he took a journey into Wales, and died at Wrexham, in or near the seat of his ancestors. So that the

goods were not sent, neither could the will obtain a probate, although Governor Saltonstall took much pains to effect it.

He was a gentleman who greatly abounded in good humor and generosity, as well as in wealth; and his name and memory will be gratefully perpetuated in Yale College.

A note on the 189th page of Ba con's Historical Discourses, affords reason to believe that President Clap has not given to Jeremiah Dummer, Jr., then agent in London for the colony of Connecticut, all the honor due him for his exertions in behalf of the infant College. It was probably owing to his influence, that the charities of Governor Yale took this direction.

A catalogue of the paintings in the south room of the Trumbull Gallery, Yale College, contains some further particulars from the pen of Professor Kingsley. He says: The portrait of Governor Yale, now in possession of the College, was presented by Dudley North, Esq., son of

Catharine; and was sent to the college in 1789, on the application of President Stiles. This grandson of Governor Yale was at that time owner of the family estate at Wrexham, and was a member of Parliament. From a date on the canvas, the portrait appears to have been executed by E. Seeman, 1717, about four years before the Governor's death. The following is a copy of Gov. ernor Yale's epitaph, in the churchyard at Wrexham :

Under this tomb lyes interred Elihu Yale, of Place Gronow, Esq.; born 5th of April, 1648, and dyed the 8th of July, 1721, aged 73 years. Born in America, in Europe bred, In Afric travel'd, and in Asia wed, Where long he liv'd and thriv'd; at London


Much good, some ill he did; so hope all's even, And that his soul through mercy's gone to heaven.

You that survive and read, take care
For this most certain exit to prepare,
For only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in the dust.

An engraved likeness of Governor Yale was sent to the College at an early period, under which was placed, in manuscript, the following inscription:

Effigies clarissimi viri D. D. Elihu

Yale, Londinensis Armigeri. En vir! cui meritas laudes ob facta per orbis Extremos fines, inclyta fama dedit. Equor arans tumidum, gazas adduxit ab Indis,

Quas ille sparsit munificante manu : Inscitiæ tenebras, ut noctis luce cornscâ

Phoebus, ab occiduis pellit et ille plagis. Dum mens grata manet, nomen laudesque YALENSES

Cantabunt SOBOLES, unanimique PATRES.

Imitated by Dr. Percival.

Behold the man, for generous deeds renown'd, Who in remotest regions won his fame; With wise munificence he scattered round

[blocks in formation]

As flies the night before the dawning rays: So long as grateful bosoms beat, shall high YALE'S sons and pious fathers sing his praise.

The gratitude expressed by the founders of Yale College, and the other leading men of the colony, for the " generous donations" of Governor Yale, and the very great benefits to the country and the world that are traced back to these early endowments of the Institution, we wish might inspire some of our cap. italists with a laudable desire to enroll their names, along with that of Yale, as the benefactors of mankind, by endowing such of our infant institutions as Lane Seminary, and Western Reserve, Marietta and Illinois Colleges. The cause of ed. ucation, of religion, of good order, at the West, depends on the prosper. ity of these seminaries. They need funds. But such are the calls on the charities of the middle class of

Christians, for the prosecution of the Gospel, that they reluctantly more direct measures for spreading close their ears, with few exceptions, against the appeals of these institutions. Permanent endowments, therefore, can come only from the Elihu Yales of the country—men of wealth and munificent hearts, who either have few heirs dependent upon them, or property enough both for heirs and noble charities. Let such men remember, at least in their wills, the colleges referred to a sure way of embalming their names in the hearts of a grateful posterity.


IN visions strange, upon a dreary shore

I stood where rocks confused and high up-pil'd, Stupendous forms, frown'd o'er the ocean's roar, Which ever in their bases caverns wore,

And shook the coast afar with murmurings wild.

Behind arose a forest dark and wide;

Before the mighty desert of the sea :

No beacon there the helmsman lost to guide;
No harbor where the wandering ship might ride:
Fit place for sailors' graves it seemed to be.

'Twas twilight spread with clouds; but o'er the deep
Long streaks of sky just on the horizon shone :
The winds, which never here had sunk to sleep,
Blew loud and hoarsest now ;-upon the steep
I lay, and watched the gloomy scene alone.

The waves were tinged beneath that scanty sky
Dark-grey, whene'er they reared their ridge of foam.
At distance, wall'd with rocks immensely high,
A narrow island coast I could descry,

Where men in forms of grief appeared to roam.

Oh how despair had borrowed from the mind
The outer hues and lineaments of care:
Each thought of swiftest flight yet left behind
The flush and stamp of passion well defin'd,
Like lightnings fix'd and printed on the air.

Silent they seem'd to pace along ;-the day
Saw, as it rose and as it fell, their pain.
Silent they pac'd, and watch'd out night's delay,
Save when some wildest image pass'd away,

They shriek'd for gladness, ere it came again.

Naught was to them that glorious western sun,
Emblem to mortals here of joys above:
Naught was the dash of waves, or day begun;
Day was as night, and nature's smile was gone :

The darkness of the soul obscured all forms of love.

Each to the pangs which being scarce could hold
Was fettered; knew nor felt he aught beside.
The sympathies of earth were stiff and cold;
For how could love and joy their buds unfold,
When beat by storms of death on every side?

Much was I moved by this mysterious sight;
In human fellowship my hands I wrung.

Nor I alone was mov'd; but spirits bright,
Like angels clad or martyrs rob'd in white,
In voices sad and shrill their pity sung.

Their ceaseless roar the waves now first forbore:
Sudden the winds were lull, as they began.
'Twas sadder far than earth e'er learnt before,
And cut deep sorrows in my heart, no more
To be forgot with life; and thus it ran:

Mourn, earth and time, and let the cry
Spread from the highest seraph's throne,
Through all the reign of the Most High,
For souls, akin to heaven, undone.
Lost is their all: before, behind,

No twinkling ray of joy appears;
No hope can flutter in the mind,

Or shorten heaven's undying years.
They stand like beacons lit by God
Upon the path that sin has trod.

Oh that some winged voice of love,
Forth bursting from th' eternal throne,
Could through these blasted deserts move,
And stop each desperate sufferer's groan.
"Awake and live, thou ruined mind;

Bloom forth beneath the love of heaven:
Fly from thy prison, soul refined,

Towards God, who speaks thy sins forgiv'n."
Ah! worlds may rise in chaos drear,

And sink, ere they such tidings hear.

Ah! 'tis a bitter destiny

That, while your sleepless souls shall last,
Memory, awake at God's decree,

Must brood and hover o'er the past;
That conscience may not close her eye
Watching sin's ever-deepening stain;
While worn-out hope no more can try
To escape these rolling waves of pain.
There is no ark of safety more;
There is no distant sun-bright shore.

O! could we still their fever's rage!
O, might we suffer in their place!
For pain were bliss through many an age,
If thus we won them pardoning grace.
But what avails the idle thought?

Sin past remembered, present known,
Is with remorse and horror fraught,

With deep despair and many a groan.
They cast the light from heav'n away,
And sought a night that knows no day.

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