T. P. Gillett. The work thus presents a very full and distinct view of what Congregationalism has been and now is in New England. A general circulation among ministers and church-members is much to be desired. Our Country and our Work: A Discourse delivered at the Tabernacle, June 18, 1843. By SAMUEL M. WORCESTER, A. M., Pastor of the Tabernacle church, Salem, Mass. Published by request. THIS Discourse is devoted to the cause of Home Missions; and exhibits in a forcible manner the paramount claims of this enterprise, on American Christians. The excellent author justly regards these claims as more pressing, and the interests involved as more momentous than those which belong to any other field of Christian effort. It is pleasing to meet with such indications of intelligent interest in this cause; and especially to witness such well directed means of extending the interest among the members of our churches. It will occasion no small disappointment to men of discernment and foresight among us if the income of the A. H. M. S. should fail to be doubled or trebled in 1844. Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature. By JOHN KITTO, Editor of the Pictorial Bible, &c., &c. Assisted by various able scholars and divines. MR. MARK H. NEWMAN, of New York, is rendering a valuable service to the Christian public, particularly to ministers of the gospel, by republishing in numbers this excellent work. We have no other single work which embraces the subjects of biblical criticism and interpretation, history, geography, archæology, and physical science, with all the modern discoveries and improve ments which have been made in these branches of biblical learning. We notice among the distinguished scholars who assist Mr. Kitto, by furnishing articles for the work, the names of Neander, Nicholson, and Tholuck. The Anabasis of Xenophon: chiefly according to the text of L. Dindorf; with notes: for the use of Schools and Colleges. By JOHN J. OWEN, Principal of the Cornelius Institute, N. Y. Published by Leavitt & Trow, New York; Crocker & Brewster, Boston; A. H. Maltby, New Haven. MR. OWEN deserves the gratitude of the public for giving to our youth a corrected text with good notes, of this entertaining history. A map of the route of the army is still a great desideratum. We hope it will be in the editor's power to furnish, in his next edition, this indispensa ble help to clear conceptions. The Poets of Connecticut, with Biographical Sketches. Edited by the Rev. C. W. EVEREST. Published by Case, Tiffany & Burnham: Hartford, 1843. MR. EVEREST, the editor of this volume, is an Episcopal clergyman in Hamden, Conn., a gentleman already favorably known to the public for his attainments in polite literature; and particularly as a poet. He has, for the most part, executed his task, in this instance, with good taste and judgment. A few passages have fallen under our notice which he will probably perceive the justice of excluding from future editions. The remark that the poetry of Percival "seems without art," is particularly unfortunate, since the publication of "The Dream of a Day, and other poems"-unfortunate indeed at any time. The plan of the work restricts the honor of being a poet of Connecticut to native citi. zens. No better rule could have been adopted; yet the absence of the name of Timothy Dwight, a name almost identical with Connecticut literature, throws a shade of suspicion on the propriety of the title. In determining who are "entitled, on the score of merit, to a place in this volume," Mr. E. has thought fit to deny the distinction to few Connecticut versifiers. Almost all "attempts" have found their reward in this niche of fame; and crowds of other men and women might have earned an equal right to the honor, by a few contributions to the newspapers. The biographical sketches are all of them very brief; yet this is as much as the editor could do without diminishing the sale of his book nearly in the proportion in which it became larger and more expensive. We could not, however, avoid a feeling of disappointment in several instances, especially on finding only half a page devoted to E. P. Mason, whose talents and character, if fully portrayed, would add an inexpressible interest to the beautiful specimens which he has left of his poetic genius. One Faith: or Bishop Doane vs. Bishop M'Ilvaine, on Oxford Theology; exhibited in extracts from their writings-together with some remarks on Apostolic Succession-the abuse of Luther and Calvin-and the Liturgy as a preservative of doctrinal purity. By a Presbyterian. Second edition. THIS pamphlet is the most valuable which the Tractarian controversy in this country has called forthpresenting a bird's-eye view of the principal points of difference between evangelical Episcopalians, the Oxford party, and the church of Rome. A wide circulation awaits it among the crowds whom either duty or curiosity is inclining at the present time to look into the subject. Looking-Glass for High Churchmen: reflecting the moral phases of High Churchism in Connecticut. By BISHOP. 1843. A PART of this pamphlet consists of a series of able articles on High Churchism, first published in the Congregational Observer. It comprises also a review of "A Churchman's Reasons for not joining in sectarian worship," contained in a letter from the Rev. A. B. Chapin to a parishioner. In this letter Mr. Chapin employs the best arguments within his reach to persuade "churchmen" to shun all participation in the sacred ordinances and public wor ship of "sectarians." When we consider how much of the intelligence and intellectual vigor of this country is indebted to the pulpit— to the very pulpits against which this warning is issued-we are surprised at the sectarian bigotry which would deny the benefit to a portion of the people, and exclude them from com. munion with the first minds among us, and especially at the effrontery which presumes this bigotry will be respected by an independent laity. Reminiscences of the late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D., of Newport, R. I.; illustrative of his character and doctrines, with incidental subjects-from an intimacy with him of twenty-one years, while pastor of a sister church in said town. By WILLIAM PATTON, D. D. Published by Isaac H. Cady, Providence; Crocker & Brewster, Boston; and Saxton & Miles, New York, 1843. THE author was a believer in the theological views, an ardent admirer of the character, and a confidential friend of Dr. Hopkins; and his " Reminiscences" make an interesting tribute to the Doctor's memory. The grand peculiarity of "Hopkinsianism," that men must be willing to be damned in order to be saved, is glossed in a way to make it accordant with truth-the first principle in religion, that the salvation of man is conditioned on his exercising a supreme regard for the glory of God. "If," says Dr. Tappan, “a man be willing to be saved for the glory of God, then, if it is not for his glory, he does not will to be saved." This hypothesis having no foundation, the conclusion drawn from it falls also to the ground. It being universally for the glory of God to save men who submit to his government and methods of grace, it is this submission, and not a wil lingness to be damned, to which mankind are called, and which is a proper test of a supreme regard for the divine glory. An Etymological Manual of the English and French Languages. By WILLIAM SMEATON. New Haven, 1843. THE object of this Manual is to supply those who have not enjoy. ed a classical education, "with the means of acquiring a knowledge of those foreign words which have entered so largely into the composition of the English and French languages;" and not of the words only, SPAIN. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. NOTHING has occurred of national interest since our last, except a revolution in Spain, by which the Regent Espartero has been displaced, and the Christino faction succeeded to power. This is the fifth revolution in Spain since the year 1820, and perhaps the most difficult to be explained. Common fame ascribes it to the intrigues of France; but the honorable character of Louis Philippe compels us to place confidence in his late declaration made to the delegates of the London Peace Convention, that he is entirely inno cent of the charge. That it would gratify his ambition to marry the Duc d'Aumale to the young queen, can not be doubted; and with this prospect he would naturally favor her claim to the throne against the pretensions of Don Carlos. And his alledged hostility to Espartero is at tributed to the opposition of that general to this arrangement. A rival to the Duc d'Aumale has arisen, it is said, in the person of the Prince of the Asturias, in whose favor his father, Don Carlos, is ready to abdicate the crown, on condition that the young queen will marry the prince, and concede to him the title of king of Spain. This arrangement would be most likely to extend peace to Spain, and it will be pow. erfully supported by Austria, Prussia and Russia, who favor the claims of Don Carlos. Unhappy Spain is, however, apparently destined still to suffer from domestic and foreign intrigue, and much blood may yet be shed. IRELAND. THE Repeal of the Union continues to be agitated in Ireland with unabated zeal. The weekly rent has risen from £300 to £3000, and it becomes daily more evident that the demands of the Irish must be granted in due course of law, or the kingdom will be torn, perhaps dismembered, by violence. The only peaceable means now left of retaining Ireland in the Union is the redress of grievances in respect to the church, the condition of the tenantry, and the right of suffrage. The Protestants of Ireland are about 700,000, the Catholics 8,000,000. The ecclesiastical revenues, about £500,000, are all appropriated to the established Protestant church. Great Britain can now redress this grievance, by establishing another national church, a Catholic,-and adjusting the revenues to this new state of things. But a little delay may force on a repeal of the union, place the power in the hands of a Catholic parliament, and wholly divest the English church in Ireland of her endowments. It is thought that in this event, other rights of the Protestants would be infringed, and the operation of Protestant missions and schools in the kingdom be seriously embarrassed. Every interest of religion seems to require a redress of this Irish grievance, not as is recommended, by creating a new established church, but by abolishing the present establishment, and leaving all sects to the support of the voluntary principle. We are not, however, without hopes that Catho lic Ireland may act better than our fears, in the event of a repeal of the union. She may do herself the ho nor, and the cause of freedom the high service, of placing churches of all communions on an equal footing. The condition of the tenantry affords another ground of just complaint against the legislation of the English parliament. A law ought to be enacted, securing to the tenant a right of property in improvements. Without this security he can not obtain capital for outlay in improvements, nor have any suitable encouragement to increase the permanent value of the property. But still another grievance must be redressed, before confidence will be placed in any legislation of the imperial parliament. The right of suf frage must be extended, and Ireland must have a voice in that legislature that can not but be respected. This is the most difficult concession to be made to her-the most hazardous; for what may not be feared from a strong party-catholic, and in a sense foreign-exercising a power. ful control over the whole legisla tion of the United Kingdom? The union had better be repealed than continued with rival interests, real or imaginary, to be the source of constant bitterness and agitation. Even our oil and water-not to say alkali and acid-ought to be put in separate vessels. ERRATUM.-On p. 543, read gradum for "gradem." |