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A crowd from other parishes fills the church-the scene that follows-the scandal
done to religion, and the real authors of it-arrival of a magistrate-the pretended
ordination proceeds--the vows-character of these proceedings,
The March Commission-the libel found proven-the case ripened for the As-




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Continued supineness of government,
Lord Aberdeen attacks the Home Secretary for nominating Mr. Candlish to a
Professorship-Mr. Candlish had preached in Strathbogie in spite of the interdict,
as others, without number, had been doing for a twelvemonth-the Home
Secretary yields and cancels the nomination-remarks of the Journals on this
pitiful proceeding,

Mr. Candlish's letter to the Home Secretary,

Lord Dunfermline presents petition of the suspended ministers of Strathbogie, and
assails the Church-Lord Aberdeen lends his aid-Lord Roden defends the
Church-Lord Melbourne declines to move,




334, 335

The Duke of Argyll's Bill for the settlement of the Church question, brought into
House of Lords 6th May, 1841-the provisions of the Bill-speeches of the
Peers for and against it-read a first time,


The General Assembly-Dr. Gordon chosen as Moderator-proceedings-the
debate on Patronage-speech of Rev. Mr. Cunningham,


Rev. D. Makellar's amendment-Dr. Cook's speech-will not face the scripture
argument, remarks on his views,


Mr. Makgill Crichton replies to Dr. Cook,

347, 348

Other speakers-the division-Mr. Cunningham's motion lost by 135 to 138—
progress of the Anti-patronage cause,


Duke of Argyll's Bill-remarkable speech of Mr. Candlish-his appeal to the
Moderate party-the impression made on the house,

Dr. Brunton and Dr. Hill commend the tone and spirit of Mr. Candlish, but will
concede nothing-Dr. Hill's amendment,



Rev. R. Lee, of Campsie, responds to the appeal which Mr. Candlish had made-
Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Ellon, opposes the motion of Mr. Candlish-speech of
Rev. Mr. Cunningham-the motion of Mr. Candlish carried,
The Strathbogie case-speech of the counsel at the bar,
Speech of Dr. Chalmers-What is at stake in this case-the plea of conscience as
used to vindicate the Strathbogie rebellion-that plea would rob the Church
both of her creed and government-the case admits of no compromise-the
motion finding the libel proven,


367, 368

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Dr. Cook on the doctrine of the civil magistrate's power-unlimited erastianism of
his views attempts to prove that they are the views of the books of Discipline,
and of the Confession of Faith-his amendment,
Speech of the Rev. Mr. Cunningham-three branches of the argument in support
of the libel-the Strathbogie ministers had broken the laws of the Church-
had violated their ordination vows-had sinned against Christ,
Speech of Rev. Mr. Robertson-rebukes some of his own friends-his argument
in reply to Mr. Cunningham,
Mr. Dunlop destroys a defence set up for the suspended ministers by Mr. Robertson
-the division-motion of Dr. Chalmers carried-paper for the accused read
by one of the members, after which they retire from the bar,
402, 403
Sentence of deposition moved by Dr. Chalmers-pronounced by the Moderator, 404-406
Protest of Dr. Cook, and others, against the sentence-considered by the house-
its offensive character-Mr. Dunlop's remarks on it-Dr. Cook intimates that
they do not intend, at present, to act on it,
Mr. Edwards, of Marnoch, deprived of his license,

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