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Let not your good be evil spoken of.

Be not overcome of evil,

If you

him down, and seem to crush him to the earth? Let
him remember that this is but the "cup" which his
Divine Master has given him to drink, the "furnace"
which is to try him, and fit him for the life which is
to come. Rise, then, afflicted man! Put forth the
energy you possess, and soar above your sorrows.
Perhaps your business cares are such as to cause you
many anxious days and sleepless nights. The times
are hard, business is stagnant, and money to meet
your engagements difficult to procure; and you feel
inclined, nay, compelled, to give way to despair. We
hear of such cases every day. Do not look on the
dark side of the picture! Keep moving!
fail of success in one place or transaction, try others,
and give yourself no rest till you triumph.
world is large enough for us all. Remember that it
does not contain a briar or a thorn that could well be
spared. These metaphorical briars and thorns which
encompass you, are but instruments to try the energy
of your character, and settle your capacity to fulfil
the mission of life. To all then we say, suffer no
feeling of despondency to weigh you down. Rise
triumphantly above all your sorrows and troubles,
and you will make the world better and happier for
having been born in it.


But overcome evil with good.

Let all things be done unto edifying.

He that keepeth understanding shall find good.

Men will praise thee


HAT is success to the merchant? We can
readily say what it is not.

1. It is not merely to accumulate a
fixed sum, as the ultimatum of his wishes,

2. It is not to gain the control of the market.

3. It is not to hold the rod of power over banking and other corporations, and a host of clerks, and other subordinates.

4. It is not to lay up immense wealth to leave to thankless heirs.

5. It is not to ride-like Whittington-in a magnificent coach, with servants in livery before and behind.

6. It is not to live in a noble mansion, furnished according to the expensive taste of the most fashionable upholsterer.

7. It is not to hoard gold to gloat over with insane idolatry, as a thing too good to use.

8. It is not to accumulate and to hold a vast amount of property for selfish enjoyment, with an iron grasp which death alone can relax, and then to bequeath it to benevolent institutions for charitable and religious purposes.

When thou doest well for thyself.

He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul.

Go not forth hastily to strive.

Wealth makes wit waver.

9. It is not to become a slave to carping care, at the expense of body and mind, heart and soulwearing out the body, starving the mind, palsifying the heart, and ruining the soul.

1. Mercantile success does, to be sure, involve the fact of gaining money.

2. It is a glorious instrument of power, when used to promote the welfare of others.

3. Success secures the approbation of the world; for, as the wise man says, "Men will praise thee when thou doest well for thyself."

4. Success enables the merchant to possess all the
means and appliances for his own comfort and that
of his family.

5. It secures for him the blessedness of giving-
the sweet indulgence of alleviating human suffering.
6. It furnishes the means of encouraging and pro-
moting art, science, literature, morality, and religion.
7. It secures rest from turmoil and anxiety at the
close of life, and leisure to look forward to eternity.

CALL upon a man of business upon matters of business, in the hours of business; transact your business, and when you have finished your business, go about your business, in order that the person called upon may attend to his own business.

A prating fool shall fall.

The wicked shall fall into mischief.

Action is the test of the soul.

One volunteer is worth


NERGY and force of character are among the first requisites essential to success in business. A man may possess a high degree of refinement, large stores of knowledge, and even a well-disciplined mind, but if he is destitute of this one principle, which may be termed resolution of soul, he is like a watch without a mainspring-beautiful, but inefficient, and unfit for service.

Man was never made to act the part of an automaton, or mere machine. His powers are not designed to move quite so mechanically. He is to act, as well as to be acted upon. He must give life and stimulus to his calling. Is he not endued with a life-giving power, whose emanation is referred to that original source whence alone can be derived all inspiration? Man's efficiency must give character to his business. That employment upon which is stamped the impress of a living and energetic soul will do honour to any man, in any place, or at any age. It is poor policy, indeed, to loiter till driven by force. We thereby lose all the pleasures of satisfaction. Voluntary service, urged forward by a determined purpose, will give hopeful assurance if not a full warrant of success, and all the happiness

Twenty pressed men.

Idleness is a canker which destroyeth.

Even a child is known by his doings.

Action, action, action!

of a just conquest. Behold the sluggish man! His
Occupation is a worthy one, but it finds him un-
worthy of the trust. It presses upon him with all
the demand of imperative necessity. It finds him
but a drone. He is confused by a multiplicity of
cares. He is pressed down by a crowd of responsi-
bilities, but makes no generous effort to discharge
one of them. Thus his occupation suffers, his family
are in want, and that good name, which is better
than great riches, is lost. True, man is said to be a
creature of circumstances, and he ought to be, in a
sense, subject to the superintendence of a leading
Providence; but this does not justify inertness of
character. Man, by his own decision of character
and determined spirit, can do much to remove and
surmount the inconveniences and barriers incident to
human life. Then be resolute, and both you and
your business will go on and prosper.


ACTION is really the life, business, and test of the
soul; but idleness offers up a similar soul as a blank
to the Evil One, for him to write his name upon.


Good resolution leads to success.

Perverse lips put far from thee.

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