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" The moveable estate and effects of the bankrupt, wherever situated, so far as attachable for debt, to the same effect as if actual delivery or possession had been obtained, or intimation made at that date, subject always to such preferable securities... "
Principles of the Law of Scotland - Page 576
by John Erskine - 1870 - 683 lehte
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1856 - 532 lehte
...same effect as if actual delivery or possession had been obtained, or intimation made at that date, subject always to such preferable securities as existed at the date of the sequestration, and are not nidi or reducible : 2d. The whole heritable estate belonging to the bankrupt in Scotland, to the same...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1839 - 512 lehte
...if a poinding of the ground had then heen executed, suhject always to such preferahle securities :,s existed at the date of the sequestration, and are not null and reducihle, anil the creditors' right to poind the ground as hereinafter provided ; and the right of...
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Parliamentary Papers, 1. köide

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1839 - 538 lehte
...recorded at the date of the Sequestration, and as if a poinding of the ground had then been executed, subject always to such preferable securities as existed...the Sequestration, and are not null and reducible, and the Creditors' right to poind the ground as hereinafter provided ; and the right io of the Trustee...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1839 - 748 lehte
...same Effect as if actual Delivery or Possession had been obtained or Intimation made at that Date; subject always to such preferable Securities as existed...at the Date of the Sequestration, and are not null or reducible. LXXIX. And be it enacted, That the whole Heritable Estates belonging to the Bankrupt...
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The Scottish Jurist: Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the ..., 14. köide

1842 - 716 lehte
...same effect as if actual delivery or possession had been obtained, or intimation made at that date, subject always to such preferable securities as existed...at the date of the sequestration, and are not null or reducible." In opposition to this claim Colonel Gordon pleaded, that this section of the Bankrupt...
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The Scottish Jurist: Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the ..., 16. köide

1844 - 700 lehte
...in the interlocutor vesting the estate in the trustee, a reservation of " such preferable rights and securities as existed at the date of the sequestration, and are not null and reducible; and also, reserving the objections of parties having acquired rights or securities in relation to the...
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The Law of Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Mercantile Sequestration ..., 310. raamat

John Hill Burton - 1845 - 394 lehte
...the bankrupt, wherever situated, so far as attachable for debt," are absolutely vested in him as from the date of the sequestration, " subject always to...at the date of the sequestration, and are not null or reducible." Act, § 78. The clause was found, in the case of Gordon v. Millar, 12th Ja'n. 1842,...
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Leading Cases in the Law of Scotland: Prepared from the ..., 62. raamat,1. köide

George Ross - 1849 - 772 lehte
...and recorded at the date of sequestration, and as if a poinding of the ground had then been executed, subject always to such preferable securities as existed...the sequestration, and are not null and reducible. SECTION V. ADJUDICATION FOR DECT. An Adjudication, until it becomes irredeemable, is merely a Pignus...
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The Irish Jurist, 4. köide

1852 - 848 lehte
...same effect as if actual delivery or possession bad been obtained, or intimation made at that date ; subject always to such preferable securities as existed at the date of the sequestratiou, and are not null or reducible." and moveable, and real and personal, wherever situated,...
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The Scottish Jurist: Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the ..., 23. köide

1851 - 722 lehte
...recorded at the date of the sequestration, and as if a poinding of the ground had then been executed ; subject always to such preferable securities as existed...the sequestration, and are not null and reducible, and the creditor's right to poind the ground, as hereinafter provided." The appellant reclaimed, and...
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