PRINTED BY GEORGE EDWARD EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, And published in Numbers, Price 2d. each, AT THE QUEEN'S PRINTING OFFICE, EAST HARDING STREET, NEAR FLEET STREET. A TABLE OF The PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES passed in the FIFTH Session of the FIFTEENTH Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 15 & 16 VICTORIA. I. AN PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. N Act to apply the Sum of Eight Millions out of the Consolidated Fund to the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. page 3 II. An Act to authorize the Inclosure of certain Lands, in pursuance of the Seventh Annual and also of a Special Report of the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales. 5 III. An Act to provide for the Administration of Personal Estates of Intestates and others to which Her Majesty may be entitled in right of Her Prerogative or in right of Her Duchy of Lancaster. 7 IV. An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and to extend the Time limited for those Purposes respectively. 11 V. An Act further to explain and amend the Acts for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, and in Ireland. 15 VI. An Act for extending the Term of the provisional Registration of Inventions under "The Protection of Inventions Act, 1851." 17 18 VII, An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the 78 IX. An Act to disfranchise the Borough of Saint Alban. 132 X. An Act for raising the Sum of Seventeen millions seven hundred and forty-two thousand eight hundred Pounds by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. [No. 45.] a 2 132 XI. An page 134 XI. An Act to continue an Act of the Twelfth Year of Her present Majesty, to prevent the spreading of contagious or infectious Disorders among Sheep, Cattle, and other Animals. XII. An Act to enable Her Majesty to carry into effect a Convention with France on the Subject of Copyright; to extend and explain the International Copyright Acts; and to explain the Acts relating to Copyright in Engravings. 135 XIII. An Act to amend and continue certain Acts relating to Linen, Hempen, and other Manufactures in Ireland. 140 XIV. An Act to continue an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, for charging the Maintenance of certain poor Persons in Unions in England and Wales upon the Common Fund. 141 XV. An Act to continue an Act to amend the Laws relating to Loan Societies. 142 142 XVI. An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Repayment of Advances made to Districts in Ireland. XVII. An Act for further continuing certain temporary Provisions concerning Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in England. 145 XVIII. An Act to continue the Exemption of Inhabitants from Liability to be rated as such in respect of Stock in Trade or other Property to the Relief of the Poor. 146 XIX. An Act to continue an Act for authorizing the Application of Highway Rates to Turnpike Roads. 146 XX. An Act to continue the Duties on Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices. 147 XXI. An Act to continue the Stamp Duties granted by an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her present Majesty, to assimilate the Stamp Duties in Great Britain and Ireland, and to make Regulations for collecting and managing the same. 148 XXII. An Act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. 150 XXIII. An Act to shorten the Time required for assembling Parliament after a Dissolution thereof. 151 151 XXIV. An Act for the Amendment of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills. XXV. An Act to amend an Act for registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. XXVI. An Act to enable Her Majesty to carry into effect Arrangements made with Foreign Powers for the Apprehension of Seamen who desert from their Ships. 152 153 XXVII. An Act to amend the Law of Evidence in Scot land. 154 XXVIII. An XXVIII. An Act to amend an Act of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Years of Her present Majesty, for the Direction of Public Works and Buildings; and to vest the Buildings appropriated for the Accommodation of the Supreme Courts of Justice in Edinburgh in the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings. page 156 XXIX. An Act to empower the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings to inclose and lay out Kennington Common in the County of Surrey as Pleasure Grounds for the Recreation of the Public. 158 XXX. An Act to empower the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to acquire certain Lands and Houses in the Borough of Belfast, for the Purpose of erecting a Custom House and other Offices and Buildings required for the Public Service in the said Borough. 162 XXXI. An Act to legalize the Formation of Industrial and Provident Societies. 175 XXXII. An Act to alter and amend certain Provisions in the Laws relating to the Number and Election of Magistrates and Councillors in the Burghs in Scotland. 180 XXXIII. An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the last Session, "to facilitate Arrangements "for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts, and to make certain "Provisions respecting Exemptions from Tolls." 184 XXXIV. An Act to extend the Act to facilitate the Improvement of Landed Property in Ireland, and the Acts amending the same, to the Erection of Scutch Mills for Flax in Ireland. XXXV. An Act to amend an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled An Act to regulate certain Proceedings in relation to the Election of Representative Peers for Scotland. XXXVI. An Act to amend the Law relating to the certifying and registering Places of Religious Worship of Protestant Dissenters. 186 187 188 XXXVII. An Act to continue the Poor Law Commission for Ireland. 190 XXXVIII. An Act to explain Two Acts of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty, concerning the Appointments of Overseers, and the Authority of Justices of the Peace to act in certain Matters relating to the Poor in Cities and Boroughs. 191 XXXIX. An Act to remove Doubts as to the Lands and Casual Revenues of the Crown in the Colonies and Foreign Possessions of Her Majesty. 192 XL. An Act for carrying into execution an Agreement for the Sale of Property belonging to Her Majesty, in right of Her Crown and of Her Duchy of Lancaster, to the Commissioners of |