RECEIPTS on redemption of pledges under Pawnbrokers' Act, 97 form of, 214 when liable to stamp duty, 97 and delivery up of pledges, 24 consequences of refusal to deliver up pledge on tender of the by assignee of bankrupt, 25 statute of limitations no bar if no time agreed, ib. on death of pawnor or pawnee, 26 if no time agreed pawnor may redeem during his life, ib. if time agreed executors may redeem, 27 cannot be by payment of part only of the loan, ib. cannot be enforced until payment or tender of the debt, ib. as to power of sale in default of (see SALE OF PLEDGES) right of, by person in possession of pawnbroker's duplicates, 41 within what time redeemable, ib. days of grace as to, ib. persons entitled to redeem, 96 possession of pawnbroker's duplicates, ib. if pawnor dead, his executors or administrators may redeem, 97 receipts on redemption of pledges, ib. form of, 214 when liable to stamp duty, 97 indemnities to pawnbrokers on delivery up of pledges, ib. of loans on pledges to pawnbrokers, 98 RENT, pledges in custody of pawnbrokers cannot be distrained for,147 REPEAL of prior enactments relating to pawnbrokers, 75, 205 ROBBERY of pawnee, of the pawn, who responsible for loss, 17 ROMAN LAW, distinction of, between pignus and hypotheca, 5 absolute property in pledge could not be acquired by mere degree of diligence required of creditor in his care of the creditor not prohibited from suing for loan if pawn lost, 20 if cows pledged, creditor required to account for milk and creditor entitled to fruits of thing pledged, but always re- right to retain the thing pledged until the debt and interest as to creditor's power to sell the pledge in default, 30 (notep) SALE BOOK of pledges, form of, 212 right to inspection of, by holder of pawn-ticket, 104 charge on inspection of, 93, 104 refusal by pawnbroker to allow inspection, 104 SALE OF PLEDGE in default of payment, general rights as to, 15 if live animals, pledgee may sell the increase as well as original pledge, 24 power of, at common law, 29 where a day certain agreed for redemption, ib. if no day named for redemption, ib. necessity of notice of intention to sell, 30 where stipulated time rendered indefinite by a subsequent agreement, 31 before day appointed, a wrongful conversion, 32 so also if sale on the day appointed for payment, ib. result of authorities as to, ib. without demand of payment or notice of intention to sell, 33 of a lease a wrongful conversion, ib. SALE OF PLEDGE-continued. pawnbrokers' unredeemed pledges by public auction, 98 nor where purchaser compelled to restore the pledge to the regulations as to auctions of pledges, 100 pawnbrokers may bid for and purchase pledges, 101 offences by auctioneers as to, 102 form of auctioneer's catalogue, 103 what articles must be sold at an auction by themselves, 104 pawnor's rights as to surplus of sale monies, 105 pawnbroker's rights where a deficit on sale of pledge, ib. SCOTLAND, by law of a judicial sentence required to warrant sale of extension of Pawnbrokers' Act to, 75 summary jurisdiction, court of, under Pawnbrokers' Act, 108 pledging master's property without authority, 8 SET-OFF, by purchaser of goods, payments made to factor, 46 by pawnbroker of deficit on sale of one pledge against surplus SHARES in companies, pledge of certificates of, 33, 42 certificates of registry of, may not be pledged, 7 SHOP, person keeping such for taking in goods as security for money pawnbroker's name must be kept up over outer-door of, 87 SPECIAL CONTRACTS of pawnbrokers as to loans above forty shillings, 109 pawn-ticket as to, not liable to stamp duty, 110 SPLITTING LOANS into small sums to evade laws against usury (now repealed), 83 the Factors' Acts, 4 Geo. 4, c. 83, Appendix, 149 6 Geo. 4, c. 94, Appendix, 163 5 & 6 Vict. c. 39, Appendix, 161 as to frauds by factors and agents intrusted, 24 & 25 Vict. as to unlawful pawning, 55 Geo. 3, c. 137, s. 2, Appendix, 175 2 & 3 Vict. c. 71, s. 28, Appendix, 180 32 & 33 Vict. c. 62, s. 11, Appendix, 183 the Pawnbrokers' Act, 1872, 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93, Appendix, 184 relating to summary procedure, incorporated with the Pawn- STEALING (see THEFT) STOLEN GOODS, pledge of, confers no right on pledgee, 8, 124 pawnbroker receiving such with a guilty knowledge, 124 STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU, owner's rights as to, how far affected by agent's pledge of the SUB-PAWNEE, 34 (and see PAWNEE) SUMMARY JURISDICTION, court of, for carrying out provisions of Pawnbrokers' Act, 107 SUMMARY PROCEDURE ACT, incorporated with Pawnbrokers' Act, 231 SURPLUS OF SALE,] monies on unredeemed pledges, pawnor's right to, 105 SUSPECTED PERSONS offering goods supposed to be stolen, may be seized and SYMBOLS OF GOODS, delivery of, sufficient to constitute pledge of the goods, I TENANT FOR LIFE of chattels, power to pledge, 10 TENDER of the money due on the pledge, effect of, if pawn afterwards must be of precise sum due, 25 right to discovery in equity as to amount due so as to make effect of tender by pawnor or his executors, 27, 29 necessity of tendering the whole amount of loan, 27 must be made by assignee in bankruptcy before action of action of detinue cannot be supported until after tender of not even if pledge be in the hands of a stranger, ib. of loan by purchaser of equity of redemption in pledge, 39 THEFT OF PLEDGE, pledgee may prosecute in his own name, 12 who responsible for loss of pledge by, 17 if taken clandestinely or secretly purloined, 18 presumptive evidence of ordinary negligence, 19 (and see of pawn-tickets, 114, 116 TICKET (see PAWN-TICKET) TITLE to unredeemed pledges, pawnbroker not liable for defects of, 99 TRANSFER and assignment, of the pledge by pledgee, 34 |