18 WORKS PUBLISHED BY LOCKWOOD & CO. Grantham's Iron Ship-Building, enlarged. ON IRON SHIP-BUILDING; with Practical Examples and 2. Side Frames, Floorings, and Bilge 44. Gunwales and Deck Beam Iron. 6. Rivets, shown in section, natural size; 8. Iron Masts, with Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. 9. Sliding Keel, Water Ballast, Moulding the Frames in Iron Ship Building, Levelling Plates. 10. Longitudinal Section, and Half- 11. Midship Sections of Three Vessels. 156. Double Lever Punching and Shearing 16. 16a. Plate Planing Machine. 17. Air Furnace for Heating Plates and Angle-Iron: Various Tools used in Riveting and Plating 18. 18a. 19. 20. 21. Gunwale; Keel and Flooring; Plan for Sheathing with Copper. Grantham's Improved Plan of Sheathing Iron Ships with Copper. Illustrations of the Magnetic Condition of various Iron Ships. Gray's Floating Compass and Binnacle, with Adjusting Magnets, &c. Corroded Iron Bolt in Frame of Wooden Ship; Jointing Plates. 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We have carried our notice of this book to a greater length than the space allowed us justified, but the experiments it contains are so interesting, and the method of describing them so clear, that we may be excused for overstepping our limit. It is an instructive book for the student, and a Textbook for him who having once mastered the subjects it treats of, needs occasionally to refresh his memory upon them."-Building News. The Metric System. A SERIES OF METRIC TABLES, in which the British "Mr. Dowling's Tables, which are well put together, come just in time as a ready reckoner for the conversion of one system into the other."-Athenæum. "Their accuracy has been certified by Professor Airy, the Astronomer Royal."Builder. "Resolution 8.-That advantage will be derived from the recent publication of Metric Tables, by C. H. Dowling, C.E."-Report of Section F British Association, Bath. |