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was a whole household, besides those in their employ,1 thrown into distress by that fatal sentence: "I have not a minute to spare." And yet those who caused that distress were not altogether regardless of the forms of religion.2 They were in the custom of having family prayer, and of reading daily from that word where it is written: "Owe no man any thing." * 5


This gentleman's wife, an hour after her husband's departure, was stopped, as she was leaving the parlour, by her maid, who said, "There is a poor woman who wishes to speak to you."

"Who is she, what is she?" 8

"I don't know, ma'am, but she particularly wishes to see you."


"Tell her, I can't possibly see her now, I have 'not a minute to spare,' my children are waiting for me in the nursery."


"Alas! thought the poor woman, "I too have 11 children; it is for my child I want to see her." She went heart-broken 12 from that door. The next day, that lady heard that the poor woman

1 Voilà donc toute une famille, et avec elle les gens qui étaient à son service. See page 41, note 8.

2 n'étaient pas sans observer jusqu'à un certain point les formes extérieures de la religion; or, ne négligeaient pas entièrement les pratiques religieuses.

3 de faire leurs prières en famille. 4 puiser... dans cette Parole. 5 Ne devez rien à personne; or, Ne soyez redevables à personne.

6 Construct thus, in French :'An hour after the departure of this gentleman, his wife was.''to stop,' here, arrêter au passage. 7 qui lui dit: "Madame. Never fail to use madame, mademoiselle, or monsieur, when addressing people with whom you are not on very intimate terms. The habit of con

stantly suppressing these words (or their equivalents), in conversation, has often made, to my knowledge, some English people exceedingly disagreeable, especially in the company of ladies, not only in France, but in the more polite continental


8 Quel est son nom, son état? 9qu'il (page 1, note 8) m'est tou à fait impossible (page 39, note 5) de m'occuper d'elle à présent.

10 dans leur chambre.

11 moi aussi j'ai. Notice this double use of the pronoun of the same person, in its disjunctive and in its conjunctive form, which is frequent, in French, in the case of emphasis or contradistinction. 12 Et, navrée de douleur, elle s'éloigna.

*Romans xiii. 8.

who had called upon her the day before1 had lost her child; and that the doctor 2 had said, the child's life to all appearance might have been saved, had she used 3 the means prescribed. That mother could not; she had spent her last shilling, and this was the last application of three calls she had made, and from each house she had been turned away with words to the same effect.5


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Is it, can it be, that a child must be left to die, and a mother's best feelings to wither,7 and by one, too, who so far professes the Christian religion, as to read the Bible in her family that Bible where it is written: Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to-morrow I will give; 10 when thou hast it by thee"? 11 This lady had the habit of giving people the trouble to call twice, when once 12 should have sufficed. She would not put herself out of the way 13 in order to meet the convenience of 14 others. In setting too high 15 her own time,

1 qui avait passé chez elle (or, qui était venue) la veille. See page 32, note 12; and page 28, note 4. 2 médecin.



selon toute apparence elle aurait pu sauver la vie à l'enfant en employant. Notice this turn, sauver la vie à, &c., which is similar to the one pointed out at p. 11, n. 1. 4 ne le pouvait pas. See page 5, n. 14. This turn, pouvoir quelque chose, is borrowed from the Latin; in English, the word 'do,' expressed or elliptically understood, is necessary to the sense: 'could not' is here put for 'could not do so.'

5 et cette demande était la dernière qu'elle eût faite (p. 32, n. 12); car elle était allée (p. 28, n. 4) dans trois maisons, et dans chacune elle avait essuyé (p. 32, n. 12) la même espèce de refus.-Notice this French (and also Latin) use of the subjunctive (eût) after dernier (as well as after premier, seul-p. 39, n. 6.-and superlatives-p. 13, n. 12) followed by a relative pronoun. Most of the

a value on

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* Proverbs iii. 28.

she forgot that the time of others was of equal, and often of greater value.1 Whilst she was finishing a chapter in some interesting book, a pattern in needlework,2 or a note3 she was writing, she would keep a dressmaker waiting, or send away a tradesman's 5 servant, forgetting that to them "Time is money,' nay their very bread.8(S. CLARENCE, Not a Minute to Spare.)


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Hon. Well, Jarvis, what messages from 9

this morning?

Jar. You have no friends.

Hon. Well; from my acquaintances then?

[blocks in formation]

Jar. [Pulling out bills.] 10 A few of our usual cards of compliment, that's 12 all. This bill from your tailor; this 13 from your mercer; and this 14 from the little broker

1 valait tout autant, sinon davantage; or, avait tout autant, sinon plus de prix. See page 9, note 3.

2 un patron d'ouvrage à l'aiguille.

3 une lettre; or, un billet.

4 elle faisait attendre sa couturière. Whenever 'will' and 'would,' in English, are used merely as signs of the present and the past, not of the future and the conditional (and they are so used to express the regular recurrence of an action or state), the student must always translate into French by the present and the past. The expression, it is true, is weakened thereby, but this is inevitable, as the English form does not exist in the French language.

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in Crooked-lane. He says he has been at a great deal of trouble1 to get back 2 the money you borrowed.3

we were at a

Hon. That I don't know; but I'm sure great deal of trouble in getting him 5 to lend it. Jar. He has lost all patience.

Hon. Then he has lost a very good thing.


Jar. There's that ten guineas you were sending to the poor gentleman and his children in the Fleet.8 I believe that would stop his mouth, for a while at least. Hon. Ay,10 Jarvis, but what will fill their mouths 11 in the meantime ? Must I be cruel because he happens to be 12 importunate; and, to relieve his avarice, leave them to insupportable distress? 13

Jar. S'death! 14 sir, the question now is how 15 to re

1 a eu beaucoup de peine de mal (or, bien de la peine du mal).

2 à ravoir this verb, ravoir, 'to have again,' 'to recover,' 'to get back,' is only used in the present infinitive.

3 Translate here by the preterite indefinite ('you have borrowed'), and supply the ellipsis, besides, by using the pronoun understood in English.

4 Je ne sais; ce qui est (or, ce qu'il y a de-see p. 49, n. 2) certain, c'est que. See p. 50, n. 8.

5 à obtenir de lui qu'il (with the preterite subjunctive). 6 ces; or, les.

7 alliez envoyer; or, étiez sur le point d'envoyer.

8 à la famille de ce pauvre monsieur, (or, gentilhomme-obsolete, but still applicable to noblemen, and, by extension, to gentlemen of the olden time) qui est dans la prison pour dettes-or, en prison pour dettes. The former expression, dans la prison, &c., points to a particular place of this kind ('the Fleet,' in the text: in our days, the Queen's prison,' and that of 'Whitecross-street,' in London; and, in Paris, that of the Rue de Clichy, commonly called 'Clichy').

9 le ferait taire (or, lui fermerait la bouche-see p. 11, note 1). 10 Qui-da.

11 les fera vivre.-This play on words, viz. on the one hand, 'to stop the mouth of one,' i. e. 'to reduce him to silence,' and, on the other hand, 'to fill the mouth of one,' i. e. 'to feed, to support, or nourish him,' was to be rendered into French-in order to avoid weakening the meaning- by an equivalent, at least, if the literal translation was found to fail in that purpose. I have rendered it by putting in opposition the expressions faire taire and faire vivre, which is, I believe, the only way in which it can be managed: fermer la bouche a quelqu'un would have done very well, in the first instance, but, in the second, unfortunately, remplir la bouche à quelqu'un cannot be used figuratively in the English sense mentioned above.

12 il se trouve être; or, il lui arrive (impersonal) d'être.

13 to relieve,' pour subvenir à. 'insupportable distress;' see p. 26, note 2.

14 Morbleu! (vulgar.)

15 il s'agit actuellement (or, à cette heure aujourd'hui) de.-'to


lieve yourself. Yourself-hav'n't I reason1 to be out of my senses,2 when I see things going at sixes and sevens ? 3 Hon. Whatever reason you may have for being out of your senses, I hope you'll allow 5 that I'm not quite unreasonable for continuing in mine."


Jar. You're the only man alive,7 in your present situation, that could do so.-Everything upon the waste.9 There's Miss Richland and her fine fortune gone 10 already, and upon the point of being given to your rival.

Hcn. I'm no man's rival.

Jar. Your uncle in Italy preparing to disinherit you; your own fortune almost spent; and nothing but pressing creditors, false friends,12 and a pack of drunken servants, that your kindness has made unfit for 13


any other Hon. Then they have the more occasion for being 14 in mine.

relieve yourself;' see page 38, note 13, and page 37, note 3.


1 Do not forget that avoir lieu (de) means 'to have reason, grounds' (to, &c.), whereas avoir raison means 'to be in the right.' See page 39, note 3.

2 d'être hors de moi; or, 'hav'n't I reason to be out,' &c., n'y a-t-il pas de quoi (lit. 'wherewith,' ' occasion for,' 'grounds to,') me faire sortir-me mettre hors-des gonds (or, me mettre hors de moi).

3 d la débandade; or, à l'abandon; or, à la diable (familiar). We also say, être sens dessus dessous.

4 motif. We say avoir lieu (to have reason), and also il y a lieu (there is reason), but we can only use lieu, in this sense, in an indeterminate manner, without any article: thence it follows, in accordance with the same rule, by virtue of which we cannot say un lieu, in this acceptation, that we cannot either say quelque lieu que, whatever reason,' any more than quel lieu (what reason). See p. 39, n. 5. -Remember, besides, that quelque

• que ('whatever,' or 'however,') requires the subjunctive after it (p. 36, n. 9).

5 tu conviendras; or, tu m'accor



que je n'ai pas tout à fait tort (or, qu'il n'est pas tout à fait absurde à moi) de rester dans mon bon sens de n'en pas sortir aussi.

7 Personne au monde que vous; and leave out 'that.'

8 en pareil cas.-'could do so;' see p. 5, note 14, and p. 44, n. 4, but use the conditional mood here. 9 Tout en voie de gaspillage! 10 perdues pour vous. 11 et rien autour de vous. 12 Remember that de is generally used instead of the partitive article du, de la, des, when the noun, taken in a partitive sense, is preceded immediately by an adjective.

13 qui, grâce à votre bonté, ne sont plus propres (or, ne sont à cette heure rien moins que propres) à servir dans.-'family;' see page 32, note 5.

14 Raison de plus pour qu'ils soient.

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