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SURINAM. Stations, 12; 34 Missionaries and 33 Female Assistants, together 67 persons; 14 Schools; 2,084 Scholars; 24,777 converts.

SOUTH AFRICA.-Stations, 12; 32 Missionaries and 30 Female Assistants, together 62 persons; 2 Native Missionaries; 24 Schools; 2,160 Scholars; 8,890


AUSTRALIA.-Stations, 2; 3 Missionaries and 3 Female Assistants; 16 converts; 1 school; 14 Scholars.

INTERIOR OF AUSTRALIA.-Missionaries 4. This is a new Mission, and the Missionaries are engaged in exploring the country.

WEST HIMALAYA.-Stations, 2; 4 Missionaries and 4 Female Assistants; 1 School; 15 Scholars.


MISSIONS.-Number of Missions, 15; number of Stations, 87; number of preaching places as given last year, 307.

LABORERS.-Number of Ordained Missionaries, 148; Number of Assistants not ordained, 16; Number of Female Assistants, 146; whole number of laborers sent out by the Church at Home, 306; number of ordained Native Missionaries, 4; Number of Unordained Native Missionaries, 6; Number of National Assistants, as far as reported, 458; number of Female National Assistants, as far as reported, 368; Whole number of Native Laborers, 825; whole number of Laborers, foreign and native, as far as reported, 1,142.

EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT.-Number of Training Schools, 7; number of Station and Country Schools, 178; number of Sunday Schools, as far as reported, 90; whole number of Schools, 275; number of Pupils in Training Schools, 67; number of Pupils in Station and Country Schools, 15,556; number of Pupils in Sunday Schools, 13,110; whole number of Pupils, as far as reported, 28,733.

THE PRESS. Number of Printing Establishments, 2; number of periodicals published, 3.

THE CONVERTS.-Number of Baptized Members, 32,666; number of Candidates, 15,538; whole number of Adult Converts, 48,204; number of Baptized Children, 23,819; whole number of persons under instruction, 72,033.

The whole number of converts is 4,350 less than at the time of the publication of the last annual report.


The following statistics appear in a late number of the New York Tablet, a Romish Newspaper. We do not place much reliance on these tables, but give them as a matter of curiosity:

Recent statistical tables represent the entire Roman Catholic population as not exceeding 150 millions. Balbi had made it 137 millious in 1827. But both estimates are certainly below the truth. It may be rated, in round numbers, at 200 millions, although, if we follow official documents, including both civil and ecclesiastical enumerations, and the best data of modern geographers, we shall find an aggregate little short of 208 millions.

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It is curious, in connection with this matter, to study the progress of the Roman Catholic Church in the last quarter-century. For this purpose, we may best satisfy inquiry by giving the movement as it shows itself in two very decidedly Protestant countries, Great Britain and Holland. We subjoin an official statistic comprising England and Scotland.

The expenditure for the erection or repair of churches, for conventual buildings, hospitals, orphan asylums, and other charitable establishments, has been beyond all precedent since the ages of high religious fervor.

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To this we annex the Roman Catholic increase in the Low Countries in 50 years:

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But of all the countries which have participated in this remarkable "revival," the United States present the most honorable and glorifying results. If we compare the year 1808 with 1857, we shall find:

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The number of missionary priests sent from Rome, amounted, in 1864, to 2,055.

Another authority, "The Catholic World," has the following:

STATISTICS OF CATHOLICISM.-In the world there are over 200,000,000 Roman Catholics. There are 5,000,000 in the United States. The government of the Church in the United States, is divided into 43 Dioceses and 3 Vicariates-Apostolic, presided over by 45 Bishops,--the Diocese of Baltimore being the Metropolitan See. There are 3,795 churches, 2,317 clergymen, 49 ecclesiastical institutions, 29 colleges, 134 schools for girls. (In 1808, there were 2 Bishops, 80 churches, and 68 clergymen, and about 5 colleges) There are over 66 asylums for orphans, 26 hospitals, with 3,000 beds, 4 insane asylums. (The latter part of the statistics are much below the real number.) There are in the Italian States 23,500,000 Roman Catholics; Spain, 17,000,000; France, 36,000,000; Great Britain, 7,500,000; China, 1,000,000; Austrian Empire, 30,000,000; Prussia, 7,000,000; Bavaria, 3,600,000. In the German States, 3,000,000; Poland, 400,000; Russia, 3,000,000; Turkey, 1,000,000; Mexico, 8,000,000; Brazil, 8,500,000; Canada, 1,560,000. The Roman Catholic population of Europe is 149,194,000; Asia, 9,666,000; Africa, 4.071,000; America, 47,970,000. There are over 2,000 missionaries, (490 of whom are Jesuits,) in foreign parts, from Italy alone, one half of whom are occupied in China, Japan, Corea, and India. They travel without money, and depend entirely for their support upon the natives. At least one-fifth of them meet with a violent death. In the District of Pekin alone there are 70,000 Catholics, notwithstanding constant persecution.


It is with no ordinary feelings that we congratulate our readers on entering upon the eighteenth Volume, and the nineteenth year, of the American Quarterly Church Review. It is now almost twenty years since, in company with the Rev. Jas. MacKay, afterwards of Scotland, and still later of India, we visited Hartford, Conn., to consult the late Rt. Rev. Bishop Brownell, the Rev. Dr. Jarvis, and other Clergy, respecting the plan of a Quarterly Church Review. What seemed a casual circumstance, first suggested the undertaking. Little did we then know of the care and labor which we were about to assume. We regarded such an experiment rather as an agreeable diversion from the graver duties of the Ministry, especially as aided by our friend, already accustomed to Editorial labor. Nor did we anticipate that it would, to such an extent, separate us from the active duties of a calling to which we were bound by every consideration of duty and feeling. Unexpected events almost at once threw the whole responsibility of the enterprise upon our hands. It had already been carried too far to be abandoned; and, at the special advice of our Bishop, we relinquished every other engagement for the purpose of establishing the Review and of doing the work of the Church through its pages. Its ceaseless drudgery, and perpetual annoyances, the thankless task of much of its labor, are often so irksome, that we long for the more congenial paths of a Pastor of Christ's flock, and we have been tempted again and again to seek such a relief.

Within this almost score of years, the Church has passed through at least two crises in her history; one doctrinal, the other growing out of civil and political events. She is now entering upon a period, as it seems to us, of the greatest possible promise, and of the most imminent peril; when her foundations are to be tried to the uttermost. Romanism, and Radicalism, and Rationalism, are contending for the mastery in this great Republic, with all their might. The course of the Review has been a plain one. At the very outset, a few simple rules, based upon fundamental principles, were adopted as our guide in the management of the work; from them we have never swerved; and they have been equal to our necessities. We shall not depart from them in future.

The Review has not been a labor in vain. Besides discussions of a more general character, the rescuing of King James' Version of the Bible from mutilation; the Free Church Movement; the return of the Church to the Primitive pattern in respect to Diocesan divisions and Episcopal jurisdiction; the Provincial System; the defense of an Apostolic Ministry from treachery; the attacks of Romanism and Rationalism; the new phases of Modern Infidelity, and especially the insidious assaults upon the Gospel by sciolists in Natural Science; Christian Nurture and Education; Church Unity; and last, but not least, Church Life and Church Work,-these are some of the points which have been fully discussed in the Review, and by some of the ablest writers in the Church. In regard to some of these themes, we have but just entered upon their examination. Almost everything is yet to be done before the Church is fully roused to a sense of their importance. Within the next decade, new duties, and new forms of conflct, are evidently in prospect. With the most wonderful opportunities of growth ever before the Church, she seems likely enough to be distracted and weakened by the madness of internal dissensions. Now, as at the first, while the watchmen are sleeping or quarrelling, the enemy are sowing tares. May God give us all wisdom, and strength, and boldness, to meet the issue, come how and when it may.

We publish, in this Number of the Review, the names of all the writers in the last nine volumes. If there is talent, learning, high literary culture, doctrinal soundness, and loyalty to sound Church principles within the Church, they are found in the list of names which We now give. Several other gentlemen, thoroughly furnished for such work, and in full sympathy with the Review, have promised contributions hereafter.


There is one feature of the Review steadily kept in mind, and, as we think, more and more developed in its course, to which we ask special attention. A Quarterly Review, in the estimation of most people, has come to be regarded as a synonym for heaviness and dullness, and as adapted only to the tastes and capacities of the Clergy, and professional scholars. Now, we propose that every Number of this Review shall have something in it which scholars will read with interest. Neither do we propose to cater to the appetites of morbid sentimentalists of either sex. Such persons will find what they seek in abundance elsewhere. But we do mean, distinctly, that the Review shall address, and engage the attention of thoughtful men and women in the Church, and shall do something, at least, to meet their wants, to

guide and fortify them as members of Christ's Church at such an age and in such a day as this. Romanists are spreading broad-cast their "Tracts for the People." Deists and Infidels are endowing Schools and Colleges, and Periodicals, to gain and control the public mind. Churchmen, in behalf of themselves, their families, their sons and their daughters, cannot afford to be indifferent to the movements and tendencies of the age and times. While we do not suppose that they are to become sensationalists or alarmists, for this not their mood, yet they must, and will, if they are true to themselves, keep an eye upon what is passing around them. Such persons will, we hope, find the Review the very thing that they need, and to be worthy of careful preservation.

We take pleasure in saying, that the Review enters upon a new Volume with a subscription list much larger than at any past period in its history. We publish already an addition of between four and five thousand copies, and we expect to extend the circulation. For this we rely upon the efficiency of our General Agent, the Rev. C. W. Homer, and upon the coöperation of the friends of the Review in all parts of the country. We ask such interest in behalf of the work. We believe the living, working Clergy will find it a valuable adjunct in their Parishes. At present prices it costs us nearly as much to publish the Review as we receive for it, so that we must insist on prompt payments, and, as far as convenient, strictly in advance.

NOTE. In two Articles in this Number (Arts. IV. and VII.) different interpretations are given as to what it is right to sing, before and after Morning and Evening Prayer. Both writers are "masters in Israel," and we give the construction of each. The need of a Rubric on the subject is apparent.

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