Blest Comforter, with peace and joy Thy new-made creature crown.
5. Eternal, undivided Lord,
Co-equal, One in Three, On thee all faith, all hope be plac'd, All love be paid to thee.
Hymn 252. P. M. 1.THOU great mysterious God unknown,
Whose love hath gently led me on, Ev'n from my infant days; Mine inmost soul expose to view, And tell me if I never knew, Thy justifying grace.
2. If I have only known thy fear, And follow'd with a heart sincere, Thy drawing from above : Now, now the farther grace bestow, And let my sprinkled conscience know, Thy sweet forgiving love.
3.. Short of thy love I would not stop, A stranger to the gospel hope, The sense of sin forgiv'n: I would not, Lord, my soul deceive, Without the inward witness live, That antepast of heav'n..
4. Whate'er obstructs thy pard'ning love, Or sin, or righteousness, remove, Thy glory to display : My heart of unbelief convince, And now absolve me from my sins, And take them all away.
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Hymn 253. L. M..
Y hope, my all, my Saviour thou, To thee, lo! now my soul I bow::
I feel the bliss thy wounds impart, I find thee, Saviour, in my heart.-
2. Be thou my strength, be thou my way, Protect me through my life's short day; In all my acts may wisdom guide, And keep me, Saviour, near thy side.
3. Correct, reprove, and comfort me; As I have need, my Saviour be: And if I would from thee depart, Then clasp me, Saviour, to thy heart..
4. In fierce temptation's darkest hour Save me from sin and satan's pow'r; Tear ev'ry idol from thy throne, And reign, my Saviour-reign alone. 5. My suff'ring time shall soon be o'er, Then shall I sigh and weep no more: My ransom'd soul shall soar away, To sing thy praise in endless day..
Hymn 254. г. м.
WHEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be
That I shall find my all
The fulness of thy promise prove, 'The seal of thine eternal love ?
2. A poor blind child I wander here, If haply I may feel thee near: O dark! dark! dark! I still must say, Amidst the blaze of gospel-day.
3. Thee, only thee, I fain would find, And cast the world and sin behind : Thou, only thou, to me be giv'n, Of all thou hast in earth or heav'n.
4. When from the arm of flesh set free, Jesus, my soul shall fly to thee: Jesus, when I have lost my all, I shall upon thy bosom fall.
HOM man forsakes thou wilt not leave, Ready the outcasts to receive ;
Though all my simpleness I own, And all my faults to thee are known. 2. Ah! wherefore did I ever doubt ? Thou wilt in no wise cast me out: A helpless soul that comes to thee, With only sin and misery.
3. Lord, I am sick, my sickness cure : I want, do thou enrich the poor: Under thy mighty hand I stoop; O lift the abject sinner up!
4. Lord, I am blind, be thou my sight: Lord, I am weak, be thou my might ! A helper of the helpless be, And let me find my all in thee !
IERCE, fill me with My utter helplessness reveal :
an humble fear;
Satan and sin are always near; Thee, may I always nearer feel! 2.O! that to thee my constant mind Might with an even flame aspire; Pride in its earli'st motions find, And mark the risings of desire. 3. O! that my tender soul might fly The first abhorr'd approach of ill; Quick, as the apple of an eye, The slightest touch of sin to feel !
4. Till thou anew my soul create, Still may I strive, and watch and pray: Humbly and confidently wait, And long to see the perfect day.
Hymn 257. L. M.
GOD, most merciful and true, Thy nature to my soul impart; 'Stablish with me the cov'nant new, And stamp thine image on my heart. 2. To real holiness restor'd,
O let me gain my Saviour's mind; And in the knowledge of my Lord Fulness of life eternal find.
3. Remember, Lord, my sins no more; Though them I may no more forget; But, sunk in guiltless shame, adore With speechless wonder at thy feet. 4. O'erwhelm'd with thy stupendous grace I shall not in thy presence move; But breathe unutterable praise
In rapt'rous awe and silent love. 5. Then ev'ry murm'ring thought and vain Expires, in sweet confusion lost: I cannot of my cross complain, I cannot of my goodness boast. 6. Pardon'd for all that I have done, My mouth as in the dust I hide, And glory give to God alone, My God forever pacify'd!
'AIN of life, to all below,
Let thy salvation roll :
Water, replenish, and o'erflow Ev'ry believing soul.
2. Into that happy number, Lord, Us weary sinners take; Jesus, fulfill thy gracious word, For thine own mercy's sake.
3. Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we shall flow to thee :
While down the stream of time we glide, To our eternity.
4. The well of life to us thou art, Of joy the swelling flood; Wafted by thee, with willing heart, We swift return to God.
5. We soon shall reach the boundless sea,
Into thy fulness fall;
Be lost and swallow'd up in thee, Our God, our all in all.
Hymn 259. с. м.
1. ASK the gift of righteousness, The sin-subduing pow'r : Pow'r to believe and go in peace, And never grieve thee more. 2. My ardent soul cries out, oppress'd, Impatient to be freed !
Nor can I, Lord, nor will I rest, 'Till I am sav'd indeed.
3. Art thou not able to convert, Art thou not willing too ? To change this old, rebellious heart, To conquer and renew?
Characters of the children of God. 1. Pet. ii. 2. 1. John iii. 9.
S new-born babes desire the breast To feed, and grow, and thrive:
So saints with joy the gospel taste, And by the gospel live.
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