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5. In the Redeemer, as my head,
The cov'nant is established:
In him the promises are yea,
In him Amen, and not in me.



Hymn 268. s. M.

AITH!'tis a precious grace,
Where'er it is bestow'd!

It boasts of a celestial birth,
And is the gift of God.

2. Jesus it owns a King,
An all-atoning Priest,
It claims no merit of its own,
But looks for all in Christ.

3. To him it leads the soul,
When fill'd with deep distress;
Flies to the fountain of his blood,
And trusts his righteousness.

4. Since 'tis thy work alone,
And that divinely free;
Lord, send the Spirit of thy Son
. To work this faith in me.


Hymn 269. c. м.

AITH adds new charms to

earthly bliss,

And saves me from its snares:

Its aid in ev'ry duty brings,

And softens all my cares :

2. Extinguishes the thirst of sin,
And lights the sacred fire
Of love to God, and heav'nly things,
And feeds the pure desire.

3. The wounded conscience knows its pow'r

The healing balm to give;

That balm the saddest heart can cheer,

And make the dying live.

4. Wide it unveils celestial worlds,
Where deathless pleasures reign;
And bids me seek my portion there,
Nor bids me seek in vain.

5. Shews me the precious promise seal'd
With the Redeemer's blood;

And helps my feeble hope to rest
Upon a faithful God.

6. There, there unshaken would I rest,
'Till this vile body dies;
And then on Faith's triumphant wings
At once to glory rise.


Hymn 270. L. M.

Faith connected with salvation. Rom. i. 16.
Heb. x. 39.


OT by the law of innocence
Can Adam's sons arrive to heav'n:

No works can give us a pretence
To have our former sins forgiv'n.
2. Not the best deeds that we have done
Can make a wounded conscience whole;
Faith is the grace, and faith alone,
That flies to Christ, and saves the soul.

3. Lord, I believe thy heav'nly word,
Fain would I have my soul renew'd:
I mourn for sin, and trust thee, Lord,
To have it pardon'd and subdu'd.
4. O may thy grace its power display !
Let guilt and death no longer reign;
Save me in thine appointed way,
Nor let my humble faith be vain.



Hymn 271. L. M.

IS by the faith of joys to come
We walk through deserts dark as night,
Till we arrive at heav'n, our home;
Faith is our guide, and faith our light.

2. The want of sight she well supplies,
She makes the pearly gates appear;
Far into distant worlds she pries,
And brings eternal glories near.
3. Cheerful we tread the desert through,
While faith inspires a heav'nly ray,
Tho' lions roar, and tempests blow,
And rocks and dangers fill the way.
4. So Abrah'm, by divine command,
Left his own house to walk with God;
His faith beheld the promis'd land,
And fir'd his zeal along the road.



Hymn 272. с. м..

ORD, I I believe a rest remains
To all thy people known:
A rest where pure enjoyment reigns;
And thou art lov'd alone..

2. A rest where all our soul's desire

Is fix'd on things above;
Where fear, and sin, and grief expire,
Cast out by perfect love.

3. I would be thine, thou know'st I would,.
And have thee all my own;
Thee, O my all-sufficient good,
I want, and thee alone.



Hymn 273. с. м.


ATHER, I stretch my hands to thee,
No other help I know:

If thou withdraw thyself from me,
Ah, whither shall I go?

2. What did thine only Son endure,
Before I drew my breath!

What pain, what labour to secure
My soul from endless death!

3. O Jesus, could I this believe,

I now should feel thy pow'r:
Now my poor soul thou wouldst retrieve,
Nor let me wait one hour.

4. Author of faith, to thee I lift
My weary, longing eyes;
O let me now receive that gift;
My soul without it dies.

5. Surely thou canst not let me die;
O speak and I shall live!
And here I will unweary'd lie;
'Till thou thy Spirit give.

6. The worst of sinners would rejoice,
Could they but see thy face,
O let me hear thy quick'ning voice,
And taste thy pard'ning grace!



Hymn 274. Р. М.

ESUS, Shepherd of thy sheep, Pity my unsettled soul; Guide, and nourish me, and keep,

'Till thy love shall make me whole: Give me perfect soundness, give; Make me steadfastly believe.

2. I am never at one stay;

Changing ev'ry hour I am :

But thou art es yesterday,
Now and even more the same:
Constancy to me impart,
'Stablish with thy grace my heart.
3. Lay thy weighty cross on me,
All my unbelief controul:
Till the rebel cease to be,
Keep him down within my soul:


That he never more may move, Root and ground me fast in love. 4. Give me faith to hold me up, Walking over life's rough sea; Holy purifying hope,

Still my soul's sure anchor be: That I may be always thine, Perfect me in love divine.

Hymn 275. s. M.


I dare believe

Thee merciful and true:

Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive,
My fallen soul renew.

2. Come then, for Jesu's sake,
And bid my heart be clean :
An end of all my troubles make;
An end of all my sin.
3. I cannot wash my heart,
But by believing thee:
And waiting for thy blood t' impart
The spotless purity.

3. While at thy cross I lie,

Jesus, the grace bestow;
Now, thy all-cleansing blood apply,
And make we white as snow.




Hymn 276. P. M.

on the fidelity

Of my redeming Lord,

I shall his salvation sée

According to his word: Credence to his word I give, My Saviour in distresses påst Will not now his servant leave, But bring me through at last.

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