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What love through all his actions ran!
What wondrous words of grace he spake.

3. " This is my body broke for sin,
"Receive and eat the living food;"
Then took the cup and bless'd the wine;
"'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood."

6. " Do this (he cry'd) till time shall end,
" In mem'ry of your dying friend:
"Meet at my table, and record
"The love of your departed Lord."

Hymn 383. s. M.

Communion with Christ, and with saints, 1. Cor.



x. 16, 17.

ESUS invites his saints

To meet around his board;
Hère pardon'd rebels sit, and hold
Communion with their Lord.

2. For food he gives his flesh;

He bids us drink his blood:
Amazing favour! matchless grace
Of our eternal God..

3. This holy bread and wine.
Maintain our fainting breath,
By union with our living Lord
And int'rest in his death.

4. Our heav'nly Father calls.
Christ and his members one;
We the young children of his love,
And He the first-born Son.

5. We are but sev'ral parts

Of the same broken bread;
One body with its sev'ral limbs,
But Jesus is the head.


6. Let all our pow'rs be join'd,
His glorious name to raise:
Pleasure and love fill ev'ry mind,
And ev'ry voice be praise,

Hymn 384. P. M.

N that sad memorable night, When Jesus was for us betray'd, He left his death-recording rite : He took and bless'd and brake the bread. And gave his own their last bequest, And thus his love's intent express'd. 2. "Take, eat, this is my body giv'n, "To purchase life and peace for you,. "Pardon and holiness and heav'n:

" Do this, my dying love to shew, "Accept your precious legacy, " And thus my friends remember me."" 3. He took into his hands the cup,

To crown the sacramental feast And full of kind concern look'd up, And gave to them what he had blest; " And drink ye all of this," he said, " In solemn mem'ry of the dead."

4. "This is my blood, which seals the new

" Eternal cov'nant of my grace;. " My blood so freely shed for you,

"For you, and all the sinful race: " My blood, that speaks your sins forgiv'n, " And justifies your claim to heav'n.


Hymn 385. P. M.

Hearthly matters

OW can heav'nly spirits rise,

Drink herewith divine supplies,
And eat immortal bread?


Ask the Father's wisdom, how?
Him who did the means ordain,.

Angels round our altars bow
To search it out, in vain.
2. Sure and real is the grace,
The manner be unknown;
Only meet us in thy ways,
And perfect us in one.
Let us taste the heav'nly powr's,
Lord, we ask for nothing more :
Thine to bless, 'tis only ours
To wonder and adore.


Hymn 386. P. M.

RAW near ye blood-besprinkled race,
And take what God vouchsafes to give,

The outward sign of inward grace,
Ordain'd by Christ himself, receive :
The sign transmits the perfect right,
The grace is by the means apply'd.

2. Sure pledges of his dying love,
Receive this sacramental meat,
And feel the virtue from above,


The flesh of thy Redeemer eat; Drink with the wine his healing blood, And feast on the Incarnate God..


Hymn 387. c. м.

OME, Holy Ghost, thine influ'nce shed,
And realize the sign,

Thy life infuse into the bread,
Thy pow'r into the wine.

2. Effectual let the tokens prove,
And made by heavenly art,
Fit channels to convey thy love
To ev'ry faithful heart.







Hymn 388. L. M.

OD of the morning, at whose voice
The cheerful sun makes haste to rise,

And like a giant doth rejoice

To run his journey through the skies.

2. From the fair chambers of the east
The circuit of his race begins,

And without weariness or rest
Round the whole earth he flies and shines.

3. Oh, like the sun, may I fulfil

Th' appointed duties of the day,
With ready mind, and active will,
March on, and keep my heav'nly way..

Hymn 389. с. м.

1. NCE more, my soul, the rising day
Salutes thy waking eyes;
Once mdre, my voice, thy tribute pay
To him who rules the skies.
2. Night unto night his name repeats,
The day renews the sound,
Wide as the heav'n on which he sits,
To turn the seasons round.

3. Great God, let all my hours be thine,
Whilst I enjoy the light;
Then shall my sun in smiles decline,
And bring a pleasant night.


Hymn 390. с. м.

Y God was with me all the night,
And gave me sweet repose:

His angels watch'd me while I slept,
Or I had never rose.

2. Now for the mercies of the night
My humble thanks I'll pay;
And unto God I'll dedicate
The first fruits of the day.
3. In pressing dangers, fears and death
Thy goodness I'll adore;
And praise thee for thy mercies past,
And humbly hope for more.

4. My life, if thou preserv'st my life,
Thy sacrifice shall be;
And death, when death must be my lot,
Shall join my soul to thee.


Hymn 391. s. M.

E lift our hearts to thee,
O Day-Star from on high!

The sun itself is but thy shade,
Yet cheers both earth and sky.
2. O let thy orient beams

The night of sin disperse,
The mists of error and of vice,
Which shade the universe.

3. How beauteous nature now!
How dark and sad before!
With joy we view the pleasing change,
And nature's God adore.

4. O may no gloomy crime
Pollute the rising day!
May Jesu's blood like ev'ning dew
Wash all our sins away.
5. May we this life improve,
To mourn for errors past;
And live this short revolving day,
As if it were our last.

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