Come Lord and help me to rejoice Come ye that Love the Lord 224 Create my soul.anew 246 - Come sound his praise abroad Come let us anew, our journey pursue 285 D EAREST of all the names above Dearest Lord, and shall thy spirit rest 90 Draw near ye blood-besprinkled race TERNAL wisdom, thee we praise - 272 276 290 293 295 10 85 13 Father of everlasting grace 8 21 Father of glory, to thy name 99 Father in whom we live 99 Father of our dying Lord Father of mercies, in thy word Father how wide thy glory shines Father of lights, from whom proceeds For ever here my rest shall be Fountain of life, to all below 101 127 133 158 181 190- Frequent the day of God returns 248 262 LORY be to God on high G Glory to God, the Father's name Great was the day, the joy was great 93 111 113 11 115 124 128 142 Gentiles by nature we belong Great God! the nations of the earth God of the morning, at whose voice 273 God of my life to thee 278 Great God we sing that mighty hand How should the sons of Adam's race Hark the glad sound, the Saviour, comes 19 Hark! the herald angels sing High let us swell our tuneful notes How heavy is the night He dies! the friend of sinners dies page. Hail, Jesus, hail! our great High Priest 69 He lives, the great Redeemer lives 76 Hail! holy, holy, holy, Lord 98 How are thy servants, bless'd, O Lord 108 117 How precious is the book divine 132 139 157 How happy ev'ry child of grace 205 207 221 222 Happy the man who finds the grace 225 Hence from my soul, sad thoughts be gone 236 How honourable is the place 239 How charming is the place 249 How pleasant, how divinely fair 254 How did my heart rejoice to hear 256 How pleas'd and bless'd was I 257 How beauteous are their feet 264 How can heav'nly spirits rise 271 Hosannah with a cheerful sound 277 Hark from the tombs a doleful sound I In thee I live and move and am! If God to build the house deny I hate the tempter and his charms Is this the kind return I want a principle within I thirst thou wounded Lamb of God I ask the gift of righteousness - 110 142 156 170 175 177 191 I love thy Zion, Lord In themselves as weak as worms Infinite unexhausted love I'll praise my Maker whilst I've breath In God's own house pronounce his praise page 193 213 227 251 258 259 L ET others boast how strong they be 3 9 page Let the high heav'ns your songs invite - - Let party names no more 210 Let earth and heav'n agree Lord I am pain'd, but I resign 291 - M Y God, my life, thy various praise 12 Mortals, awake, with angels join 15 My dear Redeemer and my Lord 27 Man has a soul of vast desires 155 My sorrows like a flood My God, my life, my love My God the spring of all my joys ✓ God permit my tongue soul how lovely is the place 254 A |