1. 2. Jesus the Saviour reigns, Let earth adore its Lord; 3. In Zion is his throne; His honours are divine; His church shall make his wonders knowny 4. How holy is his name! How terrible his praise! Justice and truth and judgment join, The glory of Christ, and power of his gospel. N Jesus the Lord; how heavenly fair 2. O'er all the sons of human race, With truth and meekness at thy side. 4. Thine anger, like a pointed dart, Hymn 46. P. M. OIN all the glorious names 2. But O what gentle terms, 3. Array'd in mortal flesh, 4. Great Prophet of my God, My tongue would bless thy name; 1. B 3. THE PASSION OF CHRIST. EHOLD the Saviour of mankind How vast the love that him inclin'd 2. Hark, how he groans! while nature shakes, 3. 'Tis done! the precious ransom's paid, 4. But soon he'll break death's envious chain, 1. And in full glory shine; O Lamb of God! was ever pain, Hymn 48. Р. М. The Father's co-eternal Son, Bore all my sins upon the tree; 1 The bleeding Prince of life and peace! 3. Is crucify'd for me and you, To bring us rebels back to God: |