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14. What extatic scenes of life, What triumphing joy of glory? What transportings after strife, When that's past, what's transitory? Lord! I shall forever praise thee, When immortal thou shalt raise me.

15. Every moment I rejoice

At this promis'd expectation,
Praising thee with heart and voice
Jesu! for thy free donation.
Lord! increase my faith's dependance,
On thy grace and its attendants.


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Hymn 71.

Head so full of


So full of pain and scorn,

'Midst other sore abuses

Mock'd with a crown of thorn!
O head ere now surrounded
With brightest majesty,
In death now bow'd and wounded!
Saluted be by me.

2. Thou countenance transcendent,
Thou life-creating Sun
To worlds on thee dependent;
Now bruis'd and spit upon!
How art thou sallow?
How are those gracious eyes,
Whose radiance knew no fellow,
Clouded in cruel wise?

3. Thy cheeks, through heavy dolor,
Are marred, fall'n, and wan:
Thy lips depriv'd of color,
Spoke heav'nly truth to man:
Thy body, ah! how wasted!
Death's horrors did reduce

Thy strength, and quite exhausted
Each drop of vital juice.

4. O Lord, what thee tormented,
Was my sins' heavy load!
I had the debt augmented,
Which thou didst pay in blood.
Here am I blushing sinner,
On whom wrath ought to light:
O thou my health's beginner!
Let thy grace cheer my sight.

5. Own me, Lord, my preserver,
My shepherd, me receive;
I know thy love's strong fervor
By all thy pain and grief.
Thou richly hast supplied
My soul with heav'nly food,
For which I've often sighed,
Thy holy flesh and blood.

6. O what a consolation

Doth in my heart take place, When I thy toil and passion

Can in some measure trace; Ah! should I, whilst thus eyeing My dear redeemer's cross, Lose all, and then be dying, Great gain would be that loss.

7. I give thee thanks unfeigned,
O Jesus, friend in need!
For what thy soul sustained
When thou for me didst bleed.
Grant me to lean unshaken
Upon thy faithfulness,
Until from hence I'm taken
To see thee face to face.


Hymn 72.

1. World, see thy Creator
Extended, like a traitor,

Upon the cursed tree!
Behold him, whilst expiring,
And for mankind acquiring
Their life and grace and liberty.

2. Who hath thee thus abused,
Dear Lord, and so much bruised
Thy most majestic face?
Thou art no sin's transactor,
Thou art no malefactor,

Like others of the human race..

3. I, I, and my transgressions,
Which by my own confessions,
Exceed the sea-shore sands;
These, these have been the reason
Of thy whole bitter season,

Of all thy bruises, stripes and bands.
4. As surety thou presentest
Thyself, to die consentest
For me in debt all o'er;
A crown of thorns thou wearest,
All scorn and pain thou bearest,
With patience never known before.
5. Into death's jaws thus leaping,
Provid'st for my escaping,

That I its sting mayn't prove.
My curse and condemnation
Thou bear'st for my salvation:
O most un-heard of flame of love!
6. The highest obligations
Bind me through all life's stations,
T' express my thanks to thee.

Weak as I am and feeble,
As far as I am able,

I'll yield thee service willingly.

7. Whilst here on earth I'm living,
I have nought worth the giving
To thee, for all thy pain;
Yet shall thy passion ever,
Till soul and body sever,
Deep in my heart engrav'd remain.

8. Its fresh representation

Shall raise my admiration,

Where'er I turn or move.

I'll take it for a mirror
Of innocence, for terror

To guilt, but seal of truth and love.

9. How greatly man incenses
The Lord by his offences!
God's holiness how stern;
How rig'rous he chastises,
When he with wrath baptizes;

This will I by thy sufferings learn.

10. From thence I'll be taught truly, How to be pure and holy,

Resign'd, compos'd and still;

How patiently to suffer,
When any to me offer

Rude acts of malice and ill will.

10. I'll be my flesh denying, And gladly crucifying,

With Christ, each sinful lust.

What,in thy sight is odious
I'll leave howe'er commodious,

By help and strength which thou bestow'st.

10. Thy sighs and groans unnumber'd,
And from thy heart encumber'd,
The countless tears forth prest;
These shall, at my dismission,
To final rest's fruition

Convey me to thy arms and breast.



Hymn 73. р. м.

The resurrection of Christ, Luke xxvi. 34.


ES the Redeemer rose;
The Saviour left the dead

And o'er our hellish foes
High rais'd his conq'ring head;
In wild dismay
The guards around
Fall to the ground,
And sink away.

2. Lo! the angelic bands
In full assembly meet,
To wait his high commands,
And worship at his feet:
Joyful they come,
And wing their way
From realms of day
To Jesus' tomb.

3. Then back to heav'n they fly,
The joyful news to bear.
Hark! as they soar on high,
What music fills the air!

Their anthems say,
"Jesus who bled
"Hath left the dead;
"He rose to-day."

4. Ye mortals catch the sound,
Redeem'd by him from hell;
And send the echo round

The globe, on which you dwell;
Transported cry:
"Jesus who bled
"Hath left the dead,
"No more to die."


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