4. We sing of his love while sojourning here, 'Till Christ from above our Saviour appear : The heirs of salvation with triumph receive, In full consummation of glory to live.
Hymn 81. P. M.
LL hail the true Elijah,
The Lord our God and Saviour!
Who leaves behind for all mankind The token of his favour..
2. The never dying prophet, A while to mortals given, This solemn day is wrapt away By flaming steeds to heaven. 3. Come see the rising triumph, And prostrate fall before him; He mounts, he flies above the skies,, Where all his hosts adore him. 4. Borne on his fiery chariot, With joyful acclammation, Pursue the Lord to heaven restor'ď, The God of our salvation.
5. Who see their Lord at parting, They shalt on earth inherit A double power, a larger shower- Of his descending spirit. 6. The spirit of our master Shall rest on each believer:- And surely we our master see, Who lives and reigns for ever. 7. Yes, our exalted Jesus, By faith we now adore thee,
And still we sit before thy feet, And triumph in thy glory..
8. In vain the flaming chariot Hath parted us asunder. We still through grace behold thy face, And shout our loving wonder.
Hymn 82. г. м.
up your heads, ye gates, T' admit your king again!
Return'd from earth he waits With half his angel train: Wide open throw the heavenly scene, Receive the king of glory in..
2. He comes, he comes from far, The strong and mighty Lord. Mighty and strong in war, To claim his just reward: Wide open throw, &c.
3. The Lord of Hosts is he, Th' omnipotent I AM, Glorious in majesty, JEHOVAH is his name: Wide open throw, &c.. 4. JEHOVAH, Jesus, Lord
Of earth and heaven receive, Who comes, that man restor'd With God again may live: Wide open throw, &c. 5. Forerunner of mankind
For us he reigns on high, Till all his members join'd Repeat the joyful cry Wide open throw, &c.
Hymn 83. r. и.
AIL, Jesus, hail, our great High-Priest, Enter'd into thy holy rest, That holy, happy place above!
Thou hast the conquest more than gain'd, The everlasting bliss obtain'd
For all who trust thy dying love. 2. That we the promise may receive, Might soon with thee in glory live, Thou stand'st before thy Father now! For us thou dost in heav'n appear, Our surety, head, and harbinger,
Our Saviour to the utmost thou. 3. Not without blood-thou pray'st above: The marks of thy expiring love God on thy hands engraven seesl He hears thy blood for mercy cry, And sends his spirit from the sky,
And seals our everlasting peace. 4. Thankful we now the earnest take. The pledge thou wilt at last come back And openly thy servants own; To us, who long to see thee here, Thou shalt a second time appear, And bear us to thy glorious throne.
Hymn 84. с. м. Christ ascending and reigning.
H for a shout of sacred joy To God the sov'reign King! • Let ev'ry land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing.
2. Jesus our God ascends on high; His heav'nly guards around Attend him rising thro' the sky, With trumpet's joyful sound.
3. While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains; Let all the earth his honours sing; O'er all the earth he reigns.
4. Rehearse his praise with awe profound, Let knowledge lead the song, Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue.
Christ's Ascension, Psalm xxiv, 7-9. UR Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high; The powers of hell are captivc led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2. There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay: "Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates! " Ye everlasting doors, give way!" 3. Loose all your barrs of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene; He claims these mansions as his right : Receive the King of Glory in.
4. " Who is the King of Glory, who?"
The Lord that all his foes o'ercame, The world, sin, death and hell o'erthrew; And JESUS is the conqueror's name.
5. Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay, "Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates! " Ye everlasting doors, give way!" 6. " Who is the King of Glory, who?" The Lord of boundless power possest, The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever blest!
Hymn 86. L. M.
EJOICE ye shining worlds on high, Behold the King of Glory nigh!
Who can this King of glory be? The mighty Lord, the Saviour's he.
2. Ye heav'nly gates, your leaves display, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way: Laden with spoils from earth and hell, The Conqu'ror comes with God to dwell.
3. Rais'd from the dead, he goes before, He opens heav'n's eternal door, To give his saints a blest abode Near their Redeemer and their God.
Hymn 87. с. м. Redemption by Christ.
HEN the first parents of our race Rebell'd, and lost their God,
And the infection of their sin
Had tainted all our blood;
2. Infinite pity touch'd the heart Of the eternal Son,
Descending from the heav'nly court, He left his Father's throne.
3. Aside the Prince of glory threw His most divine array, And wrapt his Godhead in a veil Of our inferior clay.
4. His living pow'r and dying love. Redeem'd unhappy men, And rais'd the ruins of our race To life and God again.
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