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rides that the security of the contractors shall be approved of
by the meeting mentioned in said section, shall be and the same
is hereby repealed, and that the supervisors shall have full power
and are hereby authorized to make such contracts as shall seem
to them equitable and just: Provided, That the court of quarter
sessions of Montgomery county shall have full authority to order
the opening of said road, and that before the opening thereof
the order of the court shall first be obtained.

Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem.


Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The twenty-fourth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.


No. 93.


To repeal the act, entitled “ An Act to incorporate the Armstrong Gas

Company," approved the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-
tatires of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That
the act of assembly, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Arm- Repeal.
strong gas company,” approved the fifteenth day of April, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, be and the same is here-
by repealed.

SECTION 2. That the act of assembly, entitled “A supplement Repeal.
to an act to incorporate the Kittanning gas company," approved
the twenty-sixth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine,
be and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. That the Kittanning gas company may proceed, at Election of ofiany time, to elect officers under their charter, to serve until the cers. dext general election thereafter, giving the notice prescribed by their charter: Provided, That the said Kittanning gas company Proviso. sball and will commence practical operations within a period of six months from the passage of this act, otherwise this said act to become null and void.

Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem.


Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED— The twenty-fifth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.


No. 94.


To revive an act relating to the Lackawanna Railroad Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That an act, entitled "A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Lackawanna and Susquehanna railroad company," passed the sixth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, which said act failed by non-payment of the enrollment tax, be and the same is hereby revived and continued in force: Provided, That said tax shall be paid within sixty days from the passage of this act.


Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-fifth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.



No. 95.


Relative to Road Commissioners, Pathmasters and Town Clerk in the township of Mill Creek, in the county of Erie.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That section first of the act of April eighth, one thousand eight hundred and and forty-six, entitled "An Act relating to the election of pathmasters in the county of Erie, and for other purposes," be and the same is hereby repealed so far as relates to Mill Creek township aforesaid; and the road commissioners of said Pathmasters, ap- township are hereby authorized and directed to appoint pathmasters (on the expiration of the term of office of the pathmasters now in office) for the several road districts in said township, in accordance with the provisions of the nineteenth section of act of thirteenth April, one thousand eight hundred and fortythree.

pointment of.

SECTION 2. That the road commissioners of said township Compensation. shall hereafter be entitled to receive one dollar and fifty cents each for every day necessarily spent in the performance of their official duties.

SECTION 3. That said road commissioners are hereby author- Road commisized to employ a clerk to keep a record of their proceedings and sioners authorized to employ of their accounts; said clerk shall also perform the duties of a clerk. town clerk whenever the office of town clerk may be vacant, and shall be entitled to the same fees for the performance of the duties of town clerk that town clerks are by law entitled to receive.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.



Νο. 96.


To incorporate the Columbia Insurance Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Christian S. Kauffman, Jacob B. Shuman, Mathew M. Strickler, Corporators. Wyatt W. Miller, Henry R. Knot well, Henry E. Wolf, Jacob Seitz, Michael H. Moore, George Young, junior, and all other persons who may hereafter associate with them in the manner tereinafter prescribed, shall be a corporate body, by the name of Columbia insurance company; and shall have power and au- Powers. thority to make contracts of insurance with any person or persons, or any body politic or corporate, against loss or damage by fire or otherwise, for such term or terms of time, and for such premiums or consideration, and such modifications and restrictions as may be agreed upon between the said corporation and the persons agreeing with them for said insurance.

SECTION 2. That the office of said corporation shall be located Location of office. ia the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania;

and all persons who shall hereafter insure with the said corpo-
ration, and their executors, administrators and assigns continu-

ing to be insured therein, shall thereby become members thereof Members.
during the period they shall remain insured by said corporation,
and no longer.

Directore. Section 3. That the affairs of said corporation shall be man

aged by a board of not less than nine nor more than thirteen directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Christian S. Kauffman, Jacob B. Shuman, Mathew M. Strickler, Wyatt W. Miller, Henry R. Knotwell, Henry E. Wolf, Jacob Seitz, Michael H. Moore and George Young, junior, shall be the first directors of said corporation,

and shall respectively hold their offices as directors until their Terms of office. successors shall be appointed, as follows: Henry R. Knotwell,

Jacob Seitz and Michael H. Moore for one year, Jacob B. Shu man, Wyatt W. Miller and Henry E. Wolf for two years, Chris tian S. Kauffman, Mathew M. Strickler and George Young,

junior, for three years, respectively, from the first day of FebFirst election of ruary, one thousand eight hundred and sixty; the first election directors. of directors shall be held at the office of the company on the

first Monday in February, one thousand eight hundred and sixtyone, and annually thereafter; and the persons chosen as direc

tors at any annual election, shall respectively hold their offices Terms of office. for the term of three years, and until others are chosen in their

places; notice of such elections shall be published in some public newspaper in said county, at least two weeks preceding such election; said election shall be held under the inspection of three members not being directors, who shall be appointed by the board of directors; the directors shall be elected by the mem

bers of the company holding policies therein, or their proxies Votes.

then present; and one vote shall be allowed on every one hundred dollars insured.

Section 4. That the board of directors shall elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and also an executive committee of their own members, all of whom shall hold their

offices during the term for which they may be elected, not exTerms of office. ceeding three years at any one election, and may appoint such

subordinate agents and officers as they may deem necessary; the executive committee shall consist of the president, secretary and three other directors, a majority of whom may at all times act, and when the board of directors is not in session, may exercise all the powers vested in this company, except as shall be

otherwise provided for by said board in their by-laws. Rates of insu. Section 5. That the rates of insurance shall be, from time to

time, fixed and regulated by the directors of the company; and the premium notes received from the insured shall be paid at such time or times, and in such sum or sums as the directors of said company shall from time to time require; and any person applying for insurance may pay a cash premium, in addition to a premium note or a definite sum of money, in full for said

insurance. Blection of offi- Section 6. That if it shall at any time happen that an eleccers, relativo to. tion of president, secretary or directors shall not be made on

any day when, pursuant to this act, it ought to have been made, this corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be dis solved, but it shall be legal on any other day to hold and make an election of directors and officers, in such manner as shall have been regulated by the by-laws and ordinances of said corporation, and the directors of this company shall have power to fill all vacancies happening in the board from death, resigna

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cion or otherwise : Provided, That an increase of the number of Proviso. directors can only be made at an annual election of directors.

Section 7. That every member of said company shall be bound Liability of memto pay for all losses, and the necessary expenses accruing in and bers. to said company, in proportion to the amount of his deposit note; and suits at law may be maintained by said corporation against any of its members for the collection of said deposit notes or any assessment thereon, or for any other cause relating to the business of said corporation; also, suits may be maintained by any member thereof against said corporation for losses, if payment is withheld more than four months after the company are duly notified of such loss, and the terms of insurance complied with.

SECTION 8. That whenever an assessment is made on any pre- Premium potes, mium note given to said company, in consideration for any policy relative to. of insurance issued by said company, and an action is brought for the recovery of such assessment, the certificate of the secretary, specifying the assessment and the amount due on such note by means thereof, shall be taken and received as prima facia evidence thereof in all courts of this commonwealth.

SECTION 9. That it shall be the duty of the secretary, in Janu- Secretary to pubary each year, to publish, in one or more newspapers in Lancas. lish statement. ter county, a statement of the affairs of the company.

Section 10. That the directors shall have power to make, from By-laws. time to time, such by-laws, not inconsistent with this act and the constitution and laws of this state, as may be necessary for the government of its officers and conducting of its affairs; and every member of this company shall be bound by the provisions of this charter and such by-laws.

Section 11. That the corporation hereby created shall be ca. Powers and pripable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and vileges. being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, in all courts and places, and in all matters whatsoever, with full powers to hold, possess, use and occupy, and enjoy all such real estate as shall be necessary for the transaction of its business, or which may be conveyed to said company as security, or in payment for debts that may be due or owing to said company, or in satisfaction of any judgment of any court of law, or any order or detree of a court of equity in their favor, and to sell and convey and dispose of the same; and may have a common seal, and use it at pleasure; and to receive all proposals and applications for insurance in writing, as a warranty on the part of those insuring, and to base policies of insurance thereon, and to incorporate the same as a part of the contract between the company and the insored, and for the purpose of defining the rights of the contracting parties.

Section 12. That all policies or contracts of insurance which contracts, relamay be made or entered into by said corporation, shall be subseribed by the president and secretary, or such other officers as shall be designated for that purpose by its by-laws; and being so signed, sball be binding on said company, with or without the seal thereof, according to the true intent of such policy or contract.

SECTION 13. That the said company shall also be empowered, Risks, relativo if they see proper, to take risks against fire on all kinds of mer

tive to.


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