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whether you will hear, or whether you will not give heed.

For it is high time for you to awake out of your prophetical slumber; as it is written by David in the Psalms, "let their eyes be open in darkness." But

the election are not so blinded.


The message of the Messiah calls on every one to repent and reform his life and conduct, on earth; and because his kingdom of heaven is nigh. this repentance and confession of sin, for all have sinned; and by faith in his atonement, when he was crucified;on the being baptized into his death, and so becoming dead to sin, and alive, by a spiritual confidence in him, to righteousness and truth, and a love which nothing can extinguish; -he will forgive your sins, and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. You, who believe, and obey Him; who seek his testimony and truth; he will save according to

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His eternal counsel in his son, the Saviour King our Lord. You, who obey him, and believe; he will acquit from sin and punishment;-who could not be acquitted by the Law of Moses. But by faith in him, He will give you a new birth in justification; that is, an acquittal from the guilt and usurpation of sin on the weakness and infirmities of your flesh. For as he came, and took on him our flesh, he did so for the purpose of destroying "sin in the flesh' of them that believe in him; that they should be delivered from the tyranny of sin. For then he overthrew that dark usurpation; so that, by the sound of his name, every evil-spiritual power may be rendered powerless, even at the mention of the conquering name of the Saviour-from-sin King our Lord. For he came to subdue sin in those who believe, and hang all their hope on him. And as all the merit, for conquest of

evil, and for acceptance with the Lord God of Truth, is in him, to be imputed by favour in free gift to those that believe on, and love him, the Saviour King our Lord, so he demands no merit from the believer; and as sinners have none to offer, he saves by his own merit.

For if he demand previous merit, merit for acceptance of those who have nothing but demerit, then is our salvation made impossible; and the Saviour not accepted as an atonement. But he is accepted as an atonement, and he requires no merit from us; but substitutes his own merit.

So then, this Salvation, now offered to us by the Law of Faith, recognizes not the Law of Moses; which ended in the Christ, who fulfilled it all in our stead, and died to free us from it:this salvation I say, as all the Scriptures say of it, is immeritorious on

the part of those that believe in him, the Saviour King our Lord.

And again, this is the joyful Message of the "Good-will" of the God of love to men; namely, that he, the eternal God of love, and the Father of the Saviour King our Lord, and the Father of the faithfully believing and obedient sons of men,-will open a way for men to enter the kingdom of heaven by faith only, purely divested of any merit on the part of men. For if it be by our own merit, then it is not of faith; or if so, the Saviour is not a saviour; which is false. And that it is by our own merit, and not by faith, is false also.


But the Saviour is a saviour to the ut

termost to all those who come unto God the Father, by his introduction and friendship.

Therefore it is without our own merit, and by faith; that it may be by unmerited favour.


CHRIST is the legal end to arbitrate
On body, spirit, soul; or to acquit
By imputation of his merit, free,
To all who will, by faith, accept of it;
Or leave the disbelieving-as we see—
Dispersed, rejected, for their needless hate:
"His own arm brought salvation from above

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To sinning man; in love and pity gave

His life for ours, or enemies, or friends,
Firm in his purpose, from the first, to save,
By counsel which all wisdom else transcends,
Counsel of mercy, truth, and boundless love.

IN consequence of this, Christ is the terminating of the law for the acquittal of all them that believe; and because it cannot be by works. For since the fall every work is imperfect: because the worker is not innocent in thought, word, and deed; and that, by reason of the weakness and rebellious

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