They spur'd their steeds, and furious flew They reach'd Lord Buchan's lofty tow'rs Matilda stood without the gate And watch'd each object in the dawn, • Where sleeps the Ross? (began the Græme) Or has the felon fled? This hand shall lay the wretch on earth And now the valiant knight awoke, Your sword last night my brother slew, * Your words are brave,' the chief return'd; But deeds approve the man: 166 Set by your men, and hand to hand With dauntless step he forward strode, The Græme gave back, and fear'd his arm, Four of his men, the bravest four, Sunk down beneath his sword; Behind him basely came the Græme, But yet his hand not drop'd the sword, Till through his enemy's heart his steel Græme, like a tree by winds o'erthrown, And down beside him sunk the Ross, Matilda saw, and fast she ran : O spare his life! (she cried) Her well-known voice the hero heard; In vain Matilda begs a life, The sword, yet warm, from his left side, With frantic hand she drew: 'I' come, Sir James the Ross, (she cried) I come to follow you.' The hilt she lean'd against the ground, THE CONSULTATION OF PHYSICIANS. AN EPISTLE FROM BATH. [ANSTEY.] DEAR mother, my time has been wretchedly spent, I dream'd of the devil, and wak'd in a fright: Good doctor, I'm your's-'tis a fine day for walking Sad news in the papers-G-d knows who's to blame ! This stamp act, no doubt, might be good for the crown, From the ill blood and humours of Bourbon and Spain.' Says I- My good doctors, I can't understand Why the deuce ye take so many patients in hand; Ye've a great deal of practice, as far as I find; But since ye're come hither, do pray be so kind To write me out something that's good for the wind. No doubt ye are all of ye great politicians, But at present my bowels have need of physicians : Consider my case in the light it deserves, And pity the state of my stomach and nerves.' But a tight little doctor began a dispute About administrations, Newcastle, and Bute, Talk'd much of economy, much of profuseness : Says another-This case, which at first was a looseness, Is become a Tenesmus, and all we can do Is to give him a gentle cathartic or two; |