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are not zealously concerned for the leaft truth, will have no zeal for any truth at all; if they be unfaithful in a little, they will be unfaithful in much.

7. If Chrift and his truth, be the fame yeflerday, today, and for ever; then fee how highly reprovable they are, that are not the fame men they were, with reference to all the prefent truths of the times. Some that have made as fplendid a profeffion of cleaving to all the reformation principles of this church, that we in this land are folemnly fworn to maintain, they are not now of the fame mind; they have not the fame fentiments, the fame profeffion, the fame favour to the truth, that they had. Why, what can be the reafon? It may be said, That either they have gone out from us, because they were not of us, 1 John ii. 19. or, they have forgotten that Chrift is the fame yesterday, to day, and for ever. The devil hath put another Bible in their hand, and fo another Chrift in their head. But let old truths, Sirs, be highly valued, and not thrown afide for new appearances: for, the good old way is the new and living way; and the old and new way is the everlafting way. What was truth formerly, is truth prefently, and will be truth perpetually; for, Chrift is the fame yefterday, to-day, and for ever. But let none be ftumbled at the truth, though they fhould fee tall cedars falling into error; for," The Spirit fpeaketh exprefly, that, in the latter days, fome shall depart from the faith, giving heed to feducing fpirits, and doctrines of devils," 1 Tim. iv. 1. Therefore be not foon fhaken in your minds, by whatever spirit, word, or letter.

8. If Chrift be fill the fame, then the followers of Chrift fhould ftudy a famenefs among themfelves, fuch as is recommended and enjoined, 1 Cor. i. 10. Phil. ii, 2. iv,


There ought to be an identity and famenefs amongst all the friends of that Jefus, who is the fame yefterday, to-day, and for ever. Why, all true believers have the fame spiritual meat and drink; for, "They did all eat the fame fpiritual meat, and drink the fame spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual reck that followed them, and that rock was Chrift," 1 Cor. x. 3, 4. They have all the fame Spirit, and the fame anointing that teaches


teaches all things. There are diverfities of gifts, and degrees of graces, but the fame Spirit; and they are faid to have all the fame Spirit of faith, 2 Cor. iv. 13.; and fhould, as members of Chrift, have the fame care one of another.

9. If Chrift be the fame to-day, as well as yefterday, the fame prefently as he was formerly; then let him be your prefent choice, your prefent portion, your prefent help in trouble, your prefent reiling place; and fee your prefent duty towards him, to glorify him on earth, by witneffing for him, and confeffing him before the world. Why hath he had witnesses for his name in all ages, and fome at this day, and will have fome in generations to come? Becaufe he is the fame yefterday, to-day, and for ever. O Sirs, ftudy you to be ftanding witneffes for this immutable Jefus.

10. If he be the fame for ever, as well as yefterday and to-day; then fee ground for faith and hope for the future. O what ground of comfort is here to believers, against all future changes, that Chrift is unchangeably the fame. You may not only look back, believer, and reflect upon fuch and fuch a Bethel-vifit he made you: whatever changes have befallen you fince that time, yet you may be fure he is the God of Bethel; he is the fame at your wort, that you found him at your best: but you may look forward, and be fure that he will be the fame for ever. And as there is no alteration in Chrift's heart or difpofition in heaven, from what he had upon earth; Eph. iv. 1o. "He that defcended, is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things;" fo his mind will be for ever the fame. Fear not future events, whatever is to come. His name is, "Which was, and is, and is to come." Is death to come? fo is Chrift. Is judgment to come? fo is Christ. Is eternity to come? fo is Chrift, Happy to all eternity is the believer in Chrift; for, he is the fame yesterday, to-day, and for ever. The promifes of the covenant stand faft in him, who is always the fame. It was made in him before the world, and will be eftablifhed for


11. See matter of dread and terror to all the defpifers


of Chrift, and his caufe and truth. He that is the fame for ever, in his promife to believers, is the fame for ever in his threatening to unbelievers. He that is the fame yesterday, to-day, and for ever, hath faid, "He that believeth not fhall be damned. Behold, ye defpifers, wonder and perith." The fame Jefus that died at Jerufalem, and is publifhed in this gofpel, is to come again to judgment: "Ye men of Galilee, why ftand ye gazing up unto heaven? This fame Jefus, which is taken up from you into heaven, fhall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven," Acts i. 11. His immutable word of truth hath certified your everlafting ruin. The irrevocable fentence will pafs against you, "Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlafling fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." And the wrath of the eternal God, and the immutable Jefus, will not be for a day, but wrath, like himfelf, the fame for ever.

12. Hence fee an evidence of true and faving faith. It is a faith of the fame fort with the faith of the redeemed in former ages; the fame with the faith of those that are away to glory, "Whofe faith follow, confidering the end of their converfation," say the words immediately preceding our text. It is a faith that follows the footfteps of the flock; a faith that looks to Jefus as ftill the fame, and finds him invariably the fame, whenever it renews its acting upon him: though fometimes he may fhut the door upon you, for your trial, or chaftifement, or humiliation, yet, whenever he opens the door, and lets you in to him, you find him always the fame Jefus ; and that his word is the fame, his love the fame, his covenant the fame, his promifes the fame, his blood the fame, in its virtue and efficacy; his righteoufnefs ay the fame for your acceptance; his fulnefs conftantly the fame for your fupply; his fweetnefs perpetually the fame to endear your heart to him; his brightnefs always the fame to difplay the glory of God. And here is the relief that faith gives amidst all fears and faintings, "He is God and changes not, therefore you are not confumed." He is the fame yesterday, to-day, and for ever.-Is this the faith you have? Indeed the more you live by faith upon his immutability, the more immutable and immoveable will



you be "They that truft in the Lord fhall be like mount Zion, that cannot be removed, but abideth for ever." It is a firm faith that flands here..

In a word, here is a foundation for the faith and hope of all the finners who hear this gofpel, and would be faved from the wrath of him that lives for ever and ever; and would with to be bleffed and happy in him for ever. O come to him before you go away from this place. He is the best match, for time and eternity, that ever you heard tell of; and every word in the text is an argument and encouragement to come to him.

1. He is a Jefus, a Saviour, to fave you from your fins, and from the wrath to come he is able to fave you. And this name Jefus imports an answer to all objections you can make by unbelief, your finfulness, guiltinefs, deadnefs, ftupidnefs, or be what it will that troubles you; you would be faved from all thefe evils, a Jefus is offered to you. O Sirs, will you have him!


2. Confider he is Chrift, anointed of God to fave, having his Father's commiffion; he comes in his Father's name and authority; Him hath God the Father fealed."

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3. He is Jefus Chrift the fame; he is immutable and unchangeable. Many changes pafs over you, and many finful changes always to the worfe; and the last change, by death, is at hand. Would you be fecured in an unchangeable Saviour, fixed upon a rock that is immutable? O Sirs, here it is!

4. He is the fame yesterday, the fame from eternity, being fet up from everlafting: the fame from the beginning of time; the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world; the fame Jefus that was promifed immediately after the fall; the fame Jefus that, in the fulness of time, affumed our nature, and was made of a woman, made under the law; the fame Jefus Chrift that died at Jeru. falem, and rofe again, and afcended to heaven; the fame Jefus that was the object of the faith of all the Old or New-Teftament faints that are now in glory, and have believed in him to everlalling life; and therefore the fit object of your faith.

5. He is not only the fame yesterday, but the fame


to-day; and therefore, "To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart." His days are endless, but you have no day but this to reckon upon; yea, not an hour but this, that you know of; nay, not a moment, not a now, but this prefent now; "Now is the accepted time." Yesterday is gone for ever from you, and this day is going; "Ye know not what a day may bring forth." But fince he is the fame as he was yefterday, and you will not be the fame to morrow that you are to day; you will neither be in the fame place, nor in the fame cafe nor have the fame offer; it may be, therefore, now or never muft you clofe with him.

6. Confider he is the fame for ever; and therefore, if you receive him to day, you fhall enjoy him for ever. You fhall find him an everlasting Father, and an unalterable friend. He will be the fame to you that he hath been, and will be to all that ever came to him. He will be your everlasting righteoufnefs, everlasting ftrength, everlasting light, everlafting life, and everlafting all. Neither death, judgment, nor eternity, will make a change upon him. No change in your lot or frame afterwards fhall ever make him alter his mind, or his love towards you. You will be happy for ever, because he is the fame yesterday, to-day, and for ever.-May the Lord draw you to him.


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