Copy reports, for department (a) The board of directors shall present a report of their proceedings for the year in which shall be stated the name and post office address of every member of the society, the amount paid by each being set opposite to his name; the amount offered and also the amount awarded in prizes for each kind of live stock, agricultural products, implements, domestic products or other objects respectively, and the number of entries in each class together with such remarks and suggestions upon agriculture in the district as they may see fit to offer; (b) The board of directors shall present a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures for the current financial year, also a statement of the assets and liabilities of the society, each statement being certified by the auditors; (c) The officers and other directors specified in section 8 hereof shall be elected by the members, subject to the provisions of said section, and auditors shall be appointed for the ensuing year. 26. A certified copy of the minutes of the annual meeting minutes, etc., and of the reports and statements presented thereat and a list of the officers elected, with their occupations and post office addresses, together with a report of each meeting of the society held during the year shall be transmitted to the department by the secretary within ten days after the annual meeting, and in case these particulars are not transmitted from any agricultural society it shall not receive any portion of any Territorial legislative grant. Payment of grants (2) There shall also be transmitted at the same time a list of the members of the society verified by statutory declaration. GRANTS. 27. There may be paid out of any moneys appropriated by the Legislative Assembly for the aid of agricultural societies and agricultural exhibitions, or live stock shows, an amount to be calculated as follows: 1. To each society whose membership is shown to include at least fifty members who have paid their fees up to the date of the annual meeting, the sum of one dollar for each paid up member up to 150; 2. To each society, or board of management of a joint. exhibition, holding an exhibition, which shall file in the department on or before the 31st day of December in each year a statement verified by statutory declaration showing (a) The names of winners of cash prizes, giving the amount of each prize and the amount actually paid; (b) All cash receipts exclusive of municipal and Territorial grants; (c) A detailed statement of total receipts and total expen- an amount equal to the total cash donations or contributions Provided that the said grant shall not be paid unless the amount so donated is at least $350.00; 3. In case the amount so appropriated shall not be sufficient to cover the total amount of the apportionment in said manner, then the apportionment shall be made pro rata on the same basis. (2) The grants payable under this section shall not be paid. during the year ending on the 31st day of December 1900, but in lieu thereof there shall be paid to every society organised under this Ordinance which has been in active existence during the previous calendar year such proportion of any sum appropriated by the Legislative Assembly for that purpose, as the membership of such society bears to the aggregate membership of all societies entitled to share in the sum so appropriated. INSPECTION OF ACCOUNTS. into accounts 28. The commissioner may appoint any person or persons Examination to inspect the books and accounts of any society and may of society empower such person or persons to summon witnesses and enforce the production of documents before him or them, and to take evidence upon oath in regard to such inspection; and all officers of any such society, whenever required so to do, shall submit the books and accounts thereof to such inspection, and to the best of their knowledge answer all questions put to them in relation thereto or to the funds of such society. DISORGANISATION OF SOCIETIES. for disorgani 29. In the event of its appearing advisable that any society Proceedings be disorganised, the commissioner may order and declare that, sario of on and after a day to be named by him, such society shall societies be disorganised, and thereupon the same shall cease to exist and the officers thereof shall cease to hold office. ers for disorganisa 30. Upon the disorganisation of any society the commis- Commissionsioner may appoint one or more persons as commissioners to settlement of adjust and settle the assets and liabilities of such society, and affairs on such commissioner or commissioners so appointed shall have tion full power and authority to sell and dispose of and convert into money all the assets and property of such society and shall apply the same as far as the same will extend, first, in payment of his or their remuneration, to be fixed by the commissioner, and secondly, in payment of the liabilities of the society, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid into the general revenue fund of the Territories. Repeal Date of operation 31. Chapter 69 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898 and any amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 32. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of January A.D. 1900. SCHEDULE. FORM A. APPLICATION FOR FORMATION OF SOCIETY. To the Commissioner of Agriculture of the North-West Territories: We the undersigned hereby apply to be formed into an agricultural society under the provisions of The Agricultural Societies Ordinance. The proposed name of the society is "The The proposed chief place cf business of the society is in the North-West Territories. And the undersigned, each as to himself, says 1. That he is over eighteen years of age; 2. That he is a resident of the North-West Territories, 3. That he is not a member of any other agricultural society. 4. That he has subscribed to the funds of the society the sum set opposite his name in the third column hereunder and that he has paid to said funds the sum set opposite his name in the fourth column hereunder. 1. I am one of the subscribers to the foregoing (or annexed) application; 2. I personally know each of the said subscribers and I was personally present and did see each of them duly sign the said application; 3. I verily believe that the statements made in the said application by each of said applicants are true; 4. The sum of dollars, being the total sum paid by said applicants towards the funds of the proposed agricultural society, is now held by in trust for said society. Sworn before me at in the North-West Territories A.D. 1 This is to certify that on the day of application was made to the Commissioner of Agriculture for the North-West Territories by (here set out names and addresses of applicants) for the formation of an agricultural society under the provisions of The Agricultural Societies Ordinance, to be known as The Agricultural Society and to have its chief place of business at in the said Territories and the requirements of the said Ordinance as to matters. preliminary having been complied with it is hereby declared that the said agricultural society has been this day organised under the name of The Agricultural Society and having its chief place of business as aforesaid and subject in all respects to the provisions of the said Ordinance. Dated at Regina this A.D. 1 day of Commissioner of Agriculture. Section 114 amended Section 121 amended Hospitals exempted CHAPTER 15. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 70 of the Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Municipalities." THER [Assented to April 29, 1899.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 114 of The Municipal Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection : "(2) The auditor shall forth with transmit a copy of such report to the Territorial treasurer." 2. Section 121 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following clause: "17. Buildings used by any institution mentioned in the from laxation schedule to The Hospitals Ordinance or added thereto under section 9 thereof for hospital purposes and not for any other purpose for hire or reward and the lot or lots whereon they stand not exceeding two acres, except such part as may have any other buildings thereon." Taxation of townsite in rural for local 3. The council of a rural municipality, any portion of which consists of a registered townsite may for the purpose of municipality making improvements for the benefit of such townsite pass improvements bylaws within the powers of the municipality for contracting debts by borrowing money or otherwise and providing for the payment of such debts after the financial year in which such by law is passed but not more than twenty years after the bylaw takes effect, by rates to be levied upon the ratable property within such townsite (not theretofore exempted by the municipality from general taxation) but such debts shall not exceed ten per cent. of the assessed value of the ratable property within such townsite less the amount of any existing indebtedness of the municipality which according to the propor tion which the ratable property in the townsite bears to the ratable property in the municipality (both according to the last revised assessment roll) would be leviable upon the ratable property in such townsite. Assent to bylaws 4. Bylaws under the next preceding section shall before the final passing thereof receive the assent of two-thirds of the |