Section 8 amended CHAPTER 27. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 77 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Fences." [Assented to May 4, 1900.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 8 of The Fence Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection: (2) The direction herein contained for the appointment of arbitrators shall be deemed a submission under The Arbitration Ordinance and the provisions of the last mentioned Ordinance shall apply thereto." 1900 CHAPTER 28. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 78 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Stallions and Bulls." [Assented to May 4, 1900.] THE HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: amended 1. Subsection (2) of section 4 of The Entire Animals Section Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out the words "in "any year and the thirty-first lay of March in the following EL year where they occur therein and substituting therefor the words "and the thirty-first day of December in any year." Section 27 amended CHAPTER 29. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 79 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Pound Districts." THE [Assented to May 4, 1900.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 27 of The Pound District Ordinance is hereby amended by inserting after the word "pound" where it first occurs therein the words "and the nearest post office." 1900 CHAPTER 30. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 80 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898, intituled "An Ordinance respecting Estray Animals" THES [Assented to May 4, 1900.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: amended 1. Subsection (2) of section 5 of The Stray Animals Ordi- Section 5 nance is hereby amended by striking out the words "for the "keep of such animal and the amount expended in advertising "the same" where they occur therein. 2. Section 5 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by Section 5 new adding thereto the following subsection: "(3) Before delivering the animal to the person claiming to be the owner thereof the finder may require from him a statutory declaration stating that he is the owner of the said animal." subsection (3) 3. Subsection 4 of section 6 of the said Ordinance is hereby Section 6 amended by striking cut all the words therein after the word amended 'department" where it occurs therein and substituting therefor the words "a return in form B in the schedule hereto.' 4. Said section 6 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended Section 6 new by adding thereto the following subsection: "(5) The finder of any animal shall on the request of the minister furnish him with such information as he may require in regard to such animal and the disposal of the same." 5. Section 7 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended— 1. By inserting after the word "preceding" where it occurs therein the words "or the section next following," and 2. By striking out the words "Lieutenant Governor" where they occur therein and substituting therefor the word "minister." subsection (5) Section 7 Section 8 amended 6. Section 8 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended— 1. By striking out the words " at any time thereafter may where they occur therein and substituting therefor the words "within sixty days thereafter shall," and Section 10 repealed 2. By adding the following subsections thereto : "(2) Before proceeding to such sale the said justice shall examine the animal and the brands thereon (if any) and the notice in the official gazette provided for by section 4 hereof; and if on such examination the justice is satisfied that such notice contains an accurate and sufficient description of the animal he shall proceed to sell the same; but if not so satisfied the justice shall direct the finder to insert in the official gazette a notice containing an accurate and sufficient description of the animal which notice shall be the notice required by section 4 hereof; and the finder shall not be entitled to receive any compensation for anything done prior to the mailing to the official gazette of the last mentioned notice. (3) The said justice shall immediately after the sale send to the department a return in form B in the schedule hereto." 7. Section 10 of the said Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: 66 10. The following and no other shall be the fees payable under this Ordinance : (6 To the Finder For the care and sustenance of horses, no charge whatever shall be allowed; For the care and sustenance of every head of swine, ten cents per day from date of mailing of notice to the owner or to the official gazette ; "For the care and sustenance of any goose, goat, sheep or head of cattle during the period from the fifteenth day of November to the fifteenth day of April, five cents per day from the date of mailing of notice to the owner or to the official gazette but not exceeding $2 for any goose, goat or sheep, or $5 for any head of cattle: "For advertising in a newspaper, the amount actually expended not exceeding $1; For mileage to and from place of sale, ten cents per mile for each mile necessarily travelled but not exceeding thirty miles: "For postage, the amount actually and necessarily expended. "To the Justice "For preparing and posting notices of sale, $1 : "For preparing application and administering oath, $1; "For postage and exchange or commission on transmission of proceeds of sale, the amount actually expended. "To the Salesman "Two and one half per centum of the amount realised by the sale." 8. Section 11 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by subsection (2) adding the following subsection thereto : Section 11 new "(2) The owner of any horse who neglects to remove the same from the premises where it has been found within fifteen |