Second schedule Form C ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO ACCOMPANY PRECEDING MEMOR- (1) The capital of the company shall consist of dollars divided into shares of (2) The directors may with the sanction of the general meeting reduce the amount of shares. dollars each. company in (3) The directors may with the sanction of the company in general meeting cancel any shares belonging to the company. (4) All the articles of Table A in the schedule to The Companies' Ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated with these articles and to apply to the company. We the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed agree to take the number of shares in capital of the company set opposite our respective names Second schedule Form D FORM D.-MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF DIVIDED INTO SHARES. Memorandum of Association. (1) The name of the company is "The Patent Stereotype Company." in (2) The registered office of the company will be situate (3) The objects for which the company is established are "the working of a patent method of founding and casting stereotype plates of which method John Smith of the sole patentee.' is We the several persons whose names are subscribed are Second desirous of being formed into a company in pursuance of this Form D memorandum of association. Names, addresses, and descriptions of subscribers. schedule ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO ACCOMPANY THE PRECEDING All the articles in Table A in the schedule to The Companies' Ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated with these articles and to apply to the company. We the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite our respective names. FORM E as required by the Second Part of the Ordinance. Form E schedule Second List of persons holding shares in the Company on the day of held shares thereon at any time during the year immediately preceding the said their names and addresses and an account of the shares so held. NAMES, ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS ACCOUNT OF SHARES day of and persons who have showing CHAPTER 21. An Ordinance respecting Water, Gas, Electric and [Assented to June 12, 1901.] THES HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to every Application company organised, incorporated or licensed under any Ordinance of the Territories for all or any of the hereinafter set forth. C.O., c. 61, s. 88. purposes municipality Commissioner required 2. No company shall be entitled to the benefit of this Consent of Ordinance until it has obtained the consent of the municipal or of corporation of the city or town within which the powers of Public hereby given are to be exercised by such company; such Works consent to be by bylaw and to be on such terms and conditions as the bylaw may provide or where the purposes of the company require the exercise of any of the said powers in any area without the limits of any city or town the consent of the Commissioner of Public Works to the exercise of such powers within such area shall also be first had and obtained. c. 67, s. 89. C.O., 3. The company may sell and dispose of meters and gas, Powers of water, electric or telephone fittings of every description for the companies use of any private or public building or for any establishment, company or corporation whatsoever as well as coke, coal tar and all and every the products of their works, refuse or residuum arising or to be obtained from the materials used or necessary for the manufacture of gas or electricity; and every company may let out to hire meters and gas, water, electric or telephone fittings of every kind and description at such rate and rents as may be agreed upon between the consumers or tenants and the company. C.Ó., c. 61, s. 90. surplus power 4. Any electric light company may lease to or enter into Disposal of any contract with any person or persons or body corporate or politic for the use of any power, engines, wheels or machines run by water, steam, gas or in any other manner erected by such company for the purpose of running or operating electric light plant to the end and intent that such machinery and power may be utilised and employed during the hours when the same is not required for the purpose of furnishing electric light. Laying mains and wires in streets Company's rights regarding mains and pipes Supplying parts of buildings having different Owners or tenants Breaking up passages, etc. 5. Subject to the terms of the consent referred to in section. 2 hereof the company may break up, dig and trench and use so much and so many of the streets, squares, highways, lanes and public places of the municipality for supplying which with gas or water or electricity or a telephone system or either of them the company has been incorporated as are necessary for laying the mains and pipes to conduct the gas or water or for placing the wires and connections to conduct the electricity from the works of the company to the consumers or users thereof or make connection with the telephone system doing no unnecessary damage in the premises and taking care as far as may be to preserve a free and uninterrupted passage through the said streets, squares, highways, lanes and public places while the works are in progress. C. O., c. 61, s. 91. 6. When any company has laid down or erected mains, pipes, wires or conductors for the supply of gas, water, electricity or a telephone system through any of the streets, squares or public places of any municipality no other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate shall without the consent of the company first had and obtained nor otherwise than on payment to the company of such compensation as may be agreed upon lay down or erect any main, pipe, wire or conductor for the supply of gas, water, electricity or telephone system within six feet of the company's mains, pipes, wires or conductors or if it be impracticable to cut trenches for such other mains or pipes at a greater distance then as nearly six feet as the circumstances of the case will admit. C. O., c. 61, s. 92. 7. When there are buildings within the municipality the different parts whereof belong to different proprietors or are in possession of different tenants or lessees the company may carry pipes, wires or conductors to any part of any building so situate passing over the property of one or more proprietors or in the possession of one or more tenants to convey the gas, water or electricity or connect the telephone system to the property of or in the possession of another. C. O., c. 61, s. 93. 8. The company may also break up and uplift all passages common to neighbouring proprietors or tenants and dig or cut trenches therein for the purpose of laying down pipes, wires or conductors or taking up or repairing the same doing as little damage as may be in the execution of the powers granted by this Ordinance. C. O., c. 61, s. 94. Compensation 9. The company shall make satisfaction to the owners or proprietors of any building or other property or to the municipality or Commissioner of Public Works as the case may be for all damages caused in or by the execution of all or any of the said powers. C. O., c. 61, s. 95. Company not to take private property till compensation ascertained 10. No company shall be entitled by virtue of this Ordinance to take possession or make use of private property or to 136 |