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. of the North-West Territories for the

For Village Districts. (Section 27).

Of the.

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School District No..

year 190...

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NOTE (1) The following affidavit should be inscribed upon the roll by the assessor before handing it to the secretary of the district (see section 33): I, A. B., assessor for the above named school district, make oath and say (or do solemnly affirm) that the statements contained in the foregoing assessment roll are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sworn before me at. in the North-West Territories this.. day of.


A J. P.; Com.; or N. P. (2) Upon receipt of the roll the secretary should note thereon the date of filing in the following form (see section 34):

Filed this

day of.



For Village Districts.

(Section 36.)


NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for The .S.D., No.., of the N.W.T., has been

completed and the same may be examined at...

and the board of trustees of the said School District will sit as a court of revision to hear assessment appeals at.

... on the....... day of........190.., at the hour of.... o'clock .m., and no person who does not appear at the said time and place will be entitled to appeal from the decision of the said court of revision to a judge of the supreme

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You are hereby notified that your name appears on the assessment roll of the above named school district for the year the owner (or occupant) of the following property (give description of property):

which is assessed at $...

The board of trustees of the said district will sit as a court of revision (mention day, hour and place at which court of revision is to be held)... ....and if you consider that you have been wrongly assessed as above stated you will have an opportunity to make a statement of your case before the said court.

TAKE NOTICE that if you do not give notice in writing of appeal to the secretary of the board five days previous to the sitting of the court of revision and if you do not appear before the said court either in person or by agent you will not be entitled to appeal from its decision to a judge of the supreme

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You are hereby notified that I object to my assessment
School District No..., of the N.W.T.,

in The....

on the ground that.


and that I wish to have my appeal considered by the court of revision.

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For Village Districts.

(Section 39.)




Take notice that you are required to attend the court of revision for The... ...S.D. No.. of the N.W.T. to be held (give day, hour and place of sitting of the court) in the matter of the complaint by...

....applicant that you are assessed too high (or too low or not a bona fide ratepayer, or as the case may be.)

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You are hereby notified that I appeal to a judge of the supreme court from the decision of the court of revision of The .School District No... of the N.W.T. with respect to my assessment in the said district for (give description of property and assessed value)..

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