North-West Territories, do hereby certify that on the day of marriage commissioner in the 190 notice was duly entered in the marriage notice book kept by me of the marriage intended between the parties therein named and described, delivered under the hand of one of the parties that is to say We, the persons hereinafter described, declare that marriage according to the rites and ceremonies of the people called (Quakers or Doukhobortsi, as the case may be) was contracted by us this day of 190 and we each severally further declare that we know of no lawful impediment of kindred or alliance or other lawful hindrance why we A.B., and C.D., may not be joined in matrimony. Section 36 amended Borrowing powers CHAPTER 18. An Ordinance to amend Chapter 51 of the Consolidated Ordinances 1898 intituled "An Ordinance respecting the Legal Profession and the Law Society of the Territories." THE [Assented to May 22, 1901.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 36 of The Legal Profession Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsections: (2) The benchers may also pass bylaws from time to time providing for the borrowing of money at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum for the purpose of the establishment of or addition to law libraries for the general use of the members at such points in the Territories as they may deem proper; and for the issuing of debentures (with coupons attached for the instalments payable thereunder) for the amount proposed to be borrowed with interest as afo resaid : Provided that the amounts borrowed under the provisions of this subsection shall at no time exceed in the aggregate the sum of $15,000 and that the same shall be made repayable in consecutive annual instalments, either in such manner that an equal amount of the principal together with the total interest on the principal or balance of principal remaining due shall be payable in each year of the period during which the debenture is to run or in such manner that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal (as nearly as may be) to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period; And provided that the period during which the debenture is to run shall not exceed twenty years from the date of the debenture. (3) No bylaw passed under the provisions of the next preceding subsection shall be valid unless and until it shall have been assented to in writing by a majority of the visitors of the society for the time being; and such assent shall be conclusive evidence that all the formalities necessary to the passing of such bylaw have been complied with; and that the loan proposed to be made under the authority thereof is one which the society may lawfully make. (4) Every debenture issued under the foregoing provisions shall constitute a specific charge upon all the law libraries owned by the society at the time of the issue thereof or thereafter acquired and upon the gross annual income of the society received from members of the society for annual certificates. (5) Such debentures shall be under the common seal of the society and shall be signed by the president or vice president and the treasurer of the society. (6) No purchaser of any such debentures shall be bound to inquire as to the application of the money borrowed thereon. (7) Any municipality may invest by the purchase of any of such debentures any part of the moneys held by it to the credit of a sinking fund account which it can lawfully invest by the purchase of Dominion Government securities, school or municipal debentures; and any trustee, executor or administrator may invest by the purchase of any such debentures any part of the moneys in his hands which he can otherwise lawfully invest. |