Assigns, by these Presents, in Manner and Form following (that is to say) That he the faid E. H. at the Time of the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, is folely and absolutely seised of the said several Lands and Premisses, of a good, sure, perfect and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple, without any manner of Condition, contingent Proviso, Limitation of Uses, Remainder, Restraint, Matter or Thing whatsoever, to determine, alter, change, make void, impeach, or incumber the same. And also, that he the faid E. H. now hath himself, full Power, And that he good Right, true Title and lawful Authority to hath Power fell the faid Lands and Premisses, with their and every of their Appurtenances, unto the said W. H. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, in Manner and Form aforesaid. And also, that to Grant. the said Premisses, and every Part and Parcel And that the thereof, with their and every of their AppurtePremifsses are nances now are, and from Time to Time, and free from In-at all Times hereafter, during the Natural Life cumbrances. of the faid S. S. shall continue, remain and be free, and clear and freely, and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged, or otherwise by him the said E. H. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, well and sufficiently saved, defended, kept harmless, unimpeached, discharged, and unincumbred, of and from all and all manner of The Annui- former and other Gifts, Bargains, Sales, Annuitant cove- ties, Rent-Charges, Leases, Estates, Rights, nants, that Titles, Debts, Duties, Statutes, Judgments, Rethe Mortga- cognizances, Extents, Exactions, Charges, Trougor shall quietly enjoy till Breach, &c. bles and Incumbrances whatsoever. And lastly, the faid S. S. for her self and for the said W. H. and either of them, their and either of their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, doth covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the faid E. H. his Heirs and Assigns, by these Presents; sents; That unless Default shall happen to be made of Payment, of the said Annuity of 35 1. or some Part thereof, or Pain of 40 s. (if incurred) or some Part thereof, contrary to the Proviso or Condition and Covenants above written, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said E. H. his Heirs and Affigns, peaceably and quietly to have, hold, use, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid feveral Lands and Premisses, and the Rents, Issues and Profits thereof, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, to have, receive, and take to his and their own proper Ufe and Behoof, without the Let, Suit, Trouble, Denial, Disturbance, Eviction, Molestation or Interruption whatsoever, of or by the said S. S. or W. H. or either of them, their or either of their Heirs, Executors or Administrators, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim, by, from or under her, him, them, or either or any of them. In witness, &c. on. A Grant of Annuity by Bond and Special Covenants. Article of Agreement indented, had, made, concluded and agreed upon, &c. Between the Right honourable C. L. C. of the one Part, and M. M. of the other Part, &c. Whereas the said C. L. C. &c. for and in Confideration of the Sum of, Oc. of lawful Money of England, to him the said C. L. C. by the said M. M. in Hand well and truly paid, by his Bond bearing even Date with Bond for the these Presents, became bound to the said M. M. Payment of in the penal Sum of, &c. Conditioned for the 1001. per Ann. clear yearly Payment of, &c. during the naduring the Grantor's Life. tural Life of the said C. L. C. to the said M. M. his Executors, Administrators or Afsigns, at the four most usual Feasts or Days of Payment, without any Abatement for any Taxes, Charges or Assessments imposed, or to be imposed by A& of Parliament or otherwise, The first Payment to be made at the Feast of St. Michael the ArchAngel, next following the Date of these Presents, as also for the Performance of the Covenants, Payments and Agreements in these Presents mentioned and contained. And whereas the faid C. L. C. for the better securing the Payment of the said yearly Sum of, &c. aforesaid, hath on the Day of the Date hereof, given a Warrant of Attorney for acknowledging of a Judgment to the said M. M. in his Majesty's Court of ComAnd a Judg. mon Pleas, for the said Sums of, &c. as by the ment for the same (Relation being thereunto had) may more fame. fully appear. Now it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between the said Parties to these Presents, and the said C. L. C. for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said M. M. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, for the Confideration aforesaid, That if ment of 100l. affure the if he the said M. M. do and shall at any Time The Grantor within one Month next after the Death of, &c. Covenants pay unto the said C. L. C. or his Affigns, the fur-upon Payther Sum of, &c. of like lawful Money of Eng. more within land, which said Sum of, &c. he the said C. L. C. one Month... doth hereby agree to and with the said M. M. his after, &c. Executors, Administrators and Affigns, to re- then he will ceive and accept upon the Offer or Tender there faid Annuity of by the faid M. M. Then he the faid C. L. C. to be issuing shall and will by good and sufficient Conveyance, out of ceror other Afsurance in the Law, to the good tain Lands of Liking and Approbation of the faid M. M. convey 200 l. per Ann. and settle, and affure unto the said M. M. and his Affigns, to the Use of the said M. M. and his Afsigns, one Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of, Oc. of lawful Money of England, to be iffuing and going out of certain Lands, Messuages or Tenements of him the said C. L. C. fituate, lying and being within the Kingdom of England, of the clear yearly Value of, &c. per Annum. Free from all Incumbrances whatsoever, To have, hold, receive, take and enjoy the said Annuity or clear yearly Rent-Charge of 100 1. to the faid To have and M. M. and his Affigns, for and during the Term to hold the of the natural Life of him the faid M. M pay- faid Annuity able Quarterly, at the four most usual Feasts or the Gian Days of Payment in the Year, (that is to say) at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel, the Birth of our Lord God, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Nativity of St. John Baptift, by even and equal Portions, without Without any making any Abatement, for Taxes, Charges or Abatement Affefsments, imposed or to be imposed by Act offor Taxes, Parliament, or otherwise howsoever, The first &c. - Payment thereof to begin and to be made at such of the said Feasts as shall first happen, next and immediately after the Death of the said, &c. And the said C. L. C. for himself, his Heirs, Executors, for the Life tee. Covenant for cutors, Administrators and Assigns, doth cove nomine pœna. nant, grant and agree to and with the said M. M. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, that if it shall happen the said Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of 100 l. or any Part thereof to be behind or unpaid, by the Space of twenty Days next following any of the said Days, on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid, that then and so often the said C. L. C. his Heirs and Assigns, shall forfeit and lose unto the said M. M. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, the Sum of 51. of lawful Money of England, nomine pæna, and so toties quoties, for every twenty Days that the faid yearly Rent, or any Part thereof, shall be behind and unpaid, after any of the faid Days whereon it is hereby appointed to be paid, Power to En-as aforesaid. And also, that whenever and as ter and Di- often as the yearly Rent of 100 1. or any Part strain, &c. thereof, or any Sum or Sums of 5 l. nomine pænæ, or any Part thereof, shall be behind and in arrear as aforesaid, then so often and from Time to Time, it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid M. M. and his Afsigns, into and upon the faid Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Premisses whatsoever, out of which the said yearly Rent shall be granted and be issuing as aforesaid, and into every Part and Parcel thereof, at his and their Will and Pleasure to enter and distrain for the said yearly Rent of 100 l. and the Arrears thereof, and for either or any of them, and the Distress and Distresses then and there found, to take, lead, drive, carry away, impound and keep until the said yearly Rent, and all Arrears thereof, and Sums of Money lost nomine pæne, and every Part thereof, and all Charges occasioned by such Distress and Distresses, be fully paid and fatisfied. And the said C. L. C. for himself, his Heirs, Executors |