Abatements, Executors and Administrators, and every of Covenant them, doth covenant, promise and agree to and truly to pay with the faid M. M. his Executors, Admini- without any strators and Afsigns, that he the said C. L. C. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said M. M. and his Affigns, the faid clear yearly Rent of 100 1. during the Term of the Natural Life of him the said M. M. at such Days and Times as are herein before limited and appointed, without making any Abatement, for or in respect of any Taxes, Charges or Affeffments, imposed or to be imposed by Act of Parliament or otherwise howsoever. And lastly, Agreed, that It is agreed by and between the faid Parties to after the Setthese Presents, that he the said C. L. C. making tlementmade such Settlement for the fame Payment of the upon them, said 1001. per Annum, to the said M. M. as afore- Lands, ut fupr. faid, all fubfequent Payments on the faid Bond, all fubfequent for the same shall cease and not otherwise: And the Bond until Default shall happen in Payment there-shall cease, of, no Execution or other Process shall be ta-and until De Payment on fault shall ken forth on the said Bond or Judgment a happen in gainst the Person, Lands, Tenements, Goods or Payment, no Chattels of the said C. L. C. But if Default shall Proceedings happen to be made in all or any the Payments, shall be upon contrary to the Days and Times herein before li. the Bond or mited, then the said M. M. his Executors, Ad- Judgment. ministrators and Assigns, shall and may be at Liberty to take forth any Execution or Process upon the faid Bond and Judgment, or either of them against the said C. L. C. his Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels. In witnefs, &c. The Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above bound C. L. C. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, do well and truly pay, or caufe The Condi- cause to be paid unto the above named M. M. tion of the his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, the Bond for true clear yearly Payment of 100 1. of lawful Money Payment, c. Covenant. of England, during the Natural Life of the faid truly observe, perform, fulfil, accomplish, pay And for Per-and keep all and singular the Covenants, Grants, formance of Articles, Clauses, Provisoes, Payments, Conditions and Agreements whatsoever, which on the Part and Behalf of the said C. L. C. his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, are or ought to be observed, performed, fulfilled, accomplished, paid and kept, comprised or mentioned in certain Articles of Agreement, bearing even Date herewith. And made or mentioned to be made between the faid C. L. C. of the one Part, and the said M. M. of the other Part, in all Things according to the true Intent and Meaning of the same, Then this present Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full Force and Vertue. Confiderati A Special Grant of two Annuities. This Indenture made, &c. Between G. M. of, &c. of the one Part, and M. B. of the on of Release other Part, Witnesseth, That for and in Confidementioned. ration of the Release herein after mentioned and hereafter 4 contained 1 contained from the said M. B. unto the said G. M. and for and in Consideration of the Sum of 5s of lawful Money of England, by the said M.B. unto the said G. M. in Hand paid, the Re- Annuity ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; and for granted of 10 l. per Ann. divers other good Causes and Considerations him for the Granthe said G. M. thereunto especially moving, he the tee's Life, to faid G. M. Hath given and granted, and by these issue out of Presents doth give and grant unto the said M. certain TeB. One Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of nements. Ten Pounds per Annum, of lawful Money of England, to be issuing out of all that his Mefsuage or Tenement, with the Appurtenances; situate in, &c. Middlesex, now or late in the Tenure or Occupation of, &c. and all those two other Messuages or Tenements, &c. To have, hold and perceive, and take the said Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge, unto the said M. B. and her Assigns, for and during the Term of her Natural Life, to be paid at the Feasts of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of St. John Baptist, St. Michael the Arch-Angel, and the Birth of our Lord Christ, by even and equal Portions. And this Indenture further Witnesseth; That for the Confiderations aforesaid, he the said M. Hath given and granted, and by these Pre- Another of sents doth give and grant unto the said M. B. 5 1. per Ann. one other Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of To com51. per Annum, of lawful Money of England, to the Deceafe be issuing and payable out of the Messuages, of the Granor Tenements, with the Appurtenances before tor, for 99 mentioned, To have, hold, perceive and take Years, if the the said Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of 5 1. Grantee lives per Annum, unto the said M. B. and her Afsigns, so long. immediately from and after the Decease of the faid G. M. for and during the Term of 99 Years, if the the said M. B. shall happen so long to live, To be paid at the Feasts before mentioned, by mence after 40 Days. by even and equal Portions; the first Payment thereof, to begin and be made upon such of the said Feasts as shall next happen after the Decease of the faid G. M. And the said G. M. doth further Grant, for himself, his Heirs and Afsigns, That if the said Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of 101. and 5 1. or either of them, or any Part thereof, shall happen to be behind and unpaid by the Space of Forty Days next after any of the said Feast-days, on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid, that then and in such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid M. B. and her Afsigns, into the said Messuages Power to en-or Tenements, and Premisses, or any Part or ter and di- Parcel thereof, to enter and distrain for the said strain after yearly Annuity or yearly Rent-Charges; and also for the Arrears thereof, if any shall be, and the Distress and Distresses there to be taken and found, to lead, drive, carry away, and the same to detain, and keep until the said M. B. and her Affigns, of the said Annuities, or yearly Rents-Charge, and the Arrears thereof, and of every Part thereof, together with the Charges of such Distress Detainer, shall be fully paid and fatisfied, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. And this Indenture further Witnesseth, That for the Confiderations aforesaid, and for and in Confideration of the Sum of 5 s. of lawful Money of England, to the faid M. B. in Hand paid by the said G. M. the Receipt whereof the said M. B. doth hereby acknowledge, she the said M B. hath granted, bargained, fold, affigned, released and confirmed, and In Confidera-by these Presents doth grant, bargain, fell, affign, tion of these release and confirm unto the faid G. M. his Grants, the Executors, Administrators and Affigns, all the Grantee Re-Eftate, Right, Title, Intereft, Property, Claim and Grantor all, Demand whatsoever, both in Law and Equity leases to of a of her the faid M. B. of, in, and to the personal Estate, Goods, and Chattels whatsoever, late of M. A. of, &c. by Vertue of the Act of Distribution of Intestates Estates, or otherwise howfoever, To have and to hold unto the said G. M. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns; And the said M. B. for her self, her Executors and Administrators, doth covenant, grant and agree to - and with the said G. M. his Executors, Admini-strators and Affigns, that she the said M. B. her Covenant for - Executors, Administrators and Affigns, shall and further Afsuwill upon the reasonable Request, and the Costs rance. and Charges in the Law of the said G. M. his - Executors, Afsigns, further do, make, acknowledge, execute and fuffer, or cause and procure to be made, done, acknowledged, executed and fuffered, all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts, Thing and Things, Devise and Devises, Afsurances and Conveyances in the Law whatsoever, for the further, better and more perfect and absolute assigning, granting, assuring and conveying the personal Estate, Goods and Chattels, flate of the said M. A. and all his and their Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand whatsoever, both in Law and Equity, in and to the fame, unto the said G. M. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, as by the faid G. M. his Executors, Administrators or Afsigns, or by his or their Counsel learned in the Law, shall be reasonably advised, or devised and required. In witness, &c. A Grant |