Com. B. A Grant of an Annuity, and the same further secured by a Bargain and Sale, of the Equitable Estate and Interest in Houses, to the Grantor, and by the Grantor mortgaged to another: Drawn in short without tedious Recitals. TH HIS Indenture made, &c. Between F. B. By Sir P. V. late one of the of London, &c. of the one Part, and A. B. Fudges of the of L. Spinster, &c. of the other Part. Whereas the faid F. B. hath contracted, concluded and agreed with the faid A. B. in Confideration of the Sum of 1201. Oc. paid unto him by the said A. B. to pay unto the said A. during her Natural Life, the yearly Sum of 15 1. of lawful, &c. by halfyearly Payments, as herein after is mentioned, and for fecuring the just and due Payment thereof; Hath by Indenture of Bargain and Sale, Inrolled, or to be Inrolled, Sold unto the faid A. B. and her Affigns, one Annual Rent of 15 1. iffuing out of, and for the Manor of, &c. in the County of, &c. To have and to hold the faid Rent for and during her Natural Life. Now this Indenture witnesseth, That for the further and better fecuring the said Annual Payment, to be made unto her the faid A. B. as aforesaid, and for and in Confideration of the faid Sum of 120 1. of lawful Money paid unto him the said J. B. by her the said A. B. the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof doth acquit and difcharge the faid A. B. her Executors, Administrators and Affigns, by these Presents, he the faid J. B. hath The Grant. granted, bargained and fold, and he doth by these Presents grant, bargain and fell unto the faid A. B. her Executors, Administrators and Afigns, all his Estate, Right, Title, Equity of Redemption, Claim and Demand whatsoever, of, in in or to all those two Messuages or Tenements, with their and every their Appurtenances, lately built upon a certain Piece or Parcel of Ground, fituate, lying and being, &c. (which Affignments faid Piece of Ground was by T. F. Citizen, and briefly reciPlummer of London, Demised unto T. N. Citizen ted. and Tyler and Bricklayer of London, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, by Indentures 27th Day of May, in the Year of our Lord God 1673. From the Feast-day of the Nativity of St. John Baptift, next ensuing the Date of the said recited Indenture of Demise, for and during the Term of 37 Years from thence next ensuing, at the yearly Rent of 81. 105. of, &c. and by Indenture bearing Date the 29th Day of May, in the said Year of our Lord, 1673. Was assigned by the faid T. N. to the faid F. B. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, from thenceforth, for and during the Residue of the said Lease of 37 Years, which was then to come and unexpired.) To have and to hold all the said Right, and Equity of Redemption, and all the Estate, Right, Interest, Claim and Demand of him the faid F. B. of, in and to the said Piece of Ground, - Messuages and Premisses, and every of them, 1 to her the said A. B. her Executors, Administra tors and Assigns, in as full and ample Manner, = as he the said J. B. now hath the same, or here- after may have upon the Payment of the Sum of 100 1. of, &c. with the Interest thereof, to E. A. Citizen and Painter-ftainer, of L. his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, for the securing of the Payment of 1001. principal Money, together with Interest; the Premisses have been affigned in Mortgage to the said E. A. by the faid J. B. by an Indenture bearing Date the 24th Day of June, Ann. Dom. 1686. And the said J. B. for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, C2 nuity. Grantee co- strators, doth covenant, promise and grant to venants he and with the faid A. B. her Executors, Adminihad good Right to strators and Assigns by these Presents, That at grant the An-the Time of the Making and Executing of the faid Indenture of Bargain and Sale of the said Rent, he has good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority to grant, bargain and fell the faid yearly Rent of 151. ifsfuing out of the Manor aforesaid, to the said A. B. for and during her Life, and that from and after any Failure of Payment of the said yearly Sum of 15 1. or any Part thereof contracted for as aforefaid, and to be paid to the said A. B. and her Assigns, as herein after is mentioned; it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid A. B. and her Affigns, To take, receive, and enjoy the said Annual Rent of 15 1. to her and their own Use and Uses, without the Let, Trouble, or Interruption of the faid 7. B. or of any Perfon or Persons claiming the said Rent, any Part thereof, or any Right, Title, or Interest therein, by, from or to be free brance. under the faid J. B. and freed, cleared, acquitAndthe fame ted and discharged of and from all former Barfrom Incum-gains, Sales, Mortgages, Estates, Judgments, Statutes, Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, done, or fuffered by him the faid J. B. or by his Means or Procurement; The Houses And the said J. B. for himself, &c. doth furare fecured ther covenant, &c. That the said two Messuafree from In-cumbrances. ges and Premisses, and Piece or Parcel of Ground built as aforesaid, and every Part thereof are and is at the Time of the executing of these Presents, free and clear, and discharged of all and every other Mortgage, Charge or Incumbrance Except the for and during the Residue of the said Term of Mortgages 37 Years now to come therein, saving the Mort gage thereof made as aforesaid to the said F. A. and the said yearly Rent of 81. 105. reserved upon the Demise of the said Term as aforesaid, and that there is now due to the said E. M. upon the said Mortgage, no more than the Sum of one hundred Pounds, and Interest for three Months ; And that the immediate Right, Title, and Equity of Redemption, of and in the said mortgaged Term in the said Messuage, Piece of Ground and Premisses, and every of them at the Time of the Executing of these Premisses, is lawfully and rightfully in him the said J. B. and he hath good Right and lawful Authority to bargain and fell the fame to the said A. B her Executors, Administrators and Assigns, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents; And that the said J. B. his Executors or Administra- That the tors, shall and will well and truly pay to the said Grantor shall E. A. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, pay off the the said principal Sum of 100 1. together with Mortgageall Interest that shall be due thereupon, and shall Money withdefray all other Charges requisite for the Re- and procure demption of the said Premisses within one Year an Affignnext ensuing the Date of these Presents, and ment. immediately upon Payment thereof, shall and will at the Costs and Charges of the said J. B. his Executors or Administrators, procure an Alfignment of the said Messuages, Piece of Ground, and Premisses, for the Residue of the faid Term of 37 Years, which shall then be to come and unexpired, in the same to be made to her the said A. B. and her Afsigns (in case she shall be then living) by the said E. A. his Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, for the better and further fecuring of the said yearly Payment of 151. to her the said A. B. and her Affigns, during her Life. And immediately from and after Failure of Payment of the said Annual Sum of 151. or any Part thereof (the said Year from the Date thereof, being expired) it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid A. B. and her Afsigns, to have, hold, poffefs and enjoy, the faid Messuages and Parcel of Ground built upon as aforesaid, for and during the Residue of the faid Term of 37 Years, which shall be at fuch Failure of Payment as aforesaid, to come and unexpired, freed of all Incumbrances, excepting the faid yearly Rent of 81. 10 s. And the faid J. B. for Covenant to himself, &c. doth covenant, &c. That he the pay the An- faid J. B. his Heirs, Executors and Adminiftranuity. Free from tors, shall and will well and truly pay to the faid A. B. and his Assigns, the yearly Sum of 15 1 of, for and during so long Time as the faid A. В. shall live, without any Deduction or Defalca+ tion to be made out of the same for Taxes, Taxes, &c. Publick Charges or other Impositions granted by Act of Parliament, or any other Authority, or for any other Matter or Thing whatsoever, the faid yearly Sum to be paid in equal Portions, half yearly at the two most usual Feast-days (that is to say) the Feast-day of St. Michaet, &c. the first Payment thereof (that is to say, 7 l. 10 s. to be paid at the Feast-day of St. Michael, next enfu+ ing the Date hereof, and so a like Sum of Money at each of the faid Feast-days, for fo long Time as the said A. B. shall live ; And that immediately from and after Failure of Payment of the faid Annual Sum of Money, or any Part thereof, the faid 7. B his Executors, Administrators, and Affigns, shall at the Request and Coft and Charge in the Law of the said A. B. or her Affigns, make, do, fuffer and execute all fuch farther Act or Acts, and Affurances in the Law as thall be required or advised by the said A. B. or her Af igns, her or their Counsel learned in the Laws, for the further and better affuring of the faid yearly Rent of 15 1. iffuing out of, and from the Manor Further Af furance. |