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And if it shall happen that the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent-charge, or any half-yearly Sum or Payment thereof, shall be behind or unpaid in Part or in All, by the Space of 30 Days next over or after any of the faid Feasts or Days of Payment on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid, That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for her the said S. S. and her Afsigns, into all and fingular the said Lands, Hereditaments and Premisses, and every or any of Claufe of Dithem to enter and distrain, And the Distress and stress. Distresses so taken, to lead, drive, take and carry away, and the same to detain and keep, and afterwards to fell and dispose according to Law, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, during the Natural Life of the said S. S. until she the said S. S. as well of the said Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of 35 l. with the Arrears thereof (if any be) as also of the several Pain and Pains of 40 s. (if any be incurred by Non Payment of the said Annuity in Manner as aforesaid) be fully paid and satisfied, together with the Costs and Charges in that Behalf from Time to Time sustained and expended. Of which said Seifin, Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge of 35 1. the faid E. H. hath put the faid S. S. in peaceable Poffefsion by the Payment and Delivery of 6 d. unto her the faid S. S. in the Name of Seifin at the Time of the Delivery of these Presents. In Witness, &c.

A Collateral Grant by way of Mortgage for a Term of 99 Years, for the fecuring the Annuity aforesaid.


His Indenture made, &c. Between E. H. of, &c. Esquire of the one Part, and S. S. of doc. Widow, and W. H. of the other Part, Witneffeth,



Confiderati- neffeth, That as well for the Security of the Payment of one Annuity or Annual Rent-Charge of 35 l. of lawful Money of England, clear of all Deductions, for or in respect of Taxes, or any other Matter or Thing whatsoever, issuing and going and to be issuing, and going out of all those Grounds or Closes of Meadow and Pasture, and Hereditaments herein after mentioned, during the Natural Life of her the faid S. S. according to the true Intent and Meaning of one Indenture of Annuity or Rent Charge, bearing even Date with these Presents, made between the faid E. H. of the one Part, and the said S. S. of the other Part, and for fecuring the Pain, Penalty and Forfeiture, in the said Indenture of Annuity mentioned to be incurred and forfeited by Non Payment of the said Annuity, as therein limited. As also for and in Confideration of the Sum of 4001. of lawful Money of England, to him the faid E. H. in Hand, at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, by the said S. S. well and truly paid, being the very same Sum and Confideration Money, as in the said Indenture of Annuity is mentioned, And in Consideration of the Sum of 5 s. of like Money by him the faid W. H. in like Manner paid to him the said E. H. the Receipt and Receipts of which said several Sums, he the faid E. H. doth hereby acknowledge, And thereof, and of every Part thereof, doth acquit, exonerate, and for ever difcharge the faid S. S. and W. H. their Heirs, Executors and Administrators respectively by these Presents, He the said E. H. hath at the Request. and by the Direction, Nomination and Appointment of the faid S. S. teftified by her being made a Party to these Presents, and her Sealing and Delivery hereof, Granted, Bargained and SoldAnd

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And by these Presents doth Grant, Bargain, and
Sell unto the said W. H. his Executors, Admini-

Grant of

strators and Affigns, All, Oc. And all Ways, Grant of the Waters, Water-courses, Commons, Commons of fame Parcels Pasture, Woods, Underwoods, Profits, Commo as in the dities, Emoluments, Hereditaments and Appur-Annuity. tenances whatsoever to the said Premisses, or any of them belonging or appertaining, or to or with the same, now or at any Time heretofore demised, used, held, occupied or enjoyed, or accepted, reputed, taken or known as Part, Parcel or Member of the fame. And the Reversion or Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues and Profits of all and fingular the faid Premisses, or any Part or Parcel thereof, To have and to hold the said Grounds or Closes of Meadow and Pasture, Barns, and all and fingular other the Hereditaments and Premisses, with their and every of their Appurtenances, herein before granted, bargained and fold, or herein or hereby meant, mentioned, or intended to be granted, bargained and fold, and every Part and Parcel thereof, unto the said W. H. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, from the Feast-day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, last past before the Date of these Presents, for and during, and unto the full End and Term of 99 Years, from thence next ensuing, and fully to be compleat and ended. In Trust never. In Trust for theless for the faid S. S. and her Affigns, fub. the Annuiject to the Proviso or Condition herein after tant.

contained. Bielding and paying therefore Yearly and every Year during the said Term, unto the said W. H. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, the Rent of one Pepper Corn only, Under a Proat the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in every void on PayYear, if the same shall be lawfully demanded. went of the

to be

Provided always, and these Presents, and the Annuity and


Term Pain.

Term and Estate hereby granted, are upon Condition nevertheless, and the true Intent and Meaning of the fame, and of all the Parties hereunto is, That if the faid E. H. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or any of them, do and shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto her the said S. S. or her Affigns, yearly and every Year, during the Natural Life of her the faid S. S. the Annual and clear yearly RentCharge of 35 l. of lawful Money of England, free and clear of all Taxes, Rates, Assessments, Impositions, Deductions and Reprizes whatsoever, Parliamentary, Parochial, Military and Civil, or of what other Kind or Nature soever, at the two most usual Feasts or Days of Payment in the Year (that is to say) the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel, and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by even and equal Portions, The first half-yearly Payment thereof, to begin and to be made on the Feast-day of St. Michael the Arch-Angel next ensuing the Date of these Presents; together with the Sum of 40 s. by Way and in the Name of a Pain, when and as often as the faid Annuity or Annual RentCharge of 35 1. per Annum, or any Half-yearly Payment thereof, or any Part thereof, shall be behind or unpaid, by the Space of 30 Days next over or after any of the faid Feasts, or Days of Payment on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Indenture of Annuity or Rent-Charge; That then and from thenceforth, this present Indenture of Grant, Bargain and Sale, and every Covenant and Clause herein contained, shall cease, determine, and be utterly void, as if the same had never been made, this Indenture, or any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And

pay the An

And the said E. H. for himself, his Heirs, Exe The Grantor cutors, Administrators, and for every of them Covenants to doth covenant and promise, grant and agree to nuity, and with the said S. S. her Executors, Administrators Pain, when and Assigns, by these Presents, that he the said incurred. E. H. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said S. S. and her Affigns, the said Annual Sum of 35 L of lawful Money of England, yearly and every Year during the Natural Life of the said S. S. at Day-times, and Times, and in such Manner and Form as is herein before limited, Together with the said Pain of 40 s. as Without de often as the same shall happen to be incurred, duction. and that without any Deduction, Defalcation, or Abatement whatsoever as aforesaid, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Indenture of Annuity or Rent-Charge, and the Tenour of the Proviso above-written. Or in Default thereof, that it shall and may be lawful to, and for the faid W. H. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, from Time to Time, and at all Times afterwards, into all or any the said Pre In Default misses hereby before granted, to enter, and the therefore, same and every of them, with their and every of their Appurtenances, peaceably and quietly mortgagee to have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy; and and quietly

that the

- the Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof, and every enjoy. Part thereof, to and for the Ufe and Behoof of her the said S. S. and her Afsigns, to have, re-ceive and take during the said Term of 99 Years hereby granted, without any lawful Let, Suit, Trouble, Denial, Disturbance, Eviction, Molesta- tion or Interruption whatsoever. And further, That the - the faid E. H. for himself, his Heirs, Executors Grantor is and Administrators, and for every of them, doth seised in Fee covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with fimple.

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the faid S. S. her Executors, Administrators and

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