&&c. that he and Dame E. and assuring the said Lands, Tenements, Here ditaments and Premisses, unto the said P. M. his Heirs and Affigns, at the Costs and Charges of the said P. M. his Heirs or Assigns, join in and execute all and every, or any the Conveyances or Afsurances afore-mentioned, freed and difcharged of and from all Estates, Charges, Titles and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, done Sir R. A. co- or committed by the said Sir R. A. and his Ancevenants with stors, or any of them, or by any other Person or the faid P.M. Persons, claiming or to claim, by, from or under, or in Trust for them, or any of them, other than his Wife, will and except an Estate for the Life of the said E. join in the H. first named of and in the Premisses, an Estate Afsurances of of Inheritance in Fee-simple, of and in the the Premif- Premisses heretofore conveyed, or agreed to be from all Ti. conveyed unto the faid Sir E. F. his Heirs or tles and In- Afsigns, or unto some other Person or Perfons cumbrances, in Trust for him and them. And also one Inexcept, &c. denture of Lease made by R. A. Esq; deceased, ses freed G. M. covenants with late Son and Heir apparent of the said Sir R. A. unto one R. P. of so much of the faid Premisses as is in the Poffeffion of the said R. P. for a Term of twenty-one Years, commencing from, a under the yearly Rent of 80 l. and one other In denture of Lease made by the faid R. A. deceafed, unto one J. E. of so much of the said Premisses as is in Poffeffion of the said J. E. for the Term of Twenty-one Years, commencing, under the yearly Rent of 64 1. always excepted and fore-prized. Item, The faid S. H. of C. &c. for himself, his the faid P.M. &c. doth covenant, promise and agree, to and that he and with the said P. M. his Heirs and Afligns, That E. his Wife the fame S. H. and E. his Wife, shall and will for will join in the Affuran-the better conveying the Premiffes as aforefaid ces afore- at the Request and Costs of the faid P. M.h mentioned. Heil S Heirs or Assigns, join in and execute all and every the said Conveyances and Assurances afore ✓ mentioned, or any of them. di faic That if the Item, It is mutually agreed and declared to Agreed and be the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents, declared, and the Parties hereunto, that if it shall happen, first mentionThat any of them the said S. H. first named, and ed Baron and E. his Wife, Sir E. F. Sir R. A. and Dame E. Feme, Sir E. rfon his Wife, their Heirs, Executors or Admini- F. Sir R. A. und strators, shall neglect to perform his or their and Dame E. herts Parts of the Covenants and Agreements herein his Wife, or contained, that then and in any fuch Cafe, any of them, E faid P. M. his Heirs, Executors and Administra- form their int tors, or any of them, shall not be hereby obliged Covenants, to perform his and their Covenants herein contained, or any of them, but shall, if he shall is Perle think fit, one! cea ic R it T the shall then the faid P. M. shall not be obli be absolutely discharged of the same. ged to per In witness, &c. form his, afore P. M Articles Articles of Agreement indented, made, concluded, of, &c. &c. of WHEREAS a Marriage is shortly in tended by God's Grace to be had and folemnized between T. M. Esq; Son and Heir Confidera- Apparent of the faid Sir T. M. and E. O. eldest tion. Daughter of the faid Sir R. O. Now these present Articles witness, That in Consideration of the said Marriage, and of the Sum of 8000l. to be paid to the said Sir T. M. by the faid Sir R. O for the Marriage-Portion of the said E. as herein after is mentioned, The said Sir T. M. for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Admini strators, and for every of them, doth covenant; promise and agree, to and with the faid Sir R. 0. his Executors and Administrators by these Presents, in Manner following; that is to say, That in cafe the said Marriage shall take Effect, he the said Sir T. M. and T. M. his Son, shall and will within the Space of fix Months next after the faid T. M. the Son, shall attain the Age of 21 Years, and at the equal Cost and Charges Settlement to (except the Cost and Charges of levying the be made of, Fines and Recoveries) of the said T. M. and Sir R. O. their Heirs, Executors or Administra tors, by good Conveyances in the Law, fettle and affure all those the Manors or Lordships S Husband for of, &c. in the County of E. And all their and every of their Rights, Members and Appurte- nances whatsoever, and all that the Manor or Meffuage and Farm, of, &c. with the Appurtenances, fet, lying, and being in the Parish, &c. and the Soil and Ground thereof, with the Appurtenances, set, lying and being in the Parish of S. aforesad, in the said County of E. and a'so that Park and Ground, &c. and of the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues and Profits of the said Manors and Premisses, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, To and for the several Use and Uses, Ends, Intents and Purposes, and under the Provisoes, Conditions and Agreements herein after mentioned, expreffed and declared; that is to say, As to, for, and concerning the several Part to the Messuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements, Tythes Ufe of the and Hereditaments, Parcel of the said Premisses intended in the several Occupations of J. W. E. N. J. P. Life, and af C. M. J. W. R. B. Parcel of the said Manors of ter to TruS. M. B. B. fome, or one of them, To T. M. the stees, to preSon, for and during the Term of his Natural servetheconLife, without Impeachment of Wafte. And af-tingent Reter the Determination of that Estate, to Trustees mainders. and their Heirs, to be nominated by the said Sir R. O. his Executors or Administrators, to preserve the contingent Remainders: And as for and concerning the Messuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the several Occupations of MW and F. W. Also Parcel of the Other Part of Manor of S. M. B. B. fome or one of them the Premifin the said County of E. and as for and con- fes to the Ufe, cerning the 'faid Copperas Work, and the feve- &c. with a ral Messuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Trustees at Hereditaments, Parcel or reputed Parcel of the fupr. bid Manor of, &c. Now in the several Teures or Occupation of the said Sir H. C. J.S. F.W Limitation to intended J. W. M. C. F. J. and R. C. their Affignis of Under-tenants respectively, to the Use of the faid T. M. for and during the joint Lives of the faid Sir T. M. and T. his Son; And from and after the Decease of the said Sir T. M. to the Use of the said T. M. the Son, for the Term of his Natural Life, without Impeachment of Waste, with a Limitation to such Trustees as aforesaid, and After the Death of the their Heirs, to preserve the contingent Remainders. And as to all the said Premisses, so as Husband, to aforesaid, limited to the said T. M. the Son, for the Use of his Life, from and after the Decease of the faid the intended Wife for T. M. the Son, to the Use and Behoof of the Life, for a said E. O. for and during the Term of her Na Jointure, &c. tural Life for her Jointure, and in Bar and full Recompence and Satisfaction of her Dower and Thirds. And as for and concerning the faid The Refidue several Manors, Lordships, Lands, Tythes, Hemisses, to the reditaments and Premisses in the said County Use of Sir of E. whereof no Use or Uses is herein before T. M. for directed to be limited, to the Use of the faid Life, with a T. M. the Son, for and during the joint Lives o Limitation in Truft, of the Pre ut fupra. tended Huf him the said T. M. and the said Sir T. M. And after the Decease of the said T. M. to the Uf of the faid Sir T. M. for and during the Term of his Natural Life, with Limitation to fuc Trustees and their Heirs, as aforesaid, to preferv the contingent Remainders; And as to the fai Moiety of the said Manors of whereof no Use is herein before directed, to t limited to the Use and Behoof of the faid Sir Remainder M. and his Affigns, for and during the Term to the in- his Natural Life, without Impeachment of Waste band for And from and after his Decease, to the Use of th Life, with- faid T. M. the Son, for and during the Ter out Impeach-of his Natural Life, without Impeachment ment, &c. Waste, with a Limitation to fuch Trustees aforesaid, to preferve the contingent Remainde A |