and other Sons and and as to all the said Manors, I ordships, Mefsuages, &c. from and after the respective Determinations of the several Ufe and Uses thereof herein before directed to be limited, and as the Remainder same respectively shall end and determine to the to the First, Ufe of the first Son of the Body of the faid T. M on the Body of the said E. lawfully to be begot efeint Sons ten, and the Heirs male of the Body of fuch first in Tail Male. Son lawfully issuing, with the Remainder to the Second, Third, and all and every other the Son 1. and Sons, and enseint Sons of the faid T. M. to be begotten on the Body of the faid E. feverally and fuccessively, and the Heirs male of their respective Bodies lawfully issuing, the eldest and The eldest to first-born of fuch Son and Sons, and the Heirs be prefer'd, male of his Body, to be always preferred before &c. he the Younger, and the Heirs Male of his Body. And for Gefault of such Iffue, as to the faid T e na stees afore Maintenance Moieties of the said Manors of B. and P. to For Default the Use of the Trustees to be by the faid Sir R. of fuch Iffue, O his Executors or Administrators named in such to the Ufe Settlement for the Term of foo Years, without of the TruImpeachment of Wafte for the raifing of Por-mention'd for tions and Maintenances of the Daughters, as 500 Years, herein-after is named. And as for and concern for raifing of ing all the said Manors, Messuages, Lands, Te. Portions and nements and Hereditaments, from and after the of Daughters Determination of the several Ufes and Eftares after the De thereof fo to be limited, appointed and decla-termination red, and as the same shall respectively End and of the Ufes Determine, To the Use of the faid Sir T. M. and already lithe Heirs male of his Body: And for Default of mited, then uch Iffue, to the Use of the right Heirs of the Sir T. M. and aid Sir T. M. for ever. And it is further agreed, the Heirs That Provision shall be made in the faid Settle. Male of his nent, or otherwise out of fome Part of the Pre- Body, the iffes for raising 120 l. per Ann. to be paid to the to the Ufe of to the Ufe of Remainder id E. by Quarterly Payments, for her feparate his right D Ufe Heirs. A Provision Use, during the joint Lives of the said Sir T.M. to be made of and T. the Son; and after the Deceafe of the 120 1. per An. for the Wife's faid Sir T. for raising and Payment of the Sum separate Ufe, of 160 1. per Annum, to the said E. during the Life of the said T. M. in such Manner as that the fame may be at the fole Dispose of the saic E. exclusive, to the said T. M. her intended Husband. And it is further agreed, That the Daughters Provision for Daughters, if no Sons, by the faic Portions li- Term to be limited to Trustees for that Purpose mited Pay shall be as followeth; To wit, If but one Daugh Years, or Dayter, 6000 1. for her Portion; if two Daughof Marriage.ters, 8000 l. for their Portions, to be equally divided amongst them, and payable at her or thei respective Age or Ages of 18 Years, or Day o Marriage first happening: And that Provision per Ane shall be made for the faid Term, for 60 l. pe taining of Annum, for the Maintenance of each Daugh each Daugh-ter, until the Age of 12 Years, and of 70 1. pe ter under 12 Annum afterwards, until her Portion shall be pay Years, and able. And it is further agreed, That Provi 70 1. after, fion shall be made in the faid Settlement, That i till Portion payable. Cafe there should be a Son, and any other Chil or Children, Son or Sons, Daughter or Daugh A Provision ters begotten by the faid T. M. on the Body o to be made, the said E. O. then the said T. M. shall hav that the Hufband may Power by his Last Will and Testament in Wri charge the ting, or any Deed under his Hand and Seal, a Wife's Join-tested by two or more credible Witnesses, t ture after her charge all or any the Premisses herein agreed Death, for be limited to the faid E. for a Jointure to tal the Payment Effect after her Death, for and with the Payme Childreger of any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceedin Epc. able at 18 60 1. Portions. in the Whole, the Sum of, &c. for the Portion Portions of fuch younger Child or Childre and to be paid in such Proportion and Mann as the faid T. M. shall direct. And it is furth agreed, And the faid Sir R. O. for himself, Hel Heirs, Executors, and for every of them, doth covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid T. Sir M. his Executors and Administra tors, and to and with every of them, by these The Wife's Presents in Manner following; that is to say, Father coveThat he the said Sir R. O. his Heirs, Executors nants to pay the Portion or Administrators, shall and will well and truly with Intereft pay, or cause to be paid unto the said Sir T. M till paid. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, upon - the executing and perfecting the said Settlement Upon execuso to be made as aforesaid, the Sum of 6000 1. ting the faid of lawful Money of England, with Interest for intended Setthe fame, after the Rate of 5 l. per Cent. per Antlement. num, from the Day of the Date of these Presents, until such Payment. And also, That he the said Sir R. O. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, shall and will upon the executing and perfecting fuch Settlement as aforesaid, well and sufficiently secure by Lands, the further Sum of 2000 l. of lawful Money of England, to be paid to the faid Sir T. M. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, at the Death of the said Sir R. O. or the Marriage of T. O. Esq; Son and Heir apparent of the faid R. O. first happening: And if neither of them happen within the Space of 4 Years now next coming, Then the said Sir R. O. his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said Sir T. M. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, Interest or the faid 2000 l. from the End of the said our Years, after the Rate of four Pounds per Dent. per Annum, by Half-yearly Payments, until he same shall be paid. And it is further a: Covenant for freed, That upon Payment and fecuring the faid the Husband Portion of 8000 l. asaforesaid, The said I. M. the upon Payon, shall release the said Sir R. O. his Execu-ment. rs and Administrators, of and from all Legacies, ifts, or Bequests of Money given or bequeath. to release Wife die, the Provision toed to the said E. O. by Sir T. F. Knight and Babe made, that ronet, deceased; or by Sir H.T. Knight, deceased, in Case the and of and from all Monies arifing to the said E. Husband may by or out of the Estate of Dame E. T. deceafed, make a Join-or any of them. And it is further agreed, ture out of That Provision shall be made in the Settlement the Premiffes to be made as aforesaid, In Case of the Death of Wife. the faid E. to enable the said T. M. the Son, to for a fecond the intended make a Jointure for any Wife, he shall then af. ter marry out of any of the faid Farms that he shall be then in Poffeffion of, for the Term of her Natural Life, not exceeding the yearly Value of 400 1. per Annum, the Mansion-house, and the Farm and Demesnes therewith commonly used, In Cafe the to be no Part thereof. Provided Nevertheless, Son dies be- and it is agreed by and between the said Parties fore 21, and Settlement to these Presents, That in Case it shall happen be not made, that the said T. M. the Son, shall die or depart this Life before he shall attain the faid Age of 21 Then the Years, and before the faid intended Settlement Portion to fhall be made, and if the faid E. O. shall him Wife, if the furvive, then and in such Cafe, all and every the Covenants and Agreements herein mentioned and contained for the Making such Settle ment, and the Payment of the faid 8000% for the Portion of the faid E. O. to the faid Sir T. M aforesaid, shall cease and be void and of none Effect. And then and in such Cafe the fait Sir R. O. his Heirs, Executors or Adminiftra tors, shall pay unto the said E. O. within furvives. And to any, Erc. next after the Decease of the said T. M. the Sun of 80001. which should have been paid to the fai Sir T. M. in Cafe the said Jointure were made which the faid Sir R. O. for himself, his Heir Executors and Administrators, doth hereby pro mise and agree, with the faid Sir T. M. his Ext Daughters, if cutors and Administrators, to do accordingly. Bu in Cafe the faid T. M. the Son shall die befo Father, to de he attain his Age of 21 Years without Iffue male, born in his Life-time, or after his Decease, and if he shall have any Daughter or Daughters by him begotten on the Body of the said E. living at his Death, or born after his Decease; then the faid Sir T. M. shall pay to such Daughter, if but one, the Sum of sooo l. for her Portion, and if two or more, the Sum of 6000 l. for their Portions, to be equally divided, and to be paid at the Age or Ages of 18 Years, or Day or Days of Marriage of such Daughter or Daugh-Covenant by ters which shall respectively first happen. And the Husband's it is further agreed, And the faid Sir T. Moliver up the doth hereby covenant and promise, to give and Capital Mefdeliver unto the faid T. M. his Son, immediate-fuage and ly upon the making such Settlement, All the Houshold Plate, Beds, Bedding and Furniture whatsoever, Goods to the in and about the Capital Meffuage or Manfionhouse at S. aforesaid, and the Out-houses thereunto belonging. And in Cafe the faid T. M. and E. shall not think fit to inhabit there immediately, nor take Poffeffion of the Demesnes at present, nor take Care to preserve the Gardens in Or pay Rent Order, then the said Sir T. M. will continue in for the fame, the same, and pay and answer the Rents of the Demesnes and Tythes that are in Hand to his Son, according to the Particular given in upon his Marriage, deducting only the Charge of keeping the Gardens, not exceeding per An. And also to satisfy the present Minister, as he now receives for Tythes and Family-duty. In Witness, &c, Son, &c. |