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Articles of Agreement made the, &c. between the Honourable Sir H. G. Baronet, Sir J. B. Knight, Sir J. C. Knight, R. A. Esq; Senior, J. S. L. A. J. E. Sen. W. G. S. E. G. E. W. C. and F. H. Esquires; Masters of the Bench of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn, of the one Part, and H. S. of the Same Society, Esq; of the

other Part.


VENEAS the said H. S. is seized of, and doth claim to himself, by Virtue of a Title derived to him from the Crown, or otherwise, the Soil, Freehold and Inheritance of that open place of Ground on the South and South-West Side of Lincoln's-Inn Walls, commonly called or known by the Name of Lincoln's-Inn Little Fields, or Ficket's Fields: And whereas, several Disputes and Differences have lately arisen between the said Masters of the Bench, on the Behalf of the said Society, and him the faid H. S. concerning the erecting of several Buildings upon the faid Ground. Pow for the settling and accommodating of the said Matters, It is agreed by and between the said Parties to these Presents, in manner following:

Imprimis, It is agreed, That so much of the said Ground as is herein after particularly abutBounds of the ted and bounded; That is to say, All that Part new Court of of the faid Ground from the Walls of Lincoln'sLincoln's-Inn. Inn, Southwards to the Rail, immediately before Sir R. P's Buildings, running parallel with the Way Way from Bellyard's end, to Plough-Stable's-Inn, and from the Space of ten Feer Distance from the Houses and Walls on the Eastern Part of the said Field, fo far Westward as will run in a just Parallel from North to South with the Corner of the base Court-Wall, and so far further as may run in a parallel Line from North to South, within eight Feet of Portugal-Row End, shall from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter be difposed of, and such Buildings only shall be erected thereupon, and the Buildings erected shall • be employed in Manner only as heretofore is expreffed.






Item, It is agreed, That he the said H. S. his To be built Heirs or Affigns, at his or their own proper Cofts at the proper and Charges, shall within three Years next enfu- Charge of H. ing the Date hereof, erect and build in and upon what Manthe said Parcel of Ground, so bounded out as ner. aforefaid, three Ranges of Buildings; that is to fay, one Row or Range of the faid Buildings, to be erected on the Eastern Part of the faid Piece of Ground, and to be extended from the SouthWest Corner of the Kitchen-Garden Wall of e the faid Society, on the North-fide of the faid Field, all along Southward to the Distance of threescore Feet, from the Buildings of Sir R. P. and the second Row or Range of the said Buildings on the West Part of the faid Ground, to begin at the North End of the now Gardiner's House of the faid Society, and to extend Southward to the Distance likewise of threescore Feet, from the Houses on the South-fide of the Way from Bell-yard to Plough Stables, and to range With Lincoln's-Inn Long Wall, from Turn-Stile to the faid Gardiner's House: And the third Row

Range of the faid Buildings on the Southern ide of the said Field, and to extend from the


End of the first Row or Range on the Eastern Part of the faid Ground, to the End of the faid fecond Row or Range on the Western Part of the faid Ground, and to range with the faid Houses on the South side of the Highway from BellYard to Plough-Stables, and threescore Feet Distance from the said Houses: And that a convenient, handsome and proportionable Gate shall be made through the East End of the said third Range of Buildings, to go out under an Arch to be turned for that Purpose; and that a Gate shall be likewife made through the North End of the faid fecond Range of Buildings, to go out under an Arch to be turned for that Purpose: And that the faid Buildings shall be erected three Story high, and no higher, and without a Garret; but the said HS may make Cellars if he please. And that all the Doors of the said Buildings, so to be erected, shall be all of them made in the inside of the faid intended Buildings, towards the intended Quadrangle, and none of them on the outside thereof.

Item, It is agreed, That the said Buildings when erected, shall be employed and made Ufe of for Chambers, for fuch Persons as now are, or hereafter shall be Members of the said Society

of Lincoln's-Inn, or such Serjeants at Law as have For the Ufe formerly been of the said Society, and for no of the So- other Purpose whatsoever; And that the same ciety of Lin-shall be liable to all manner of Duties and Paycoln's-Inn, &c. And fubject ments, and be regulated according to the ancient to their Go- and ordinary Orders of the said Society, in such vernment. Manner as the present Chambers of the faid So

ciety are liable unto (except only the Restricti ons following; that is to say) As to fuch of the faid Chambers as shall be built upon the faid Piece of Ground, Part of Little Lincoln's-Inn Fields or Ficket's Fields aforesaid, That he the faid H.S hi


his Heirs and Affigns for ever, shall from Time to The Cham Time, and at all Times hereafter, have the Sale of bers to be fold by H. S. the faid Chambers, and in Order thereunto by but the Adsome Deed or Writing under his or their Hands and mittances to Seals, shall from Time to Time for ever afsign, be by the nominate and appoint such Person and Perfons, Bench of Members of the faid Society or Serjeants at Law, Lincoln's-Inpa who have been Members of the said Society, who shall enjoy the faid Chambers respectively, which faid Perfon and Persons from Time to Time so to be nominated, affigned and appointed, and no other Perfon or Perfons whatsoever shall be admitted to the faid Chambers respectively, by the Mafters of the said Bench of the said Society, without paying any manner of Fine, or other Satisfaction to the faid Society for fuch their Admittance, other than the usual Fees to the Officers of the faid Society, upon Admittances into Chambers. And the usual Fines to the House The Fines of upon Surrenders of Chambers; That is to say, Admittance. Ten Pounds for a Ground Chamber, or a Chamber one Pair of Stairs, eight Pounds for a Chamber two Pair of Stairs, and twenty Nobles for a Chamber three Pair of Stairs: And the Mafters of the Bench for the Time being, shall have no Power to refuse or delay Admitting of any Perfon or Persons, who shall be so nominated, upon fuch Nomination of him or them, paying the Fees or Fines aforesaid; And that no Fine or Income shall be paid to the said Society, for each first Admittance to the said respective Chambers: And that no Chamber or Chambers so to be built, shall be liable to any Commons, Arrears or Duties, longer than the same Thall be in the Poffeffion of the Person or Persons who shall owe the same to this Society: And as to fuch of the said Chambers as shall be built tpon the Ground or Soil now belonging to the


The Interest said Society, It is agreed between the said Maallow'd to sters of the Bench and the said H. S. That the

H. S. in the

Chambers faid H. S. shall have fix several Afsignments for built on Lin-the successive Lives of fix several Persons to be



named by the said H. S. his Heirs or Affigns, succeffively as the Lives fall, without paying any Fee or Income to this Society for the same, other than what is to be paid for the said new erected Chambers on the said Ground of Fickett's Fields aforesaid.

Item, It is agreed, That the said H. S. his, &c. shall and will at his and their like proper Costs and Charges, erect a good and suffiA Wall and cient Brick-wall, a Brick and half thick, and ten Gate. Foot high, to run Southward from the South End Corner of the said Kitchen-Garden Wall, and range equal with the Buildings on the East-fide of the faid Fields, ten Foot Distance from the same towards Bell-yard; and to extend to that Place which shall range equally with the out-fide of the third Range of Buildings, and from thence to go again in a direct Line to the South-East Corner of thesaid new Buildings, in the latter Part of which said new Hall, shall be a sufficient Gateplace, and a fufficient Gate set up for all Sorts of Carts and Carriages to go in and out thereat.

And farther, That he the said H. S. &c. shall and will at such their Costs and Charges, ered and build a good and sufficient Bog house on Bog-house House of Office for the Use of the said Society and Gardi- and a sufficient House for the Gardiner of the ner's House, said Society, to be built between the Backfide o the said first Range of Buildings, and the said new Wall, and that Part of the same Ground shall be made Use of for a Laystall for ever for this So ciety. In Conüderation whereof, he the fai

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