I C In FOLIO. 2 Serjeant Salkeld's Reports n Two Volumes. 3 Hawkins's Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown in 2 Vols. 4 Farley's Reports in the First Year of Q. Anne. s Sir Orlando Bridgeman's Conveyances, 4th Edit. 6 D'Anvers's general Abridgment of the Common and Statute Law 7 Levitz's Reports French and English, in Two Volumes 8 Saunder's Reports French and English, in Two Volumes. 9 Cafes Adjudged in the Court of Chancery, compleat in 3 Parts. 10 Bendloe's and Dalifon's Reports. 11 The Law of Real Actions by George Booth. Efq; 12 Baron Puffendorf of the Law of Nature and Nations, with Barbarett's The Lives of the Primitive Fathers by William Cave, D. D. An Expofition of the Thirty Nine Articles, by Dr. Burnett. 15 A Compleat Hiftory of the moft remarkable Transactions at Sea from the Earliest Account of Time. By J. Burchett, Efq; 16 The History of England in Three Volumes. 17 Dr. Nicholls on the Common-Prayer. 18 Rushworth's Collection Compleat in 8 Vols. 19 State Trials Compleat in 4 Vols. 22 Curfus Cancellaria, or the Practice of the Court of Chancery. 23 Reports in the Court of Chancery, in 3 Vols. 8vo. 24 Sir Matthew Hale's Hiftory and Analysis of the Law. 25 The Rules and Orders of all the Courts at Westminster. 26 The Common and Statute Law concerning Trials in Cafes of 27 The Law against Bankrupts, by Serjeant Goodinge, 3d Edit. 29 The Compleat Sheriff, to which is now added the Law of Replevin. 30 The Modern Conveyancer: or Conveyancing improv'd, in 3 Vols. 31 The Compleat Attorney and Solicitor in all the Courts at Westmin- 32 Legal Provisions for the Poor. The 4th Edition. 33 An Abridgment of Coke on Littleton by W. Hawkins, Efq; 3d Edit. 34 Tenants Law or the Law concerning Landlords, "Tenants and 35 Laws concerning Trade and Tradesmen. 36 Enchiridion Clericale: or Precedents for Young Clerks. 37 The Juftice of Peace's Companion, by S. Blackerby, Efq; 38 The Second Part, being a Collection of Adjudged Cafes, by the THE SECOND PART OF THЕ Modern Conveyancer, OR, Conveyancing Improved. BEING A CHOICE COLLECTION OF PRECEDENTS ON MOST OCCASIONS, Drawn after the Manner of Conveyancing now in USE. By the greateft Hands of this prefent Age, Of which fome are ftill living. To which are added OPINIONS of feveral Learned Counsel, relating to Conveyancing, and other Matters in LAW. Printed by the Affigns of Edward Sayer, Efq; for JOHN WALTHOE in the Middle-Temple-Cloysters. MDCCXXV. Lai Annuities. A Grant of an Annuity for Life. T HI3 Indenture made, &c. between E. H, of C. in the Parish of K. &c. Efq; April 25 of the one Part, and S. S. of, &c. Wi- 1694. dow, of the other Part, Witnesseth, That the Part. faid E. H. for and in Confideration of the Sum of 400% of lawful Money of England, to him in Hand at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Prefents, by the faid S. S. well and truly paid, the Confiderati Receipt whereof he the faid E. H. doth hereby on. acknowledge, and thereof, and of every Part thereof, doth acquit, exonerate, and for ever discharge the faid S. S. her Heirs, Executors, and Adminiftrators, by these Prefents, Hath given, granted, fet out, charged and appointed, and by thefe Prefents doth fully, clearly and abfolutely give, Grant, grant, fet out, charge and appoint unto the said S. S. and her Affigns, one Annuity or clear yearly Rent-charge of 35 L. of lawful Money of England, free and clear of all Taxes, Rates Affeffments, Impofitions, Deductions and Reprizes whatfoever, Parliamentary, Parochial, Military and Civil, or of what other Kind or Nature foever, Iffuing and going, and to be Iffuing and go B ing ing, out of All thofe Grounds or Clofes of Meadow and Pafture, called or known by the Several Names of, &c. containing, &c. with two Barns thereupon, fituate, ftanding, lying and being in the Parish of Kingston aforefaid, in the faid County of Surrey, now in the Tenure or Occupation of T. H. his Under-Tenants or Affigns, And all those two Clofes, &c. To have and to hold, perceive, receive, take and enjoy the faid Annui Without De-ty or clear yearly Rent-charge of 35 1. and every ductions for Part thereof, free and clear, and freely and clearany Taxes, ly difcharged, of and from all Taxes, Rates, Af &c. feffments, Impofitions, Deductions and Reprizes whatsoever as aforefaid, unto the faid S. S. and her Affigns, from the Feaft-Day of the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary, laft paft, before the Date of these Prefents, for and during the Natural Life of her the faid S. S. at the two most usual Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year (that is to fay) the Feafts of St. Michael the Arch-Angel, and the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary, by even and equal Portions, the first half yearly Payment thereof to begin and be made on the Feaft-day of St. Michael the Arch-Angel next enfuing the Date of these Prefents. And farther, the faid Edw. H. for the Confideration aforefaid, Hath given and granted, and by these Presents doth give and grant unto the faid S. S. and her AfNom pæna.figns, the Sum of 40 s. of like Money, by way and in the Name of a Pain to be paid unto the faid S. S. or her Affigns, from Time to Time, when and as often as any Half-yearly Payment of the faid Annuity of 35. or any Part thereof, fhall be behind and unpaid by the Space of 30 Days next over or after any of the faid Feafts above limited for Payment of the fame. And |