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philofophy, nor the fever of wild and precarious liberty, which could produce fuch continued agitation; but that imperishable fpirit of freedom alone, which always exifts in the heart of man, which now animates the heart of Europe, and which in the event, will communicate its energy throughout the world, invincible and immortal!

WB rejoice in the fincerity of our fouls, that this creative spirit animates the whole mafs of mind in France. We aufpicate happiness and glory to the human race, from every great event which calls into activity the whole vigour of the whole community; amplifies fo largely the field of enterprize and improvement, and gives free fcope to the univerfal foul of the empire. We trust that you will never fubmit the liberties of France to any other guarantees, than God, and the right hands of the people.

THE power that prefumes to modify or to arbitrate with refpect to a conftitution adopted by the people, is an ufurper and a defpot, whether it be the meanet of the mob, or the ruler of empires; and if you condescend to negociate the alteration of a comma in your conftitutional code, France from that moment, is a fave. Impudent defpots of Europe! Is it not enough to crush human nature beneath your feet at home, that you thus come abroad to disturb the domeftic fettlement of the nations around you, and put in motion your armies, thofe enormous maffes of human machinery, to beat down every attempt that man makes for his own happiness-It is high time to turn thefe dreadful engines against their inventors, and organized as they have hitherto been, for the mifery of mankind. to make them now the inftruments of its glory and its renovation.

SUCCESS, therefore, attend the France!


MAY your foldiers, with whom war is not a trade, but a duty, remember that they do not fight merely

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for themselves, but that they are the advance guard of the world: nor let them imagine that the event of the war is uncertain. A fingle battle may be precarious, not fo a few campaigns.-There is an omnipotence in a righteous caufe, which mafters the pretended mutability of human affairs, and fixes. the fuppofed inconfitency of fortune. If you will be free, you MUST; there is not a chance that one million of refolute men can be enflaved; no power on earth is able to do it; and will the God of justice and of mercy? Soldiers! there is fomething that fights for you even in the hearts of your enemies. The native energies of humanity, rife up in voluntary array against tyrannical and prepoilerous prejudice, and all the little cabals of the heart, give way to the feelings of nature, of country and of kind.

FREEDOM and profperity to the people of France! We think that fuch revolutions as they have accomplifhed, are fo far from being out of the order of fociety, that they fprung inevitably from the nature of man and the progreffion of reafon; what is imperfect he has the power to improve; what he has created, he has a right to destroy. It is a rath oppofition to the irrefiftible will of the public, that in fome inftances has maddened a difpofition, otherwife mild and magnanimous, turned energy into ferocity, and the generous and galiant fpirit of the French, into fury and vengeance. We trust that every effort they now make, every hardship they undergo, every drop of blood they fhed, will render their conftitution more dear to them.

LONG life and happinefs to the King of the French! not the Lord of the foil and its fervile appendages, but the King of men, who can referve their rights, while they entruft their powers. In this crifis of his fate, may he withfland every attempt to eftrange him from the nation; to make him an exile in the midst of France, and to prevent him

from indentifying himself as a magiftrate with the conftitution, and as a Frenchman with the people.

WE beseech you all as men, as legislators, as citizens and as foldiers, in this your great conflict for liberty for France, and for the world, to defpise all earthly danger, to look up to God, and to connect your councils, your arms, and your Empire to his throne, with a chain of union, fortitude, perieverance, morality and religion.

We conclude, with this fervent prayer: That as the Almighty is difperfing the political clouds which have hitherto darkened our hemifphere, all nations may ufe the light of Heaven: that, as in this latter age, the Creator is unfolding in his creatures, powers which had long lain latent-they may exert them in the establishment of univerfal freedom, harmony and peace: may those who are free, never be flaves: may those who are flaves be speedily free.

[ON the motion of Mr. Thomfon, the above was to be tranfmitted to the National Affembly.]



WE, the volunteers and other inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Belfast, affembled to commemorate this great day, embrace with earneftnefs the opportunity which it affords, at once ta express our zeal and affection for the cause of liberty in France, and our undifguifed opinions on fubjects of the last importance to our native land.

TRAINED from our infancy in a love of freedom, and an abhorrence of tyranny, we congratulate our brethren of France and ourselves, that the infamous confpiracy of flaves and defpots, against the happinefs and glory of that admired and refpected nation, and against the common rights of man, has hitherto proved abortive.

FIXING our view fteadily on the great principle of Gallic emancipation, we will not be diverted from that magnificent object, by the accidental tumults or momentary ebullitions of popular fury. We will not eftimate the wifdom of her legiflators by the tranfports of a mob; nor the fpirit of her armies by the cowardice of a regiment; nor the patriotism of her people by the treachery of indivi duals; nor the juftice of her caufe by the numbers of her enemies. We judge with other views and on other principles. We fee with admiration, France extending the land-marks of human knowledge in the great art of government, and opening to the world new fyftems of policy and of justice, We fee her renounce all wars on the principle of conqueft. We fee her propofe an univerfal brotherhood and an eternal peace among the nations. We fee her even now, when forced into arms and blood fhed, by the unjust and unprincipled machinations of her enemies, feparating, as far as poffible, the innocent fubjects from the guilty defpot; refpecting, amidit the horrors of war, the property of individuals; and exempting from interruption the peaceful traffic of the merchant. It is from views like thefe, that we estimate that ftupendous event, the Revolution, which we this day commemorate; not from accidental irregularities, which, while we condemn them, we are compelled to pity, as feeling that they fpring not merely from a fpirit of licentioufnefs, but from a fenfe of injury working on a fanguine people, ftill galled with the recollection of recent tyranny and oppreflion, and jealous of liberty, but just recovered, and fcarcely yet fecure.

SUCH are our fentiments on the fubject of the French Revolution ;—we come now to the fate of our own country.

IMPRESSED as we are with a deep fenfe of the excellence of our conftitution, as it exifts in theory, we rejoice that we are not, like our brethren in France, reduced to the hard neceffity of tearing up

inveterate abuse by the roots, even where utility was fo intermixed as not to admit of feparation.Ours is an easier and a lefs unpleafing tafk; to remove with a steady and a temperate refolution, the abufes which the lapfe of many years inattention and supineness in the great body of the people, and unremitting vigilance in their rulers to invade and plunder them of their rights, have fuffered to overgrow and to deform that beautiful fyltem of government, fo admirably fuited to our fituation, our habits, and our wishes. We have not to innovate, but to restore. The juft prerogatives of our Monarch we refpect and will maintain. The conftitutional power of the Peers of the realm we wish not to invade. We know that in the exercise of both, abufes have grown up; but we alfo know that thofe abufes will be at once corrected, fo as never again to recur, by reftoring to us THE PEOPLE, what we, for ourfelves, demand as our right, our due weight and influence in that eftate, which is our property, the Representation of the People in Parliament.

THOROUGHLY impreffed with the unjust and ruinous inequality of that reprefentation, with the confequent corruption, which pervades all ranks in the state; with the deftruction of the morals, the facrifice of the commerce, and the hourly and imminent danger to the liberty of our country, we will inflexibly perfevere in the pursuit of that great remedy for all our political evils, a parliamentary reform; a reform temperate, equal and juft, which fhall reftore luftre to the crown, dignity to the peerage, and their due weight and influence to the people of Ireland.

BUT while we thus ftate our fentiments on the subject of reform, we feel it incumbent upon us to declare, as we now do, that no reform, were even fuch attainable, would anfwer our ideas of utility or juftice, which should not equally include all fects and denominations of Irishmen. We reprobate and abhor the idea, that political inequality fhould refult

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