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(13). Post


2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 120

Postmaster shall deliver tickets

with hire of horses.

Penalty for neglect, 102.

No person shall pay hire for more iniles than expressed in the ticket.

Penalty for not filling up ticket truly.

Persons using hired

tickets at first tollgate, and receive check tickets.

shall be or commence, the number of horses, the day or number of days, the names of the places from and to which every such horse shall be hired to go, or to go to and return from, the number of miles, and the names and residences of the persons letting and hiring every such horse, as the said particulars or any of them shall be expressed in the original ticket."

Sect. 62. "That every licensed postmaster who shall let any horse for hire shall, by himself or his servants, previous to the using of any such horse, deliver to the person hiring such horse, or to the postillion or person to be employed to drive such horse, a ticket properly filled up with respect to all the particulars hereinbefore mentioned which shall be applicable to the hiring of every such horse; and any postmaster who shall neglect or refuse to deliver such ticket according to the directions of this act shall forfeit ten pounds."

Sect. 63. "That no person hiring any horse shall be compelled to pay for a greater number of miles for the hire of such horse than shall be expressed upon the ticket by this act directed to be delivered as aforesaid relating to the hiring of such horse; and any licensed postmaster who shall insert or cause or permit to be inserted in any such ticket the name of any other town or place than the town or place to which or to and from which the horse shall be hired to go or to go and return, or a less number of miles than such horse shall be actually hired to go, shall forfeit ten pounds; and it shall be lawful for the commissioners of Stamps, if they shall so think fit, after conviction of such offender, to refuse to grant to him any such licence in future."

Sect. 64. "That every person who shall receive from the person horses shall deliver letting any horse for hire any ticket relating to the hiring of such horse, shall deliver or cause to be delivered every such ticket to the toll-gate keeper at the first toll gate through which such horse shall pass or go; and every person who shall deliver to any toll-gate keeper any such ticket as aforesaid, relating to the hiring of any horse let for hire in any other manner than by the mile, shall ask for and receive from such tollgate keeper the proper exchange ticket or check ticket containing the several particulars hereinbefore mentioned, which shall be applicable to the hiring of any such horse; and every such exchange ticket or check ticket shall, on demand of the toll-gate keeper, be produced and shewn at every toll gate through which such horse shall afterwards pass or go during the journey, or within the time for which such horse shall have been let for hire.'

Toll-gate keepers shall deinand tickets, and give check tickets in exchange.

Persons not to

pass gates without

Sect. 65. "That the keeper of every toll gate through which any horse let for hire shall first pass shall demand of the person using such horse, or of the postillion or person employed to drive the same, the ticket issued for and in respect of such horse; and every such toll-gate keeper shall deliver to the person using any horse let for hire in any other manner than by the mile, or to the postillion or person employed to drive such horse, an exchange ticket or check ticket, properly filled up with respect to the particulars in that behalf hereinbefore mentioned, and shall receive such original ticket, and write his name thereon, and file the same; and it shall be lawful for the keeper of any toll gate to producing tickets, prevent any horse let for hire from passing through any such gate, unless the proper ticket, exchange ticket, or check ticket required by this act, containing and specifying the particulars in that behalf hereinbefore mentioned which shall be applicable to the hiring of such horse, shall be first delivered or produced and shown to such toll-gate keeper, or the person using such horse shall pay to such toll-gate keeper one shilling and nine-pence in respect of every such horse, which sum such toll-gate keeper is hereby authorized to demand and receive for his own use and benefit; and any toll-gate keeper who shall neglect to demand or shall refuse to receive any ticket by this act directed to be delivered to him, or who shall neglect or refuse to write his name thereon, or to file the

or paying 18. 9d. for every horse.

Penalty on tollgate keeper for neglecting to demand tickets, or

(13). Posthorses.

2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 120.

same when delivered, or who shall neglect or refuse to give any ticket by this act directed to be given by him in exchange, or who shall deliver any exchange ticket or check ticket without having first received the necessary ticket containing the particulars in that behalf hereinbe- for other improper fore mentioned, or who shall make or suffer to be made any alteration conduct relative to such tickets, 107. whatever in any ticket after the same shall have come to his possession, or who shall deliver any ticket herein before directed to be received and filed by him to any person other than the person duly authorized to receive the same, or who shall permit any person to inspect any ticket by him received and filed as aforesaid other than the person duly authorized to receive the same, or who shall demand or receive, or shall agree to take or accept, any less sum of money than he is by this act authorized to demand and receive and retain to his own use, shall forfeit ten pounds."

Sect. 66. "That if any person shall neglect or refuse to deliver at any toll gate any ticket which he ought, according to the provisions of this act, to deliver at such gate, or if any person shall falsely allege that any horse with which he shall pass any toll gate is not a hired horse, in order to avoid being stopped, or to avoid the payment of the sum which the toll-gate keeper shall be entitled to demand in default of any such ticket being delivered or shewn, every person so offending shall forfeit ten pounds.'

Penalty on persons neglecting to falsely alleging hired horses to be

deliver tickets, or


own, 107.

When and where toll-gate keepers received by them.

shall deliver tickets

Sect. 67. "That the keeper of every toll gate within the distance of five miles from the head office for Stamps in the city of Westminster shall, at such times as shall be directed by the commissioners of stamps or their proper officer, bring or send all the tickets by him received to the said head office, or to such other place within the bills of mortality as the said commissioners or officer shall appoint; and the keeper of every toll gate beyond the distance of five miles from the said head office shall bring or send all the tickets by him received to such places and at such times as the collector appointed to collect such tickets shall require, provided such places shall not be at a greater distance than the nearest market town, or shall, upon demand made to him for that purpurpose, deliver or cause to be delivered all such tickets as aforesaid to such collector; and any toll-gate keeper who shall neglect or refuse to Penalty, 20s. per bring or send or deliver, in manner aforesaid, all the tickets received by him, shall for every ticket he shall so neglect or refuse to bring, send, or deliver, forfeit twenty shillings."

Sect. 68. "That every toll-gate keeper shall be entitled to demand and receive from the collector to whom he shall bring, send, or deliver such tickets as aforesaid one farthing for and in respect of each horse specified in every ticket, and also one farthing for each such horse for every day more than one and less than twenty-eight successive days in such tickets mentioned, and such collector is hereby required to pay or allow such sums accordingly."


Allowances to be

made to toll-gate delivered by then.

keepers for tickets

Commissioners of stamps may erect cases for receipt of

gates in certain

Sect. 69. "That in and across any public road, on which any toll gate shall not be erected sufficient for the purposes of this act, it shall be lawful for the commissioners of stamps to cause gates and bars to be erected for the receipt of the tickets directed to be issued in tickets. pursuance of this act, and to place a proper person at every such gate or bar, who shall have power and authority to collect such tickets, and to demand the money from the traveller for not producing and shewing any such ticket in like manner as any toll-gate keeper is by this act authorized to collect and demand the same; and every such person shall be subject to the same penalties for any thing done or omitted contrary to this act as any toll-gate keeper is by this act subject and liable to; and every such gate or bar shall be deemed and taken to be a toll gate for all the purposes of this act."

Sect. 70. "That where any licensed postmaster shall let for hire any horse for twenty-eight successive days or more, and such horse shall be

When horses hired for twenty-eight days or more are

(13). Posthorsts.

23 WAL4, c.120

reumed within

that period, check

ticket shall be dvered up to euextor.

returned to such postmaster before the expiration of the time for which such horse shall have been so let for hire, such postmaster, at the time of receiving back such horse, shall ask for and receive from the person so returning such horse the check ticket received by such person in exchange for the original ticket delivered to him on the letting of such horse, and shall, within three days after the return of such horse, deliver up or transmit such check ticket to the collector of the said duties to whom he ought to deliver his Stamp-office weekly account; and if any master for neglect, licensed postmaster shall refuse or neglect to ask for such check ticket, or, having received the same, shall refuse or neglect to deliver up or to transmit the same to the said collector within the time aforesaid, he shall forfeit twenty pounds; and if such postmaster shall use any such check ticket, or shall permit the same to be used, or shall give out the same to any person for the purpose of being used to cover and protect any other letting for hire from the duty hereby granted, such postmaster shall forfeit fifty pounds."

Penalty on post

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Penalty for using fraudulently, 50.

a check ticket

Postmasters to

account for tickets

and to re deliver

to collector such as remain unac

counted for, or to pay value thereof.

Sect. 71. "That every licensed postmaster shall from time to time, delivered to them, whenever he shall be thereunto requested by any collector or other authorized officer of stamp duties, as well during the continuance of any licence to such postmaster as at or after the expiration thereof, well and faithfully account to such collector or officer respectively for all the tickets which shall have been delivered to such postmaster in pursuance of this act, under or in consequence of any such licence as aforesaid; and such postmaster shall also, on demand, re-deliver to such collector or officer all such tickets as shall not be satisfactorily accounted for in manner aforesaid, or in default thereof such postmaster shall be liable to pay for every ticket not accounted for as aforesaid after the rate of one shilling for every horse specified or expressed by figures or otherwise upon such ticket and in the receipt given by such postmaster for the same; and such rate or sum of one shilling for every horse specified or expressed as aforesaid shall be deemed to be the value of every such ticket, and shall be a debt due to his Majesty from such postmaster, and shall be recovered accordingly; and if any such postmaster shall lect or refusal, 10. neglect or refuse to account to such collector or officer in the manner directed by this act for every or any such ticket as aforesaid, or shall neglect or refuse to pay to such collector or officer the value of every or any such ticket as shall not be satisfactorily accounted for, and as shall not be re-delivered, on demand, to such collector or officer in the manner directed by this act, every such postmaster so offending shall forfeit ten pounds, over and above the value of every such ticket not so accounted for or re-delivered."

Penalty for neg

Penalty for forging tickets, 50L

Commissioners of Stamps shall deliver to licensed postmasters forms of account, adapted for insertion of


Sect. 72. "That any person who, with intent to defraud his Majesty or any other person, shall falsely make, forge, or counterfeit, or shall cause or procure to be falsely made, forged, or counterfeited, or shall wilfully aid or assist in the false making, forging, or counterfeiting of any ticket by this act authorized or directed to be used, or shall utter or publish as true any such false, forged, or counterfeited ticket, shall forfeit fifty pounds."

Sect. 73.That the commissioners of stamps or their officer, at the time of issuing any licence to any postmaster, shall deliver to such postmaster papers, intituled Stamp office weekly account,' which shall be adapted for the insertion of the following particulars relating to the certain particulars horses which may be let for hire; (that is to say,) the day of the month, the month and the year of such letting for hire, the names of the towns or places from which and to which, or from which and to which and back again, such horses shall be hired to go, according as the hiring may be, the number of every carriage required by this act to be numbered, the christian name and surname of every postilion or driver employed, the amount of the sum charged for or in respect of every letting for hire, the number of horses let for hire, the number of days and the

number of miles for which such horses shall be let for hire, and the amount of the duty payable for and in respect of every such letting for hire, as the case may be or shall require, according to the following form, or such other form as the said commissioners shall judge convenient for keeping such account:

(13). Posthorses.

2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 120.


Sect. 74. "That every licensed postmaster shall truly insert and set forth in such his stamp office weekly account the several particulars following; (that is to say,) the day of the month, the month and year, on which every horse let for hire by him shall be let for hire, and from and to what place, or from and to what place and back again, every such horse shall be hired to go, the number of every carriage (which by this act is required to be numbered) which shall be furnished with any such horse, the christian name and surname of every postillion or driver employed with every such horse, the amount of the sum charged for the hire or use of every such horse, where in any case allowed by this act the postmaster shall elect to pay one-fifth thereof for the duty on such letting, the time for which the same shall be let for hire or used, the number of horses so let for hire, and where the distance shall be ascertained the number of miles within which the same shall be hired to go or to go and return, or such of the several particulars aforesaid as shall be applicable to each respective letting for hire, and in all cases the amount of the duty payable for and in respect of every horse upon every such letting for hire or using; and whenever such licensed postmaster shall let any horse for hire for twenty-eight successive days or more he shall insert and set forth in such his stamp office weekly account the several particulars following; (that is to say,) the number of horses so let for hire, the day of the month, the month and year on which such hiring shall commence, the number of every carriage by this act required to be numbered which shall be furnished therewith, the christian name and surname of every postillion or driver employed with every such horse, the time for which the same shall be hired, and the name and place of abode of the person hiring the same; and such postmaster shall also insert in every such account a memorandum or notice of every horse which shall have been let for hire by him for twentyeight successive days or more, and which since the date of his last account shall have been given up and returned to him by the hirer before the expiration of the time for which such horse shall haye been let for hire, and the day of the month on which the same shall have been so given up and returned, and also the amount of the duty payable in re

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(13). Posthorses.

2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 120. Penalty for neglect, 201.

Entries to be made

on day horses are let or returned;

Penalty, 40s.

Account to be

open for inspection of proper officers;

Penalty, 101.

When and where licensed postmasters shall deliver

their accounts and pay duty thereon.

Penalty for default, 20%.

Postmaster to make declaration of truth of his account.

spect of the time during which every such horse shall have been under the direction of the person hiring the same by virtue of such letting for hire as aforesaid; and in case of the neglect or omission of any licensed postmaster to insert in any such stamp office weekly account the particulars hereinbefore respectively mentioned, or any of them, applicable to each respective letting for hire, he shall for every such neglect or omission forfeit twenty pounds."

Sect 75. "That every licensed postmaster who shall let any horse for hire shall enter or cause to be entered, in such his stamp office weekly account, the several particulars by this act required to be inserted therein, on the day on which any such horse shall be so let for hire, or so given up and returned as aforesaid, or on the day next immediately following, or in default thereof he shall forfeit forty shillings."

Sect. 76. "That every such stamp office weekly account of every licensed postmaster shall be open for the inspection and examination at all seasonable times of the commissioners of stamps, or any collector of the said duties, or any authorized officer of stamp duties; and any postmaster who shall refuse to permit such commissioners or collector or officer, at any seasonable time, to inspect such his stamp office weekly account shall for every such refusal forfeit ten pounds.”

Sect. 77. "That every licensed postmaster residing within the distance of five miles from the head office for stamps shall attend and deliver his stamp office weekly accounts, and shall pay the duties for which he shall be accountable either to the commissioners of stamps at the said head office, or to some collector of the said duties, at such place and at such time as shall be appointed for that purpose by a notice to be given upon the blank forms of the stamp office weekly accounts which shall from time to time be delivered to such postmaster for the purpose of making therein the entries required by this act, provided such place be not at a greater distance than two miles from the said head office; and every licensed postmaster not residing within five miles of the said head office shall attend and deliver his stamp office weekly accounts, and shall pay the duties for which he shall be accountable to the collector of the said duties authorized to receive the same, at such place in the market town in which such postmaster shall reside, or (in case he shall not reside in a market town) in the market town nearest to his place of residence, and at such time as shall be appointed for that purpose by a notice to be given in manner aforesaid, under the penalty of twenty pounds for every default in not attending to deliver or in not delivering any such account at the time and in manner aforesaid, and double the amount of the duties due and payable by such postmaster, so far as the same can be ascertained; and in default of the delivery of any such account the said duties may be computed by the tickets which such postmaster shall have issued or caused to be issued under the provisions of this act, by calculating the rate of duty imposed by this act upon the number of horses, and for the number of miles or days, or otherwise, as the case may be, specified or expressed upon such tickets respectively, without regard to the option of such postmaster, in any case, of paying one fifth part of the sum charged for the hire of any of such horses for the duty on the letting thereof."

Sect. 78. "That every licensed postmaster shall, at the respective times of delivering his account, and paying the money due thereon, make and subscribe, in the presence of the collector or other officer authorized to receive such account, a declaration of the truth of the account then delivered in the form following:

"I, A. B., do declare, That the stamp office weekly account hereunto annexed doth contain a just and true statement of the number of horses which have been let for hire by me or my servants, or on my account and behalf, from the day of day of both inclusive, together with the manner in which such horses have been so let for hire as aforesaid; and also the full

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