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industry and trade, which last-named group shows, among other things, the number of mines and quarries, the number of persons employed, and accidents and accident rates in mines. Index numbers of retail prices and rents are shown.

Railway Commission of Inquiry. Report. November, 1914. Pretoria, 1914. 173 pp.

This commission was appointed in October, 1913, to inquire into the grievances of railway men and to report upon the feasibility of immediate changes in conditions surrounding the employment of railway men and harbor labor. In the investigation 52 meetings were held, 520 witnesses were examined, and several shops and running sheds visited. The witnesses represented 363 interested groups; 32 of the witnesses represented the railway department, and the balance, with few exceptions, represented employees.

The majority report, signed by two of the three commissioners, is of the opinion that it has not been proved that a shortening of the hours of labor would lead to the employment of those out of work without an increase of expense to the administration, but it recommends immediate introduction of an eight-hour day for those engaged generally in continuous and arduous work, and that in case of the train crews overtime should be reduced and 24 hours rest given, if practicable, each week. With regard to wages, the majority recommend that the question of a minimum wage be considered when data concerning the cost of living have been collected. Except in the case of white laborers, there is recommended a minimum wage of 7s. ($1.70) exclusive of allowances, except where the allowance granted is 4s. (97 cents), when the total minimum should be 10s. ($2.43); a beginning wage of white laborers of 4s. 6d. ($1.19) is recommended, with a possible increase to 5s. ($1.22). The majority does not recommend the abolition of piecework, but suggests alterations in the organization of that kind of work so as to allow a profit of 15 per cent to the worker. As to apprentices, the commission recommends that they be allowed one hour for three days of the week for training in their trade; that an especially appointed official be selected to look after their welfare, and that one apprentice be permitted for each five workmen. The pay of the salaried staff is considered reasonable, but recommendations with a view to facilitating promotions are made.

The representative of the railway men signed a minority report recommending immediate adoption of the eight-hour day, the payment of a minimum wage of at least 8s. ($1.95) per day to all European labor, the abolition of piecework, increase of pay of the salaried staff, repeal of all laws prohibiting combinations and strikes among workmen, and the elimination of overtime.

South Australia.-Statistical Department. Summary Returns of Manufactories and Works for the Year 1914, and the Period 1910–1914, and Report thereon. Adelaide, 1915. 6 pp. (Bulletin No. 4 of 1915.)

This report is prepared by the Government statistician and gives summary data for all factories, workshops, or mills employing 4 or more persons, and of those employing machinery operated by power regardless of the number of persons employed, for the year 1914. The report may be said to be nearly analogous to the census of manufactures in the United States.

A comparison for the five-year period 1910-1914 shows that the total number of factories and workshops increased 3.5 per cent; the number using machinery 9.7 per cent; the number of persons employed decreased one-half of 1 per cent; the amount of horsepower employed in manufacturing increased 47.3 per cent. The total amount paid in salaries and wages increased 26.8 per cent; the average annually earned by each employee showed an increase of 27.5 per cent, the average for 1914 being £115 6s. ld. ($561.13) as compared with £90 8s. 10d. ($440.13) for 1910. The expenditure on account of material consumed in manufacturing increased 18.5 per cent. The capital invested in building plant and machinery increased during the period 29.7 per cent, while the gross wholesale value on the premises of the output of the various establishments increased 18.2 per cent.

Uruguay.-Direccion General de Estadística. Anuario Estadistico de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Libro XXIII, Anos 1911 y 1912. Montevideo, 1915. xiv. 736 pp. Contains material usually found in yearbooks and presents it in detail for each governmental district, State, and important city generally for a period of two years. Of special interest to labor are those data relating to immigration, accidents (classified by occupations, age, and locality), and strikes and lockouts.

Venezuela.- Ministerio de Fomento. Direccion General de Estadística. Anuario Estadistico de Venezuela, 1912. Caracas, 1915. xxi, 483 pp. 15 charts.

This yearbook is the fifth of the series issued by Venezuela, and contains data for 1912 and 1913, with such comparable data as are available.

The material is classified under the titles following: Climatology, territory and population, instruction, religion, vital statistics, public aid, association, etc., judicial statistics, crimes, penal institutions, industry and commerce, with appendixes relative tɔ State lands, natural products, registered trade-marks, and mineral land concessions in force.

Victoria.-Government Statist.

Melbourne, 891 pp.

Victorian Yearbook, 1913-14, Thirty-fourth issue.

Following the method of presentation for former issues of the yearbook, this number contains information concerning the political and social institutions of Victoria, its finance, population, communication, and transportation, municipal statistics, vital statistics, production and wealth, law and crime, and social conditions. A short summary is given of the main provisions of the workers' compensation act, passed in 1914. In the section dealing with the manufacturing industries are found data relating to the number of factories in the State, the number of persons employed therein, salaries and wages paid, and the value of the product manufactured. Factories are classified according to the number of persons employed, sex of employees, the number of children employed, material produced, and value of output. Rates of wages as reflected in the determinations of the wage boards are shown for different occupations. Information is also included concerning the operation of the land laws, and of the laws granting State loans to farmers and workers for the acquisition of land for homes for themselves.


In the pages following the various periodical publications issued by foreign departments and bureaus of labor are listed and the table of contents given. This list usually includes all the periodical publications received during the four weeks preceding the 15th of each month. Some countries, it will be noted, are not represented by any publication, while those of other countries have been somewhat irregular in their appearance since the beginning of the European war. Canada. The Labor Gazette issued by the Department of Labor by order of Parliament,


September, 1915.-Notes on current matters of industrial interest. Industrial and labor conditions during August, 1915: General summary; Reports of local correspondents; Reports of women correspondents. The Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, 1907: Proceedings during August, 1915; Text of draft of amended bill under consideration of Minister of Labor; Reports of board in dispute between Toronto hydroelectric commission and electrical workers; Contract work dispute at Bellevue mine; Alberta; Prices-Wholesale and retail, Canada, August, 1915; Fair wages schedules in Government contracts, August, 1915; Trade disputes, August, 1915; Industrial

accidents, August, 1915; Immigration and colonization; Building permits, August, 1915; Recent industrial agreements; Notes on official reports; Recent legal decisions affecting labor.

Denmark. Statistiske Efterretninger udgivet af det Statistiske Departement [Copenhagen].

August 28, 1915 (No. 19).—Labor disputes in 1914; Retail prices, August, 1915; Liquor shops and saloons, 1914; Unemployment, June, 1915; Census of doctors, dentists, and veterinaries, 1915.

September 15, 1915 (No. 20).—Crops on hand under cultivation, 1915; Imports of grain and feeding stuffs, August 1, 1914, to July 31, 1915; Persons engaged in handworking and manufacturing establishments; Statistics of dairying; Index number of the Economist.

Finland.—Arbetsstatistisk Tidskrift utgifven af Industristyrelsen. Helsingfors.

No. 4, 1915.-Factory inspection in Finland, 1913; Sickness among workers of the Finlayson & Co. cotton mill, 1911-12; Conditions in the hand-working trades in Finland, 1913; Benefit funds for working men, 1913; Reports of the labor exchanges, first quarter, 1915; Prices of various leather products; Prices of food commodities; Reports from foreign countries,

Germany.—Reichsarbeitsblatt. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amte. Abteilung für Arbeiterstatistik. Berlin.

August, 1915.-Labor market in Germany, July, 1915; Decrees of federal States making it obligatory for free employment offices to make reports for publication in the Labor Market Bulletin (Arbeitsmarkt-Anzeiger); Labor market in Berlin, July, 1915; Labor market in foreign countries (Switzerland, British Colonies); Employment offices and unemployment; Unemployment in Austria, December, 1914, to March, 1915; Unemployment in New York State; Housing and the war; Legislation: Decree of July 23, 1915, for the prevention of excessive prices; Decree of July 22, 1915, as to welfare work during the war; Social insurance: German social insurance during the war, continued; Activity of the industrial and commercial courts; Labor market statistics.

September, 1915.-Labor market in Germany; Labor market in foreign countries (Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, and British Colonies); Employment offices and unemployment: Unemployment in German trade unions, August, 1915; Unemployment in foreign countries (Sweden, United States); Economic conditions during the war: Cooperative stores during the war. Labor disputes: Strikes and lockouts in Germany, second quarter, 1915. Labor conditions: Wage statistics of the local sick funds of Leipzig, Lubeck, and Strassburg in Alsace. Social insurance: Statistics of decisions relating to accident, invalidity, and survivors' insurance. Legislation: Decree of August 22, 1915, amending the decree against excessive prices of July 23, 1915; Decree of August 12, 1915, limiting the hours of labor in textile establishments; Decree of August 26, 1915, relating to insurance of salaried employees. Decisions of industrial courts. Statistical tables of the labor market.

Great Britain.-The Board of Trade Labor Gazette. London.

August, 1915.-Employment chart. The labor market in July. Special articles on Employment in Germany in June; Retail food prices in the United Kingdom; Retail food prices in Berlin in June; Retail food prices in Vienna in June; Retail food prices in Italy in May; Rise in the cost of living in Christiania; New measures in Germany against excessive food prices; Compulsory associations in the German coal-mining industry. Conciliation and arbitration cases. Reports on employment in the principal industries. Labor in the dominions. Board of Trade labor exchanges. Statistical tables: Prices of wheat, flour, and bread; Trade disputes; Changes in rates of wages; Sliding scale changes in wages; Pauperism; Diseases of occupations; Fatal industrial accidents; Unemployment insurance; Foreign trade; Distress committees; Passenger movement to and from the United Kingdom; Immigration to and emigration

from the United States in May; Emergency grants to trade unions. Legal cases, official notices, etc.

September, 1915.-Employment chart. The labor market in August. Special articles on Employment in Germany; Retail food prices in the United Kingdom; Retail food prices in Berlin; Retail food prices in Vienna; Rise in the cost of living in Copenhagen; Road board; Industrial cooperative societies in the United Kingdom in 1914; Coal output in the United Kingdom; Membership of trade unions in 1914; Agricultural returns for the United Kingdom; Monthly Review of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Conciliation and arbitration cases. Reports on employment in the principal industries. Labor in the dominions. Labor in foreign countries. Board of Trade labor exchanges. Statistical tables: Trade disputes; Changes in rates of wages; Prices of wheat, flour, and bread; Diseases of occupations; Fatal industrial accidents; Unemployment insurance; Distress committees; Pauperism; Foreign trade; Cooperative wholesale societies; Passenger movement to and from the United Kingdom; Immigration to the United States in June. Official notices, etc.

Italy. Bollettino dell' Ufficio del Lavoro, Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio. Rome. (Monthly.)

April, 1915.-Operations of the employment agencies. Labor disputes: Strike of the marble rough finishers and general lockout in the marble industry in Carrara, and other strikes, by industries. Statistics of workmen employed on public works in October, November, and December, 1914. Retail prices of farm products and foods generally consumed by workmen's families, March, 1915. Municipal price regulation of foodstuffs. Hygiene of miners and workmen in the iron and steel industry. Workmen's housing in Italy, 1914. Labor legislation: Swiss factory law of June 18, 1914; Portugal: Three laws of January 22, 1915, regulating the hours of labor of commercial employees, workmen in industrial establishments, and of minors and women employed in industrial establishments. Contract of hire and working conditions of farm laborers in Switzerland. Working conditions and wages of workmen in the German clothing and underwear industry, 1912. Decisions of courts affecting labor.


August 1, 1915.—Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Labor market, by localities and industries; Labor disputes; Retail prices. June, 1915; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions; Maternity fund (ministerial decree relating to appointment of representatives of employers and employees to the administrative committee of the fund); Activities of the Office. Legislation relating to labor (extension of waiting time for the application of the Berne convention relating to prohibition of the use of white phosphorus in the match industry).

August 16, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Labor market, by localities and industries; Labor disputes; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions; Activities of the Office; Legislation relating to labor (war measures); Social insurance.

September 1, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Labor market, by localities and industries; Labor disputes; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions; Activities of the Office; Legislation relating to labor (war measures); Emigration (Italian emigration during 1914); Housing of workmen, first quarter, 1915; Application of labor laws (employees in the public transportation service). Decision of courts; Publications of the Office.

September 16, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Labor market, by locality; Labor disputes; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions. Social insurance: Insurance of agricultural workmen against war risks. Retail prices, July, 1915; Employment on public works, statistics for the third and fourth quarter of 1914; Activities of the Labor Office; Legislation and decisions of courts relating to labor. Hygiene: Mortality from tuberculosis in Milan, 1903-1912. Prevention of lead poisoning of painters in England.

Netherlands.—Maandschrift van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistick. [The Hague.] August 31, 1915 (Vol. 10, No. 8).-Review of the labor market, July 1915, and for August, 1915 (harbors and fishing); Labor-market conditions in the briquette industry during the first part of the season up to July 15, 1915; Employment of interned soldiers in the industries of The Netherlands (conditions up to the close of August). Employment office reports for 1915; Unemployment and unemployment insurance, July, 1915; Unemployment in the building trades, second quarter, 1915; Strikes and lockouts, July, 1915; Wholesale and retail prices. Miscellaneous reports of social and economic import (population, housing, building inspection, pensions, industrial accidents, postal savings banks, war measures, trade union activities, factory inspection, 1913, emigration, 1914, etc.). Foreign countries and the war (Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Belgium). Foreign countries: Labor market; Employment offices; Strikes and lockouts; Wholesale and retail prices, etc. Statistical tables: Labor market (building, mines, harbor work); Employment exchanges, July, 1915; Building and housing inspection, July, 1915; Factory licenses, July, 1915; State revenues, July, 1915. Laws and official documents concerning railroad employees, etc.

New South Wales.-Industrial Gazette issued by the Department of Labor and Industry. Sydney.

July, 1915.-Introductory matter. The industrial situation, June, 1915: Industrial arbitration and the war; Questions of the cost of living and the minimum wage; Emergency legislation; Dislocations in industries; Employment and Unemployment. The statute law of industrial import in the State of New South Wales; Awards continued by and made under the Industrial Arbitration Act, 1912; Factories and Shops Act, 1912; Early closing acts; Records of conciliation committees; Judicial and quasijudicial proceedings. Departmental records, June, 1915: Chief inspector of factories office; Gas examiner's office; Industrial registrar's office; Investigation office; Labor Exchanges. Records of industrial boards; Awards gazetted from June 10 to July 14, 1915; Industrial Agreements filed from June 10 to July 14, 1915; Abridgment of records; Compendium of titles to awards published in this part; Table of industrial agreements published in this part. Labor exchange supplement No. 4. New Zealand. Journal of the Department of Labor. Wellington.

August, 1915.-Labor. Conditions of employment and trade. Women's employment branches (reports). Union reports. Recent legal decisions. Industrial union levies. Master and servant. Recent legal decisions affecting labor in Great Britain. Statistical: Persons assisted to employment during July, 1915; Cooperative works in New Zealand; Accidents in factories reported up to July 27, 1915; Accidents reported under the scaffolding inspection act; Additional unions registered under the industrial conciliation and arbitration act, 1908; Additional unions canceled under the industrial conciliation and arbitration act, 1908; Current retail prices, July 15, 1915; Retail prices, June quarter, 1915; and War increases. Special articles on employment in Germany in March; Retail food prices in Berlin in March; Disabled sailors and soldiers. Spain. Boletin del Instituto de Reformas Sociales. Publicación Mensual. Madrid. August, 1915.-Report of the Secretary's office and of the special divisions. Strikes, July, 1915. Retail prices October, 1914, to March, 1915, inclusive. Conventions and congresses. Proposed legislation.

Sweden. Sociala Meddelanden Utgivna av K. Socialstyrelsen. Stockholm.

No. 8, 1915.-State and municipal measures pending the war: Reports of the state unemployment commission; Aid to unemployed tobacco workers; Organization of local unemployment aid; State war insurance bureau. The labor market, second quarter, 1915; Unemployment among trade union members, April 1, May 1, June 1,

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