1 15 Of fize that might a pulpit fill, Lewis his patron's humour knows, Away upon his errand goes, For shunning those of his own coat; Γ Which made his brethren of the gown 25 Take care betimes to run him down: 30 15. Demetri, (puer bic non leve jussa Philippi Accipiebat) abi, quære, et refer: Unde domo, quis, Cujus fortune, quo fit patre, quove patrono ? 23, 25. It, redit, et narrat, Votteium nomine Menam. * Erasmus Lewis, esq; private secretary to the earl of Oxford. 1 No libertine, nor over-nice, Addicted to no fort of vice, Went were he pleas'd, said what he thought, Not rich, but ow'd no man a groat : In state opinions à la mode, * He hated Wharton like a toad, Had giv'n the faction many a wound, And libell'd all the junto round; Kept company with men of wit, 35 40 Of late indeed the paper stamp Said Harley, I defire to know - 31. Tenui cenfu, fine crimine notum, 50 55 Et properare loco, et ceffare, et quærere, et uti, 47. Scitari libet ex ipfo quodcunque refers. Dic Ad cœnam veniat. Non fane credere Mena, Mirari fecum tacitus. * Earl of Wharton, father to the duke of Wharton who died in France. Swift seem'd to wonder what he meant, Swift, who cou'd neither fly nor hide, No man alive has more respect--- 70 E 2 "Well, 75 "Well, I shall think of that no more, No, doctor, you shall be a dean ; 71. Sic ignoviffe putato Me tibi, fi cænas hodie mecum. Ut libet. Ergo 74. Ut ventum ad cænam est, dicenda, tacenda locutus, 81. 87. - Jubetur Rura fuburbana indictis comes. ire Latinis. -Videt, ridetque Philippus: Two 90 Two dozen canons round your stall, 100 Suppose him now a dean compleat, Devoutly lolling in his feat; The silver virge, with decent pride, Stuck underneath his cushion fide: Suppose him gone thro' all vexations, Patents, instalments, abjurations, First-fruits and tenths and chapter-treats, Dues, payments, fees, demands, and--cheats (The wicked laity's contriving To hinder clergymen from thriving) Now all the doctor's money's spent, His tenants wrong him in his rent; The farmers spitefully combin'd Force him to take his tythes in kind; 110 And * Parvifol discounts arrears By bills for taxes and repairs t. E 3 107.--Oves furto, morbo periere capella; Spem mentita feges, bos est enectus arando; 105 Poor " land to take poffeffion of his "deanery, the common people "were taught to look upon him "as |