A CRITICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENTARY ON Mr. POPE's In which is contain'd A VINDICATION of the faid ESSAY From the MISREPRESENTATIONS Of Mr. DE RESNEL, the French Tranflator, AND OF Mr DE CROUSAZ, Profeffor of Philofophy and Mathematics in the By Mr. WARBURTON. Vide quam iniqui funt divinorum munerum æftima- LONDON: Printed for JOHN and PAUL KNAPTON, TO MY WORTHY FRIEND RALPH ALLEN, Esq; SIR, I give myself the pleasure of converfing with you, in this Form; as I For fee you lefs under the Idea of a Patron, than of a joint Labourer with me in the Service of Mankind. while I attempt to explain the Theory of this divine Philofophy of Univerfal Benevolence, you illuftrate it by your Practice. At most therefore I can but offer you the ESSAY ON MAN, set in a juft Light, as a Mirrour for your Cabinet; where you may behold the perfect Image of your own Mind: And the Works of this Artift, who is beholden only to Truth for their Polish and A 2 their |