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with what we call fpirit, 118. Influ.
ence of the mind on the body, 250.
Bad effects of immoderate application
of to study, 251. To other employ.
ments, 254. Due relaxation of, re-
commended in fuch cafes, 256.
MONKS, their usefulness to fociety in the
7th and 8th centuries, 531. Their li-
terary merit, ib.
Music, its correspondence with poetry,
321. The manner in which it acts on
the paffions, 322. Laws of, univerfal
in their influence, 325. Sentimental
intercourse between the fifter arts, 326.


PAOLI, his greatness of mind, 254. Bases
ly attacked in the English news-papers,
&c. 481.

PARIS, character of the citizens and shop-
keepers there, 453.

PARLIAMENT, diffolution of, not an ad
vifeable measure at this juncture, 466.
PASCAL, M. injures his brain by too
intenfe application to ftudy, 253.
PASSIONS, their medical ufes pointed
out, 358.

PASTORAL poetry, obfervations on, 490
-498. At what era in the annals of
mankind supposed to have been first
written, 499.

PAVIA, battle of, defcribed, 85. One of
the most fatal that ever happened to
France, 86.

APLES defcribed, 420. Enormous PEASANTRY, remarkable inftance of the

Nblemishes in the architecture of

the public buildings there, 421. Ex-
cellence of the mufic, 422. Splendor
of the operas, ib. Tomb of Virgil,

NATURE, external, confidered, 244.
NEGROES not fubject to flavery in Eng-
land, 32.

NERVES, difeafes of, more frequent, and
various, than formerly, 254. Caufes
of, ib.

NOAH, remarkable prophecies fulfilled,
in regard to his family, 270.
NORTHUMBERLAND, account of the
foil and products of that county, 338.
Number of inhabitants, ib. State of
agriculture there, 339. Natural hif-
tory of, 340.

[blocks in formation]

extreme poverty and misery of, in Ger-
many, 182.

PERUKES, enormous fafhions of, in for-
mer days, 214.

PETIT, M. his obfervations on an aneu-
rifm attended with fome very fingular
circumstances, 513.

PETRIFACTIONS, Voltaire's remarks
on, 555.

PETRONIUS, the author of the fatires,
his identity ascertained, 552. A filthy
writer, 553.
PHYSICIAN, moral qualities requifite in
his character, 403. The faculty vin-
dicated from the charge of irreligion,
405, 411.

PIRRHONISM of hiftory, Voltaire's re-
marks on, 552.

PITT, Lord Chatham, his character and
political conduct, 375. His oratorical
abilities contemned, 376.

PLATO, his book of laws a more folid
performance than his republic, &c. 548.
Tranflation of into French, ib.
PLOUGHING, obfervations on, and direc-
tions for, 347.

POETRY, its correfpondence with mufic,
321. Combines eloquence with it,
322. Farther curious obfervations on
this fubject, 327, feq.

POIVRE, M, le, his philofophical tra-
vels, 258.


POPE, Clement VIIth, droll story of three
ladies who applied to him for fleshly in-
dulgence on faft days, 532.
POPE, Mr, original letters of his, fup-
pofed to Mrs. M. Blount, 62. His trait
of Mrs. Howard, 64. His private cha-
racter attacked by Churchill, 377. Said
not to have understood his own reafon-
ing, in the Eflay on Man, 379.


Possesso, or grand cavalcade of the pope

defcribed, 418.

PRECEDENTS, in law and parliamen-
tary proceedings, their utility canvailed,
PRESTLEY, Dr. his remarks on Dr.
Blackstone, relating to the Diffenters,
PROPHECIES, the gradual and fucceffive
fulfilment of, pleaded in evidence for
Chriftianity, 269–271.
PULSATION of the arteries, caufe of,
PUNCTUATION, in writing, obfervations
on, 55. Of a paffage in Shakespeare's
Macbeth, corrected, 143. Of a paffage
in King Lear, ib.

PUNISHMENT, future, nature and de-
fign of, investigated, 99.



EFORMERS, from popery, vindicat-
ed from the charge of fanaticism,
againft HUME, 162. Apology for the
warmth of their zeal, ib.
RELIGION, not within the province of
the civil magiftrate, 366.
RE-PRODUCTION of animals, curious
account of, 483. Voltaire's remarks
on, 554

REVIEWERS, apology for their fevere
treatment of an author, 291. De-
fended against the objections of Dr.
Langhorne, 488.

RICH, Mr. pleasant question, put by him
to a certain play-wright, 487.
ROMANS, their generofity, in their civil
wars, remarkable intance of, 3c8,
Acquainted with the horie-hoeing me-
thod of husbandry, 351.


ROME, in 's infant ftate, a neft of
rabble, 186. Its unhealthy fituation,
413. Several of the grand monument.
of antiquity there, described, ib.
wonderful common fervers, 416.
racer of the modern inhabitants, 417.
Magnificent cavalcades of the pope, de-
fcribed, 41S.

occafion of that name

being given to the fanatics, 215.
RUHNKENIUS, his recommendation of
Grou's French tranflation of Plato's
book of laws, 541.

RURAL life, happiness of, defc.ibed, 75.
RUSSIA, ftate of population in, 432.
Various caufes affigned for the decrease
of its inhabitants, ib. Efimate of its
military force, 433. Character of the
foldiery, 434. Naval force, 454. Ca-
ravan trade with China, 456.
RUSSIANS, their peci advantages as
a warlike people, 458. Their natural
advantage over the Turks, 459.

[blocks in formation]

SCHOMBERG, Dr. his remarkable plagia.
rism, 230.

SCOTLAND, remarks on the climate of,
and state of agriculture there, 346.
SEARCH, Mr. his fanciful fyftem of our
exiftence in another ftate, 245. H
fcenical reprefentation of, 247. Se
alfo SPIRIT and SOUL.

curious account of the family

of the Search's, 248.
SECKER, Archb. his arguments in f
vour of epifcopifing the colonies, 210.
SEDENTARY life, fatal to health, 250-
255. How to remedy, 256.
SENTIMENTAL, that word pronounced
to be a barbariím, 390.
SHAKESPEARE, apology for the faults in
his writings, 131. His merit, how to
be eftimated, 132. Parallel between
him and Corneille, 136. His preter-
natural Beings formed agreeably to the
prevailing fuperftitions of his time,
139. Garrick's ode in honour of this
bard, 235

SHELLS, various kinds of, found in flore
quarries, where they are not fupposed
to have been originally depofited by the
fea, 555.

SHOES, ftrange fashion of, in the reign of
Richard II, 210. Law made to limit
the enormous length of their peaks,

SHREWSBURY, Duchefs, her criminal
amour with Buckingham, 304. Re-
flections on, 507.

SIBERIA, the elevation of the foil of,
above the level of the fea, less than
hath been fuppofed, 438. Obferva.
tions on the mines of that country,

SINIGAGLIA, defcription of the fair
there, 333

SLAVERY, how far tolerated in Eng-
land, 31.

SMALL-Pox, ftate of inoculation for, in
France, from 1758 to 1-65, 516. Ob.
jections to this practice antwered, 517.
SMOLLETT, Dr. his history of England
cenfured, 535:

SOLFATARA, obfervations on the falt of,
affirmed by the natives to be fal-amms-
niai, 510.

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SOUL, free enquiry into its existence,

124. Fanciful hypothefis relating to
its exiftence in a future ftate, 245.
SOWING of corn, remarks on, and direc-

tions for, 349.

SPINELLO, the painter, frighted out of
his fenfes by one of his own pictures,
SPIRIT, or mind, its properties investi-
gated, 118. Its individuality and dif-
tinct existence maintained, 119. See
more, under SOUL.

SPRING, the effect produced by a fine
morning in, poetically defcribed in
French verse, 500. The fame in Eng-
lish, 501.

STERNE, Laurence, his humorous hif-
tory of a watch-coat, fome account of,

STUDY, ill effects of too much applica.
tion to, 250-255. How to remedy,

SWIFT, his Tale of a Tub, borrowed from
the fable of the Three Rings, 551. Mif-
understood by Voltaire, ib.

SUBSTANCE, metaphyfical enquiry con-
cerning, 113. Of compound fub-

ftances, 115.

SUN, not the fole caufe of the difference
of heat and cold, in fummer and win-
ter, 504.



Asso and ARIOSTO, their poetical
machinery vindicated, 142.
THEOCRITUS, remarks on his paftorals,

THOMSON, his Seafons, curfory remarks
on, 497.

TIGER and the Sheep, fable of, 551.
TOLERATION, ecclefiaftical, fentiments
of a French Roman-catholic on that
fubject, 524.

TRANSMUTATION of earth into falt-
petre, curious ftory of, 556.
TUMOUR, cafe of an uncommon one,

TURNER, Mrs. contributes to drive the
ladies ruffs out of fashion, by being
hanged in one, 212.

[blocks in formation]

VASES, Etrufcan, &c. curious collection
of defigns from, 566.
VEILLARD, M. his extrordinary case of
an aneurifm, 514.


VENICE, ftate of religion there, 334.
Manner of worship obferved by the
Greeks there, 335. Bad prefervation
of the paintings of great matters in the
public buildings at Venice, 336.
VIRGIL, his tomb, defcribed, 423.
VOLTAIRE, his character of Montef
quieu's Efprit de Loix, 213. Enume-
rates the errors of that work, ib.
enquiry into the existence of the foul,
124. Denies the reality of laws of
war, 127. His criticisms on Shake-
fpeare refuted, 130, 141. His remark
on the different poetical merits of Dry-
den and Pope, 378. His abufe of
Warburton, 549. His farcafms on the
Jews, 550. His miftake about Swift's
Tale of a Tub, 551. His Pirrhonism
of Hiftory, 552. His account of Pe-
tronius, ib. Of the fingularities of na-
ture, 554. His flory of a German
chemift, 556. His controverfy with
the Jews, 562.



AKE, Archbishop, vindication of
his correfpondence with the doc-
tors of the Sorbonne, 163.
WALPOLE, Lord, writes to Bishop Sec-
ker, against the scheme of fending bi-
fhops to America, 220.

WALPOLE, Sir Robert, his expulfion
from the House of Commons canvaffed,

WAR, LAWS OF, their exiftence denied,

WATER, how to fweeten by ventila-
Jation, 229.

WELCH, language, its affinity with the
Greek, 191.
Its connection with
other languages confidered, ib. Study
of recommended, 193.
WILKES, Mr. a member of the Eleufi-
nian Society at Mednam abbey, 374.
His character of Mr. Pitt, 375. His
defence of Churchill's attack on Mr.
Pope, 373. His account of his quar-
rel with Hogarth, 38. His apology
for his perfon, 381.

WINDS, their infalutary effects on the
air, 352. In what respect faid to be
inftrumental in fpreading peftilential
diforders, 354..

WOLSEY, Cardinal, his extraordinary
character, 10. His vaft ambition,


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