The Commercial Law "lies within a narrow compass, and it is far purer and LONDON: J. & W. T. CLARKE, LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, THIS VOLUME ON THE COMMERCIAL LAW OF ENGLAND IS DEDICATED TO LORD TENTERDEN, WITH HIS LORDSHIP'S KIND PERMISSION. ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Treatise consists of Four Parts, 1. THE LAW OF SHIPPING. 2. COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS. 3. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 4. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. The Author has endeavoured to include in this Volume all the last alterations in the Law, together with the Cases recently decided upon the subject. He has also been particular in giving the opinions of great Judges upon various points of this important branch of our Jurisprudence, in order that its principles should be the more clearly illustrated. The Author submits his Work with much respect to the Public at large and to the Profession. 1, Cloisters, Temple, Jan. 1, 1829. |