The Law of Landlord and Tenant: Including Leases, Assignments, Tenants in Fee ... : to which is Added an Appendix of Precedents

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J. Butterworth, 1802 - 717 pages

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Page 32 - ... because, how often soever such donee in tail be married, his issue in general by all and every such marriage is, in successive order, capable of inheriting the estate-tail, per formam dont (и) (19).
Page 28 - ... or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within the space of one year from the making thereof; unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person thereunto by him lawfully authorized.
Page 523 - ... for setting to work all such persons, married or unmarried, having no means to maintain them , and use no ordinary and daily trade of life to get their living by...
Page 334 - ... if such tenant for life die on the day on which the same was made payable, the whole, or if before such day then a proportion, of such rent, according to the time such tenant for life lived of the last year or quarter of a year or other time in which the said rent was growing due as aforesaid, making all just allowances, or a proportionable part thereof respectively...
Page 188 - Tenant at will is, where lands or tenements are let by one man to another, to have and to hold to him at the will of the lessor, by force of which lease the lessee is in possession.
Page 570 - ... becaufe he faith, that the property of the goods and chattels aforefaid above fpecified in the faid plea, at the time of taking thofe goods and chattels, was in the faid T.
Page 551 - D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, from the day of next ensuing the date hereof, for and during, and unto the full end and term of years, from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended...
Page 408 - ... served, and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises, countervailing the arrears then due, and that the lessor...
Page 519 - W. 3, c. 1 1, s. 4-, for the preventing of wilful and malicious trespasses, it is enacted, " that in all actions of trespass, to be commenced or prosecuted in any of His Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, wherein at the trial of the cause it shall appear and be certified by the judge, under his hand, upon the back of the record, that the trespass upon which any defendant shall be found guilty was wilful and malicious, the plaintiff shall recover not only his damages, but his full costs of...
Page 92 - ... put in pledge, is by law, in case of non-payment at the time limited, for ever dead and gone from the mortgagor ; and the mortgagee's estate in the lands is then no longer conditional, but absolute.

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