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Not infrequently several solutions of a difficulty are given, leaving the reader to choose for himself. Of course, not all possible solutions are adduced, but merely those which seem most reasonable.

On the principle that the concessions of its adversaries are weighty arguments in favor of the Bible, these have been made use of, from time to time, as the occasion presented itself.

As to works originally published in foreign languages, whenever approved English translations exist, I have generally followed the latter, instead of giving my own version.

Care has been taken to secure accuracy in the numerous quotations and references; yet it would be vain to claim exemption from what Porson terms "the common lot of authorship." If a reasonable degree of accuracy has been attained, this is the utmost I can expect.

I cannot omit to express here my gratitude to Prof. Edwards A. Park, D.D., for the cordial and unvarying interest which he has manifested in the present work, for timely encouragement, and for practical and valuable advice received by me during its preparation. But for him the work would have. been published, if at all, in a less complete and satisfactory form.

My indebtedness to Prof. A. Hovey, D.D., will be sufficiently evinced by the very appreciative Introduction which he has. kindly furnished for the volume.

I am also under obligation to Prof. Ezra Abbot, LL.D., of Cambridge, for consenting to revise and complete the bibliography which I had prepared; to Rev. C. F. P. Bancroft, Principal of Phillips Academy, for procuring in Europe for my use rare and important works pertaining to my theme, and for criticisms upon portions of the manuscript; to Rev.. Archibald Duff, Jr., of Halle, for explorations on my behalf. among the bookstores and libraries of Germany; to Rev. D. P. Lindsley, of Andover, for preparing the full and accurate. Index of Texts which is contained in this volume; to. Rev..


Selah Merrill, of Andover for the free use of his valuable private library; to Prof. J. H. Thayer, D.D., for various courtesies during my investigations; and to several other literary gentlemen for manifesting a gratifying interest in the progress of the work.

It should, however, be added that no person besides the author is to be held responsible for any opinion or statement expressed in the book, except in those cases where other writers are quoted, or reference is made to them. The plan and the execution of the work are my own. That it has cost me an immense amount of labor and research will be most readily conceded by those most competent to judge.

Moreover, I may be allowed to say that the more thoroughly I have investigated the subject the more clearly have I seen the flimsy and disingenuous character of the objections alleged by infidels. And, whether or not my labors shall result in inducing a similar belief in the minds of my readers, I cannot but avow, as the issue of my investigations, the profound conviction that every difficulty and discrepancy in the scriptures is, and will yet be seen to be, capable of a fair and reasonable solution.

Finally, let it be remembered that the Bible is neither dependent upon nor affected by the success or failure of my book. Whatever may become of the latter, whatever may be the verdict passed upon it by an intelligent public, the BIBLE will stand. In the ages yet to be, when its present assailants and defenders are mouldering in the dust, and when their very names are forgotten, the sacred volume will be, as it has been during the centuries past, the guide and solace of unnumbered millions of our race.

ANDOVER, MASS., June, 1874.

J. W. H.

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8. Disprove collusion of sacred writers,

4. Lead to value the spirit above the letter of the Bible,.

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"GOD reveals himself in his word, as he does in his works. In both we see a self-revealing, self-concealing God, who makes himself known only to those who earnestly seek him; in both we find stimulants to faith and occasions for unbelief; in both we find contradictions, whose higher harmony is hidden, except from him who gives up his whole mind in reverence; in both, in a word, it is a law of revelation that the heart of man should be tested in receiving it; and that in the spiritual life, as well as in the bodily, man must eat his bread in the sweat of his brow."



In these significant words of the sainted Neander brought to view the existence and the remedy of certain difficulties encountered by the student of scripture.

It is the object of the present volume to follow out the line of thought indicated by the learned German divine—to survey somewhat in detail the discrepancies of scripture, and to suggest, in the several cases, fair and reasonable solutions.


That no candid and intelligent student of the Bible will deny that it contains numerous discrepancies," that its statements, taken prima facie, not infrequently conflict with or contradict one another, may safely be presumed. This fact 1 Life of Christ, Preface to first edition.

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