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Endowed School at Moulton.

Fifthly, In paying to the master of the Lower School the annual 5. Of master of stipend herein-after also mentioned. Lower School. Sixthly, In paying the respective stipends of the assistant 6. Stipends of masters and teachers (if any) to be appointed for the Upper assistant masand Lower Schools respectively under the provisions of this ters, &c.

scheme. Seventhly, In paying the expense of the annual examinations 7. Expense of at the said schools respectively, and of the prizes (if any) to examination be awarded thereat. and prizes. Eighthly, Any surplus income of the charity which shall remain 8. Surplus inafter providing for the several payments aforesaid shall be come. invested periodically by the governors in the three pounds per cent. consolidated annuities, and the dividends thereon shall be invested from time to time in like manner, so as to form an "accumulation fund" of the amount and for the purposes herein-after mentioned; and, subject to the formation and continuance of such accumulation fund, such surplus income shall be applied by the governors in increasing the salaries of the masters or assistant masters of the schools respectively or otherwise for the benefit of the said schools or either of them, or to such other educational purposes for the benefit of the parish of Moulton and its vicinity as the governors shall, with the sanction of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, think fit. All proper expenses which shall have been incurred by the said late master or the present overseers or trustees in continuing the management of the charity or the conduct of the school up to the time when this scheme comes into actual operation shall be defrayed and paid by the governors out of the income of the charity.

20. The full amount of the "Accumulation Fund" to be raised Accumulation and formed under the foregoing provision shall be one thousand Fund. pounds three pounds per cent. consolidated annuities, and no more. And such" Accumulation Fund" shall be applied by the governors, when and as it amounts to a suitable sum, and either before or after it reaches the said amount of one thousand pounds, in or towards the discharge (subject to the provision herein-after contained) of the said principal mortgage debt now charged on the charity estate, or of any principal debt to be hereafter borrowed by the governors on the security of the same estate under the provisions of this scheme, or, with the sanction of the Board of Charity Commissioners, in defraying the expense of any extraordinary repairs or additions to the buildings or other improvements of the charity estate or any part thereof. But the amount (if any) to be taken from time to time from the "Accumulation Fund" for any of the above purposes shall be replaced out of the annual surplus income of the charity, so as to keep up the same fund as far as possible to the aforesaid full amount of one thousand pounds. Subject to the foregoing provisions, whenever the "Accumulation Fund" shall be at the said full amount of one thousand pounds the dividends and annual income thereof shall be applied by the governors in or towards the expense of the ordinary repairs of the charity Q 4 estate,

Endowed School at Moulton.

Additions and alterations in school build


estate, and subject thereto shall be applicable as part of the surplus income of the charity.

No payment shall be made by the governors out of the "Accumulation Fund" in or towards the discharge of the aforesaid subsisting mortgage debt during the continuance of the annuity of one hundred pounds payable to the said Reverend Charles Moore during his life under this scheme, unless such payment shall be required by the mortgagees.

21. The governors, with the sanction of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, may make all requisite or proper alterations in, or additions to, the master's house and other buildings, and may provide other houses or buildings, (if requisite for the purposes of the schools or either of them,) and may fit up the same respectively with the necessary fittings and apparatus for carrying on such schools, and may appropriate and lay out a suitable piece or pieces of the charity land as a playground or playgrounds for the use of the boys at such schools respectively; and the governors shall be at liberty, under the direction of the said Power to raise commissioners, to raise on mortgage, or by way of annuity, upon the security of the whole or any part of the charity estate (except the schoolhouse and school buildings and premises), such sum or sums of money as may be necessary or proper for the foregoing purposes or any of them; and in the event of any sum being so raised on mortgage, the governors shall, out of the income of the charity, set aside annually, and vest in aid of the Accumulation Fund aforesaid, a sum of money equal to one thirtieth part at the least of the principal to be so raised.


Minutes of meetings.


Cheques, &c.


Custody of documents.

22. The governors shall cause a proper minute book to be provided and kept, wherein shall be entered the names of the governors attending each meeting, and minutes of all proceedings at the meetings, the reports of committees, and all other transactions of the governors relating to the charity. The minutes of the proceedings at each meeting shall be signed by the chairman thereof.

23. The governors shall also cause proper account books to be provided and kept, wherein shall be regularly entered an account of the receipts and payments on behalf of the charity, and such other particulars as the governors shall direct. The year's account shall be examined, vouched, and audited annually at the first general meeting of the governors after Christmas Day, or at some adjournment thereof, and shall be signed by the chairman, and at least two of the other governors present at such meeting.

24. All cheques and orders for the payment of money shall be signed by the chairman at some meeting of the governors, and by one at least of the other governors present at such meeting, and shall be countersigned by the clerk or by the governor (if any) filling that office.

25. The governors may appoint a banker for the purposes of the trust, and may change such banker whenever they shall think fit.

26. The governors shall cause to be provided and kept, in some suitable place, a box or safe, with a secure lock, wherein shall


Endowed School at Moulton.

be deposited the deeds, vouchers, account books, and documents belonging to the charity, with a list thereof; and the contents of such box shall be examined by the governors at some meeting at least once in each year, and such box shall be kept locked.

27. This scheme shall be printed, and a copy given to every Scheme to be person who shall become a governor of the charity, and to every printed. master and assistant master of the respective schools.

28. Upon application made by the governors to the Board of Alteration of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, any of the pro- scheme. visions of this scheme respecting the management of the charity, or the schools hereafter established, or either of them, which shall be found inconvenient or objectionable, may be modified or altered by an order of the said Board, provided that no alteration be made which shall be inconsistent with the main objects and provisions of this scheme.

29. A copy of this scheme shall be kept with the books of Copies of account and other documents belonging to the charity, and all scheme may persons interested in the charity shall be at liberty to take copies be taken. of this scheme or any part thereof, (upon making an application for that purpose to the governors,) at such times and subject to such reasonable conditions as may be prescribed by the governors.

30. If any doubt or question shall arise amongst the governors, Doubts or or any of them, as to the construction or proper application of any disputes to be of the provisions of this scheme, or the management of the cha- decided by rity, application may be made by the governors to the Charity missioners. Charity ComCommissioners for England and Wales, for their opinion and advice thereon, which, when given, shall be conclusive on the governors.

31. In this scheme the following expressions, whenever used, Interpretation. shall respectively have the following meaning and effect; that is to say, the expression "the charity" shall mean the Moulton Endowed Schools established and regulated by this scheme.

The expression "the governors" shall mean the governors of the Moulton Endowed Schools appointed and to be hereafter appointed as provided by this scheme.

The expression "the schools" shall mean the Moulton Endowed Schools as established by this scheme.


32. The Upper School shall be carried on in the house and Schoolhouse. buildings hitherto used or appropriated as the residence for the master of the school, subject and according to the provisions of this scheme; and the said house and buildings may, if necessary, be altered, added to, adapted, and fitted up by the governors for the purposes of the school, in accordance with the provisions herein-before contained for that purpose.

33. The first master shall be elected and appointed by the Appointment governors at a meeting to be held for that purpose as soon as con- and qualificaveniently may be after the establishment of this scheme; and in tion of master. case of any vacancy in the mastership by the death, resignation, or removal of such master, or of any future master, the governors shall elect and appoint a new master at some meeting to be


Stipend to


Master to reside.

Master not to



Master not to

have other employment.

Master not to receive other than authorized fees.


Removal of master.

Endowed School at Moulton.

specially called for the purpose as soon as conveniently may be after the occurrence of the vacancy. The master shall be a member of the Church of England, and a graduate of one of the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, or Dublin; and for the purpose of obtaining an efficient master the trustees shall, previously to such election, advertise in such newspapers, and receive such testimonials of candidates, as they may deem expedient.

34. The master shall be paid out of the income of the charity a fixed annual stipend of one hundred and fifty pounds, by halfyearly payments; and any master who shall die, resign, or be removed under the provisions of this scheme, shall be entitled to a due proportion of his stipend, and of the portion of capitation fees payable to the master under the provisions of this scheme, from the previous half-yearly day of payment thereof up to the day of his death, resignation, or removal.

35. The master shall reside in and occupy the dwelling house and premises attached to the school, and not elsewhere; and he shall have the occupation and use of such house and premises in respect of his official character and duties, and not as tenant, and shall, if removed from his office, deliver up possession of the said house and premises, at such time and to such person or persons as the governors may direct.

36. The master shall not underlet, or permit any person except himself and family, and the boarders to be taken by him under this scheme, to occupy the dwelling house and premises appropriated to him as a residence, or any part thereof.

37. The master shall give his personal attention to the duties of the school, and shall devote his time exclusively thereto; and during his tenure of office he shall not accept or hold any benefice having the cure of souls, or any office or appointment which, in the opinion of the Governors, may interfere with the proper per

formance of his school duties.

38. Neither the master, nor any assistant master, shall receive or demand from any boy in the school, or from any person whomsoever on behalf of any such boy, any gratuity, fee, or payment, other than as is prescribed or authorized by this scheme.

39. The master shall be at liberty to receive in his official residence such a number of boys as boarders as the governors, having regard to the extent of accommodation and the interests of the school, may from time to time authorize or direct; but such boarders shall be instructed in the school in common with the other boys, without any distinction whatever. The scale of payments and other terms upon which boarders may be received by the master shall be authorized by the governors in the first instance, and shall be subject to revision by them, if and when they shall think fit.

40. The master shall be liable to be removed from his office by the governors for any sufficient cause; and for the purpose of such removal a special meeting of the governors shall be called by notice upon a requisition to the clerk, signed by three at least of the governors; and if a resolution for the removal of the master shall be carried at such meeting by at least two thirds of


Endowed School at Moulton.

the governors present, it shall be entered on the minutes, and signed by such of the governors as vote for the same; and the same resolution shall, after the interval of at least one calendar month, be submitted to another similar meeting duly called by notice, and if the same be confirmed by two thirds of the governors present at such last-mentioned meeting, such confirmation shall also be entered on the minutes; and a copy of such resolution and confirmation shall, within one week after the holding of such last-mentioned meeting, be forwarded by the governors or their clerk to the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales; and if the said Commissioners shall, by an order under their seal, signify their approval of such resolution, the master shall be considered as removed on the day of such approval, and his office shall be vacant on and from that day.

41. Every master, previously to entering into office, shall be required to sign a declaration, to be entered in the minute book of the governors, in the following form :

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"I, declare that I will always, "to the best of my ability, discharge the duties of master of the "Upper School at Moulton, during my tenure of the office, accord"ing to the provisions of the scheme for the regulation thereof, "and that in case I shall be removed from the mastership by the governors, according to the provisions of the same scheme, I "will acquiesce in such removal, and will thereupon relinquish "all claim to the mastership and its future emoluments, and will "deliver up possession of the school and school residence to the governors."

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Declaration to be signed by


42. When in the judgment of the governors the assistance of Appointment of an additional master shall be required, and the funds of the assistant master. charity shall be sufficient for the purpose, the governors may appoint some proper qualified person as assistant master of the school, and may also from time to time appoint some suitable person to succeed to any vacancy in the office of assistant master. Every assistant master shall be a member of the Church of England, qualified to give instruction in the various branches of education to be provided at the school; and for the purpose of obtaining an efficient assistant master, the governors shall, previously to such election, advertise in such newspapers, and receive such testimonials of candidates, as they may deem expedient.

43. The assistant master shall hold office during the pleasure Removal of of the governors, who may remove him from his office, by a resoassistant master. lution passed for that purpose, at any meeting, either with or without assigning a cause for such removal.

44. The assistant master shall be paid out of the income of the charity such an annual stipend as the governors may think fit, not exceeding the annual sum of 801. Any assistant master who shall be removed by the governors for cause assigned shall be entitled to a proportionate part of his stipend, and of the fees payable to the assistant master under this scheme, up to the day of his removal; but any assistant master who shall be removed without cause assigned shall be entitled to a quarter's notice, and to receive his stipend and proportion of fees up to the expi

Stipend of

assistant master.

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