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" As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath Receives the lurking principle of death; The young disease, that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength; So, cast and mingled with his very frame. "
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: Moral essays - Page 37
by Alexander Pope - 1751
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An Essay on Man: In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle II.

Alexander Pope - 1733 - 26 lehte
...Like Aarons Serpent^ fwallows up the reft. As Man perhaps, the moment, of "hi$ ¡Breath, -j*;Receives the lurking Principle of Death, '. . . ; The young Difeafe that muft fubdue at length;.- *.*! Grows with his growth and ftrengthens, with his So, caft attd mingled with his very Frame, •...
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An essay on man [by A. Pope]. With some humourous verses on the death of ...

Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 lehte
...Frame ; 120 And hence one Majler Pajfion, in the Breaft, Like .Aaron's Serpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps the Moment of his Breath, Receives...Death ; The young Difeafe, that muft fubdue at length, 12; Grows with his Gro\vth,and ftrengthens with his Strength ; So, caft and mingled with his very Frame,...
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An Examination of Mr. Pope's Essay on Man: Tr. from the French of M. Crousaz ...

Jean-Pierre de Crousaz - 1739 - 248 lehte
...thinks fit, and to make a Progrefs himfelf in the Way which the Author was contented only to open. As Man, perhaps, the Moment of his Breath, Receives...lurking Principle of Death ; The young Difeafe, that mujlfubdue at length, Crows with his Growth, and Jtrengthens with his Strength : So, cajl and mingled...
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A Critical and philosophical Commentay on Mr. Pope's Essay on Man. In which ...

William Warburton - 1742 - 220 lehte
...fublime, as fufpends for a while the ruling Pajjion in every Reader, and ingrofles his whole Admiration : As Man, perhaps, the Moment of his Breath Receives...Death ; The young Difeafe, that muft fubdue at length, Grows with his Growth, and ftrengthens with his Strength: G+ So 88 ACOM ME NT AR Y «» So, caft and...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq ..., 2. köide

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 lehte
...Frame ; And hence one Mafttr Paffion in the Breaft, \ ' Like Aaron's Serpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man perhaps, the Moment of his Breath, •Receives...lurking Principle of Death, ': ' The young Difeafe that muftfubdue at length, Grows with his Growth, and ftrengthens with his So, caft and mingled with h'is...
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Meditations and Contemplations: In Two Volumes, 1. köide

James Hervey - 1748 - 316 lehte
...dea'dly Stab. The Body is a delicately fine Machine ; confifting of ten tfaou&nd Parts, playing , . * As Man, perhaps, the Moment of his Breath, Receives...Death. The young Difeafe that muft fubdue at length, - Grows with his Growth, and ftrengthens with his ing ten thoufand Motions ; and a very fmall Pin taken...
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Moral essays

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 374 lehte
...the t *?' And hence one MASTER PASSION in the breaft, Like AatxMl's ferpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, [Receives...The young difeafe, that muft fubdue at length, 135 CJrows with his growth, and ftrengthens with his ftrength : So, caft and mingled with his very frame,...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Moral essays

Alexander Pope - 1752 - 378 lehte
...ON MAN. 57 .And hence one MASTER PASSION in the bread, Like Aaron's ferpent, fwallows up the reft. " As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death j The young difeafe, that muft fubdue at length, 135 Grows with his growth, and ftrengthens with his...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ..., 3. köide

Alexander Pope - 1754 - 238 lehte
...frame ; 150 And hence one MASTER PASSION in thebrea.lt, Like Aaron's ferpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death ; VEK. 133. sis Man perhaps, etc.] " Antipatcr Sidonius Pocta '* omnibus annis uno die natali tantum...
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The Works of Alexander Pope: Moral essays

Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 lehte
...reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Pveceives the lurking principle of death ; The } O'ing difeafe, that muft fubdue at length, 135 Grows with his growth, and ftrengthens with his ftrength : VER . 1 3 3 . v& man perhaps, etc.] " Antipater Sidonius Poeta " omnibus annis uno die natali tantum...
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