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Diffentions.-Equality of Mankind.


popular difcontents have been very prevalent, it may well be affirmed and fupported, that there has been generally fomething found amifs in the conftitution or in the conduct of government. The people have no intereft in diforder. When they do wrong, it is their error, and not their crime. But with the governing party of the state, it is far otherwife. They certainly may act ill by defign as well as by mistake. "The revolutions which "occur in great ftates, are not the effect of chance or the "caprice of the people. Nothing difgufts the grandees of a "kingdom so much as a weak or deranged government. But "the people never revolt through a thirst of innovation, but "through impatience of fuffering." Thefe are the words of a great man; of a minister of ftate [Sully] and a zealous afferter of monarchy. What he fays of revolutions is equally true of all great difturbances.-Burke.


ALL men are created equal. Declaration of Independence. ALL men are born equally free and independent; therefore all government of right originates from the people, is founded in confent, and inftituted for the general good.-Conftitution of New-Hampshire.

ALL men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, effential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, poffeffing, and protecting property; in fine, that of feeking and obtaining their fafety and happiness. -Conftitution of Maffachusetts.

ALL men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and unalienable rights; amongit which are, the enjoying and defending life and libertyacquiring, poffeffing, and protecting property--and pursuing and obtaining happiness and fafety.Conftitution of Vermont.

WHAT is the race of mankind but one family, widely fcattered upon the face of the earth? all men by nature are brothers--Fenelon.

-SEARCH we the secret springs,

And backwards trace the principles of things; There fhall we find, that when the world began, ⚫ One common mafs compos'd the mould of man; One pafte of flefh on all degrees beftow'd,

And kneaded up alike with moit'ning blood.

The fame almighty power infpir'd the frame
With kindled life, and form'd the fouls the fame.
The faculties of intellect and will,

Difpens'd with equal hand, difpos'd with equal fkill,
Like liberty indulg'd with choice of good or ill.
Thus, born alike, from virtue first began

The diffrence that diftinguifh'd man from man:
He claim'd no title from defcent of blood,


But that which made him noble, made him good.--Dryden. THERE is no more inward value in the greatest emperor than in the meaneft of his fubjects. His body is compofed of the fame fubftance, the fame parts, and with the fame or greater infirmities: his education is generally worfe, by flattery, idleness, and luxury, and thofe evil difpofitions that early power is apt to give. It is therefore against common fenfe, that his private perfonal intereft, or pleafure, fhould be put in the balance with the fafety of millions, every one of which is his equal by nature.--Swift.

MEN are not naturally opulent, courtiers, nobles, or kings. We come into the world naked and poor: we are all fubjec

to the miferies of life.

The rich have not better appetites than the poor, nor quicker digeftion: the mafter has not longer arms or ftronger than the fervant; a great man is no taller than the meanest artizan --Rouffeau,


EXTENDED empire, like expanded gold,

Exchanges folid ftrength for feeble fplendor.-Johnson.


SUCH is the conflitution of man, that labour may be ftyled its own reward: nor will any external incitements requifite, if it be confidered how much happinefs is gaised and how much mifery efcaped, by frequent and violent agitation of the body.--Rambler.

EXERCISE cannot fecure us from that diffolution to which we are decreed; but, while the foul and body continue united,

can make the affociation pleafing, and give probable hopes that they fhall be disj ined by an eafy feparation. It was a principle among the ancients, that acute difcafesere fiem heaven, and chronic, from curfelves: the dart of death, indeed, falls Som heaven; but we poifon it by our own mifcondu&t.-Idem.



CHILDREN, like tender Oziers, take the bow,
And as they firft are fashion'd, always grow:
For what we learn in youth, to that alone
In age we are by fecond nature pronc.--Dryden.


PHYSICAL knowledge is of fuch rate emergence, that one man may know another half his life without being able to eflimate his fill in hydroftatics or aftronomy; but his moral and prudential character immediately appears. Thofe authors, therefore, are to be read at school, that fupply moit axioms of prudence, moft principles of moral truth, and moit materials for converfation; and thefe purposes are beft ferved by poets," orators, and hiftorians.-Life of Milton.

IT ought always to be fteadily inculcated, that virtue is the higheit proof of understanding, and the only folid basis of greatnefs; and that vice is the natural confequence of narrow thoughts; that it begins in mistake, and ends in ignominy.-Rambler.

I CONSIDER an human foul without educatign, like marble in the quarry, which fhews none of its inherent beauties, till the kill of the polisher fetches out the colours, makes the furface shine, and discovers every ornamental cloud, spot, and vein that runs through the body of it. Education, after the fame manner, when it works upon a noble mind, draws out to view every latent virtue and perfection, which, without fuch helps, are never able to make their appearance.--Spe&ator.


IT is incumbent on every man who confults his own dignity to retract his error as foon as he discovers it, without fearing any cenfure fo much as that of his own mind. As jullice requires that all injuries fhould be repaired, it is the duty of him who has feduced others by bad practices, or falfe notions, to endeavour that fuch as have adopted his errors fhould know his retraction, and that those who have learned vice by his example, fhould, by his example, be taught amendment.Rambler.

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COUNTRIES are generally peopled in proportion as they are free, and are certainly happy in that proportion; and upon the fame tract of land that would maintain a hundred thousand

freemen in plenty, five thoufand flaves would ftarve. Liberty naturally draws new people to it, as well as increases the old flock; and men as naturally run, when they dare, from slavery and wretchednefs. Hence great cities, lofing their liberties, become defarts; and little towns by liberty grow great cities.


CIVIL freedom is not, as many have endeavoured to perfuade us, a thing that lies hid in the depth of abftrufe science. It is a bleffing and a benefit, not an abstract speculation; and all the juft reafoning that can be upon it, is of fo coarse a texture, as perfectly to fuit the ordinary capacities of those who are to enjoy, and of those who are to defend it. Far from any refemblance to thofe propofitions in geometry and metaphyfics, which admit no medium, but must be true or falfe in all their latitude; focial and civil freedom, like all other things in common life, are variously mixed and modified, enjoyed in very different degrees, and fhaped into an infinite diverfity of forms, according to the temper and circumftances of every community. The extreme of liberty (which is its abftract perfection, but its real fault) obtains no where, nor ought to obtain any where. Because extremes, as we all know, in every point which relates either to our duties or fatisfactions in life, are deftructive both to virtue and enjoyment. Liberty too must be limited in order to be poffeffed. The degree of reftraint it is impoffible in any cafe to fettle precifely. But it ought to be the conftant aim of every wife public council, to find out by cautious experiments, and rational, cool endeavors, with how little, not how much of this restraint, the community can fubfift.-Burke.

WHOSE freedom is by fuff'rance, and at will Of a fuperior, he is never free.

Who lives, and is not weary of a life

Expos'd to manacles, deferves them well.

The ftate that ftrives for liberty, though foil'd,
And forc'd t' abandon what she bravely fought,
Deferves at leaft applaufe for her attempt,
And pity for her lofs.

But that's a caufe

Not often unfuccefsful; power ufurp'd,

Is weakness when oppos'd; confcious of wrong,
'Tis pufillanimous, and prone to flight.

But flaves, that once conceive the glowing thought
Of freedom, in that hope itfelf poffefs

All that the conteft calls for; fpirit, ftrength,


The fcorn of danger, and united hearts,
The fureft prefage of the good they feek.-Cowper.
TEMPT me no more. My foul can ne'er comport
With the gay flaveries of a court;

I've an averfion to thofe charms,
And hug dear liberty in both mine arms.
. Go, vaffal-fouls, go, cringe and wait,
And dance attendance at Honorio's gate;

Then run in troops before him to compofe his ftate:
Move, as he moves; and, when he loiters, ftand;
You're but the fhadows of a man.

Bend when he speaks; and kifs the ground:
Go, catch th' impertinence of found:
Adore the follies of the great:

Wait till he fmiles: but lo, the idol frown'd,
And drove them to their fate.

Thus bafe-born minds. But as for me,
I can and will be free:

Like a strong mountain, or fome stately tree,
My foul grows firm upright,

And as I ftand, and as I

It keeps my body fo;


No, I can never part with my creation-right, Let flaves and affes ftoop and bow,

I cannot make this iron knee

Bend to a meaner power than that which form'd it free. -Watts.
WHEN God from chaos gave the world to be,

Man then he form'd, and form'd him to be free,
In his own image ftampt the favorite race--
How dar'it thou, tyrant, the fair ftamp deface!
When on mankind you fix your abject chains,
No more the image of that God remains;
O'er a dark scene a darker fhade is drawn,

His work difhonour'd, and our glory gone!-Frenca.
ONE truth is clear from nature, conftant fill
Kings hold not worlds or empires at their will:-
Nor rebels they, who native freedom claim,
Conqueft alone can ratify the name-
But great the talk, refiftance to controul
When genuine virtue fires the ftubborn foul.
The warlike beat, in Lybian defarts plac'd
To reign the mafter of the fun-burnt wafte,

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